Twenty20 Mendocino Bubba Whip, Photoperiod 2024

A few more……..










She's beautiful!!😎✌️🎶
I'd hold my fire given all the clear I'm seeing, but they ain't mine!
Thanks Shed........I love the different opinions, it makes me think and challenge what we discuss. Weed is like wine or ice cream to me. I love it all but we each have our favorites and ways to consume. What % of amber are you generally seeking. I see some clear but also decent amber per field? If I don't take her today or tomorrow I won't be able too until next Tuesday.
I'd hold my fire given all the clear I'm seeing, but they ain't mine!
lol, to hell with work, this is important! I was just in there staring at her and will hold off one more day. Instead, today I'll do a pre-harvest trim, take all the wilted fans away and just leave the color, sugar leaves, and buds, then pull her down tomorrow. I need a harvesting seminar....that would be cool AF btw. It's hard to learn these subtleties w/o being able to look at someone else's plant, talk to them about what they are seeing, etc.
Cut back on your light schedule a couple hours too if you plan on another 3 days. 10/14 instead 12/12 for today and if
your soil been drying out, maybe you can throw her in a dark period for 48 hours before harvest, so maybe another 3 days...
Just some ideas brother, great job on her buddy:smokin:
Cut back on your light schedule a couple hours too if you plan on another 3 days. 10/14 instead 12/12 for today and if
your soil been drying out, maybe you can throw her in a dark period for 48 hours before harvest, so maybe another 3 days...
Just some ideas brother, great job on her buddy:smokin:
Thanks my friend.....she's been on 10x14 for about 2 1/2 weeks. Tomorrow should be fine and if not I realized I can do Friday as well, so should work out ok. She is a crispy critter, no water for 7 days and finally dried out.
Day 148 Above Ground, Day 74 of Flower
Light: 10x14
PPFD ~1090, DLI 39
75.6D, 47% RH

Hey Folks..........I performed a pre-harvest trim on Bubba today. Here are some pre-trim picts. The next batch will be post trim:









Thanks Shed........I love the different opinions, it makes me think and challenge what we discuss. Weed is like wine or ice cream to me. I love it all but we each have our favorites and ways to consume. What % of amber are you generally seeking. I see some clear but also decent amber per field? If I don't take her today or tomorrow I won't be able too until next Tuesday.
How much amber is really down to the grower, though outside plants don't amber the way inside ones do so I don't use that as a gauge at all.

From the pics you posted the most amber seemed to be on the sugar leaves (which mostly get trimmed so they're safe to ignore) with few on the calyxes. That and the clear trichs made me suggest giving it some more time.
lol, to hell with work, this is important! I was just in there staring at her and will hold off one more day. Instead, today I'll do a pre-harvest trim, take all the wilted fans away and just leave the color, sugar leaves, and buds, then pull her down tomorrow. I need a harvesting seminar....that would be cool AF btw. It's hard to learn these subtleties w/o being able to look at someone else's plant, talk to them about what they are seeing, etc.
I'd hold off until Friday, but I'd start pulling off the fans today so that by chop time they're all gone.
Cut back on your light schedule a couple hours too if you plan on another 3 days. 10/14 instead 12/12 for today and if
your soil been drying out, maybe you can throw her in a dark period for 48 hours before harvest, so maybe another 3 days...
Just some ideas brother, great job on her buddy:smokin:
yeah shes bone dry now i was thinking about giving her a small sip its desert like in there
You know the wife is smelling that shit bro! 😂 Just come out and tell her, 😂 maybe, she might give you a 4x4.. 😂 j/k :high-five:
Cheers bro, great looking flower!
lol, i've been laughing at your post for most of the morning because, you are spot on, she's no dummy. I showed her a pict of it, told her it was yours :)
Day 150 Above Ground, Day 76 of Flower
Light: 10x14
PPFD ~1090, DLI 39
75.6D, 49% RH

Hey's harvest day! I'm going to do this in phases so prepare for a series of rolling posts across the day. To start, lets take a look at her trics from the primary cola (my hands are shaky!).




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