Trala’s Tent

Hey I’ve got a bit of a funny. My son made a homemade fireworks as fireworks are illegal here. So we all went to the local oval to light it, that and the fact we took 6L of water with us should have been my first indication of danger

Me: we can just light it in the backyard
My son: yeah nah, I think it would be better if we all went to that big oval
Me: sounds good
Also me:-

Nice one!!

Hi there :)

Here you go :)

Bit of a blurb, for me, I’m not saying this is the way to train, it’s simply a way. Personally I hate supercropping. I hate the way it feels, and I hate the untidy way it looks. I’m all about plant beauty. There is a grower here called carcass, he grows the way I want to grow. Unfortunately I don’t grow in his conditions. I use the sun and lights. I have had to fine tune my grow technique to try and emulate his plants.

There are a few things I do differently. I don’t top, and I start my training by carhooking my plants really early and super low and in a coiled manner. This forms my frame. From there I pull all branches down and create a flat green foundation. I train hard in veg.

When it comes time to flip I take all of my training hooks out coz she’s got the shape I want. Now I focus on keeping her CarCanopy level. As she stretches with the flip, I shackle. I find this technique works much better than my weights. It promotes Coca-Cola sites and it keeps my plant looking aesthetically pleasing for my eye.

This technique has also had a great result on my harvest weights.

This girl was flipped on Sunday. I’ll continue to hook her till she stops stretching.


Hope this is helpful to you and thanks for asking :)
Great job, I like it. And I have always leaned towards LST myself as well. Can’t deny I’ve seen great results from some intense training methods by others by I feel like the less the recovery the better the quality will be even if the yield isn’t as good. And when I make my oil, let’s face it - I can tell how well I did based on my oil yields more than by any other method.
Hey I’ve got a bit of a funny. My son made a homemade fireworks as fireworks are illegal here. So we all went to the local oval to light it, that and the fact we took 6L of water with us should have been my first indication of danger

Me: we can just light it in the backyard
My son: yeah nah, I think it would be better if we all went to that big oval
Me: sounds good
Also me:-

Happy HumpDay!!!
Hi GrowStars!

Omg it’s a big day in Queensland! It’s the deciding football match! State of Origin! Not that lady game the poms call football, or that hot mess the yanks call football. Proper football. Rugby League.

I’ve got a quick Humpday update from both rooms. Sorry the Bloom Room and Tent pics are a bit hazy. I wiped my phone lense and I don’t think it had dried. I’d retake but I’ve already schelped and I have to pack a lot in today.

Kk less talk more pics.

🌹The Bloom Room


🌱The Veg Tent


Thanks for looking and have the best day ever! You only get one shot today. One opportunity. Even if your palms are sweaty, your knees are weak, and your arms are heavy! Even if there’s vomit on your sweater - ya mums spaghetti, you slay this mofo! Xo

And more more thang:-

My beloved maroons may have lost, but to help ease my pain Queensland is turning on an absolute banger! And to make it even more perfect my man is back at work so I have a me day. And I’m gonna fill it with good stuff. I even have a cheeky massage booked in.

I’ve treated my girls prophylactically for nits and cleaned and sprayed both grow areas. The big girls get to have a tiny bit of sun while they dry out. I’ve just water raked, and I’m about to sit in that chair and read my book for half hour while they dry and get that vitamin D!


Direct hit! Suns out! Guns out baby!

☀️ 💪 🐉


Hope you have the day you deserve :)
Enjoy the me Day and massage. You deserve it, you’re like the Energizer Bunny!
I reckon we stick to championing Barney’s Farm when we do collab.

Barney’s Farm 4 Lyf baby!
The S1's are all Barney's. They could work for the collab. They would be a surprise!
First off, hello you! I miss ya Deeve. The convos, the time. Life is ever evolving. It always amazes me how people sail in then sail out. I mean it’s a good thing coz I am people. I really enjoyed us. And I’m really glad you’ve found a new outlet. A healthy one.
You can be sweet as fuck. Haha.

Its true. I miss you too.

Lads from highschool used to meet up once a year. We skipped a few and now noone can pick a date in October.

Its ever evolving.

I guess the special people always just have a place in your heart and mind no matter distance or time.
Second, you’re singing to the choir bruv. I think I was the one who pointed out to you how fucking appallingly unhealthy your lifestyle was LOLLING!
True. Im still unhealthy, I just trying to eat better and stay active.

But thank you, you did push. Credit where its due.
Lol! For me my thinking is much healthier. Like I’ll still have a self loath session, but the more I abuse my body with unhealthy choices, the louder that self loathing voice gets. To the point I need to either drink or vape to quieten it. I don’t need to do that. A walk, yoga, cooking a good meal, lolling with friends, loving my man, my people, my dogs quietens it.
Its true. Our mental states are driven quite seriously by our choices.

Im one of those that has to stay more disciplined, like you, it can go down a destructive path quick.

All beautiful examples of the antidote.
I’m super proud of you P. Xo
Shitting myself. I dont know im ready, but I hope the next 2 weeks fly by. I got a bit crook, so its been a lighter prep than I'd like.

But more relevant. Fuck you got that grow game nailed T. What a beautiful set of ladies. Killing it. Absolutely amazing. Well thats my opinion.

Take care T. :)
Plants look really good out in the sun is no better place to be for the baby's , if not too hot !
It’s Winter here. My sun is super mild. Spring is my ideal temp.

I love seeing them outdoors. Even if it does mean mite danger :)
You can be sweet as fuck. Haha.

Its true. I miss you too.

Lads from highschool used to meet up once a year. We skipped a few and now noone can pick a date in October.

Its ever evolving.

I guess the special people always just have a place in your heart and mind no matter distance or time.
Yeah when I’m not being an outspoken cunt lol!

That's so true.

Evolving is a good thing. Fuck living in the past, obsessing over the good, the bad, the ugly of what’s behind you. It robs you of the joy your today can bring you. It’s okay to give it a nod. Have a mind moment. But you march forward. Well I think we should.

I try not to look back in anger, and not just coz I’d secretly love to [*Removed by Admin due to lewd and inappropriate language*] Noel Gallagher. Lollllll!
True. Im still unhealthy, I just trying to eat better and stay active.

But thank you, you did push. Credit where its due.
You are so welcome.

When it comes to my people, whether the friendship is fleeting or stands the trials and tribulations of time, my goal is to leave my people a tiny bit better than I found them. I never set out to do harm.

Some I win, some I lose.
Shitting myself. I dont know im ready, but I hope the next 2 weeks fly by. I got a bit crook, so its been a lighter prep than I'd like.
You got this Deeve.


I’m super proud of you too :)
But more relevant. Fuck you got that grow game nailed T. What a beautiful set of ladies. Killing it. Absolutely amazing. Well thats my opinion.

Take care T. :)
Thank you so much.

You take care too, Deeve.

You’re a good egg. Xo
Omg I have the best news! Three things really.

1. I can show restraint! You have no idea how hard it’s been not to dig these seeds up lol! I was legit giving them till tomorrow! The test sativa is still sleeping, but I am hopeful she’s not far behind.

2. My Blueberry Auto has woken and is today years old! Omg she looks like a total Queenslander in the winter too, nothing but her head showing. Body deep in that dirt blanket. Lolling! Shortest stem ever! (that’s what she said lol)

3. My perpetualization might yet get back on track. Send warm and wake vibes to my Sativa!

Daisy Bee aka Blueberry Auto
Seed from the PNW Seed Fairy 🧚🏼
Age: Today Years Old


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