Twenty20 Mendocino Bubba Whip, Photoperiod 2024

And the flies….most of these patterns are caddis patterns, and most of them are designed (or tied as a variant ) by a gentleman named Davy McPhail. If you’re in to fly fishing he is a must watch, a magician on the vice and he has a really cool Irish accent that’s easy to listen to.










On drying my friend, you're a little higher on RH. Temps look spot on!, bring down the RH 60% /58% for at least 2 or 3 weeks drying this time of year.
If you dry too fast or the RH is too high, you will lose terps and potentcy.
Make sure the stem breaks before putting it in the jar!
Cheers, congrats on the harvest my friend.
Hello again! Just a quick question: how often do you water you plants usually?

P.S. Nice pics!
Hey herrjack, it depends, I hate that answer, but it really does depend on numerous factors. The short answer though is when she’s dry. That will be at different times of the grow depending upon what phase she’s in, how big/old she is, and what size of pot you have her in. For example, once I have her in a 5 gallon pot, during peak veg I let her dry out completely. That usually takes 3 to 4 days, So I’m watering every fourth day. When she’s smaller, and in smaller pots, I’m watering a bit more often, but with less water. I read something once which I think is true. During veg it’s better to wilt than overwater, Meaning it’s OK to let her get dried out even if she looks a little droopy during veg. There are all sorts of articles about watering and how to do it on the site. You’d be surprised how many different opinions there are about how to water a pot plant. I’d spend an hour reading and then come back with detailed questions if you have them.
On drying my friend, you're a little higher on RH. Temps look spot on!, bring down the RH 60% /58% for at least 2 or 3 weeks drying this time of year.
If you dry too fast or the RH is too high, you will lose terps and potentcy.
Make sure the stem breaks before putting it in the jar!
Cheers, congrats on the harvest my friend.
oh good call, so rh lower closer to 58-60. I can do that. I should show you my humidity rig (2 wetted beach towels draped over the chopped mainline carcass) trashy looking but easily controlled lol.
Every time I see a photo of colas hanging upside down in a tent to dry, it reminds me of this scene, no idea why, but it makes me lol (and I am the funniest person i know :) )

And the flies….most of these patterns are caddis patterns, and most of them are designed (or tied as a variant ) by a gentleman named Davy McPhail. If you’re in to fly fishing he is a must watch, a magician on the vice and he has a really cool Irish accent that’s easy to listen to.










What a unique hobby! Girls make friendship bracelets, boys make flys for fishin. 🥰
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