Trala’s Tent

My man is going to golf with his idiot friends today which gives me the opportunity of a day to myself. I’m so excited about the prospect I could pee!

I’ve got my day planned. See the thing with me, my confidence always outweighs my ability. Even when I see I’ve made a mess of something I create, I try super hard to love it, coz I’ve worked hard on it and tried my best to do it. And it hurts my heart to admit I lost. That I can’t do it. But in time I will always circle back, scrap it and redo it and try harder.

I will redo two Shitty ArsedCrafts today. It took all of my power not to throw both visual atrocities in the wheelie bin yesterday. That said I had so much fun making each failure.

Exhibit A

1. What was I thinking?
2. Plastic golf balls that a person paints orange can never be rebranded as an orange.
3. Today I admit my failure and try harder to make something fitting


Exhibit B

1. What was I thinking?
2. What’s with the stickers?
3. Today I admit failure and try harder to make something fitting.


You know me, guys. There will be pictures. I also want to share the story of my failure mosaic, or as I call it The Day I Ruined My Dead Dads China. It was literally one of the only things he owned that was worth keeping.
Aww, we love the stickers and other accutremonts!! They MAKE the photos!! 😊

My favourite smoke is the Tropicanna Banana. I’m so annoyed I didn’t keep her dna alive.
Got it covered, will include. Have more as I needed some for our joint grow. :)

My new favorite is the Gelato from a couple grows ago. Its like! I never know what will rock my boat. Probably also depends on the pheno.
How do you feel about growing S1's and those cross pollinated by other S1? What would they be called?? I have a friend that likes these beans.

I don't miss the booze!

Yacht spray?
Look that’s what I call it. It’s like a spray you put on wood to help it with rot that comes from moisture. I think it’s a protective layer. Like a condom for wood. Not literally. Metaphorically.


Gear change, with analogies like that it really is no wonder I get the odd random abusive PM telling me how disgusting the whole forum thinks I am. True story.


Aww, we love the stickers and other accutremonts!! They MAKE the photos!! 😊
Omg the more I looked at it the more it made me want to sick up in my mouth. I repainted it, and while it’s not great, it’s better than the eye sore it was. Well I think it is.

I ran out of time yesterday. I ended up going out. But I got it all done, including a new cross for Jonathan. I’ll get you pictures this morning :)
Got it covered, will include. Have more as I needed some for our joint grow. :)
I don’t think I’ll ever grow another plant as magical as Pink my Tropicanna Banana. She was just extraordinary. And her taste is so fresh and light. And her effect is dreamy. Music sounds better, life looks more colourful, and she makes me big smile at everything.

We defs need to do another Barney’s Farm grow, King Barney!
My new favorite is the Gelato from a couple grows ago. Its like! I never know what will rock my boat. Probably also depends on the pheno.
I have planted a Gelato OG. Not sure if she will wake. It’s freezing here.
How do you feel about growing S1's and those cross pollinated by other S1? What would they be called?? I have a friend that likes these beans.
As a joint grow?
I don't miss the booze!
I like a wine. But I’m careful. I have addictive tendencies so I go slow as a rule. I get party time drunk if there’s a party, but I only have a couple of reds as a rule. That said I’m dry the rest of July. I spotted a couple of red flags and needed a reset.
We defs need to do another Barney’s Farm grow,
For sure!
I have planted a Gelato OG. Not sure if she will wake. It’s freezing here.
I forgot about the Gelato OG, hope she wakes. Try the Gelato. It was also on the list.
As a joint grow?
Can do! They are not labeled, so no knowing what they are or if true selfs (S1), or were pollinated by something else. All should be fem. Talk to someone or look up, see if they are something you would use. Some don't like them at all and say high risk of herm. I think they can be very good. You have enough going to minimize the risk. :)
I like a wine. But I’m careful. I have addictive tendencies so I go slow as a rule. I get party time drunk if there’s a party, but I only have a couple of reds as a rule. That said I’m dry the rest of July. I spotted a couple of red flags and needed a reset.
I love good red wine. Sounds like a plan. 🤟
So I’m gonna be a right chatty Cathy this arvo. I got HEAPS to say! You are so lucky you get a scroll option. In real life I chew ya fucking ear off!

First post is a plant thought. To top or not to top?

I’ve always topped, or tipped as we call it here, just because that’s what you do. But I started to think… lolling.

Now full disclosure I’m all about keeping it simple. I don’t pH or CalMag or turn the process of watering a plant into something bigger than Ben Hurr. I don’t overthink it. I am not trying to make growing harder or reinvent the grow wheel. There are enough armchair experts in here peddling their grow snake oil lol.

It’s just a thought and tbh this is prolly common knowledge, but I thought I’d share just in case it’s interesting to one of you, so here we go lol. Topping, why do we do it? I always thought it was to bush up the plant. Same way we cut a hedge or a fruit tree. We change the whole shape of natures 🌲 design to make a 🌳. Makes perfect sense. And to do that we have to remove her crown. The jewel. The apex cola. The very thing nature gave her to slay. Or do we lol?!

So I decided to train a plant keeping that top and I wanted to see if I could still create that CarCanopy magic coz I’m all about the beauty of growing. I also wanted to see if she actually has a crown or if Coca Cola’s are all the same, which they prolly are and this thought is a waste of time lol.

So here she is. Her crown intact. Her apex is in the middle. So you can have both. Just takes a fuckload of Carhooks, Trahooks and stakes lol. I took out all of her Carhooks and staked her coz I’m flipping her tomoz. Here she is in the cold light of day. And the GrowStars who have been growing with me for years will remember the poolside Sunday Summary pic. Omg that took so much work! lol!


And this is how we look by day. Early flower girls and the veggers outside to save on power while the mature girls stay under lights.

Take 2 🎬

Trala’s Tent. Look it’s still childlike, and it’s still a bit shit. But it doesn’t make me want to pluck my eyes out lolling!


Ollies Orange Tree 🍊

There’s are 6 hearts. One for each of us. Let’s just say the orange paint got a workout lollllllll!

The Cup Saga

So you guys know I’m an orphan lol So when my died died the only things he had worth keeping were 3 darts, a chess board and 6 mismatched English china cups and saucers which were chipped and cracked af. They were a parting gift from his mother, whom he never saw or heard from again, when he left England as a 10 pound Pom, which somehow survived 30+ years of hard living in Australia. My brothers gifted them to me. And my mum left me a forensic clean which cost me thousands and mental scarring that will last me a fucking lifetime, not even joking, but that’s another story for another day LOLLING!

Short Story: I ruined dad’s cups, but it turned out okay.

Long Story: based on zero artistic ability or mosaic experience I decided to smash dad’s cups and make art. This is before google. So I smashed his cups and set about gluing them to a board that weighed an absolute ton. I glued with confidence, with gusto, adding bits and pieces of tile, and cup, and trinkets. I kept telling myself I loved it. I kept telling myself it was good. So I grout over the pieces, cleaned it, while still manically mentally chanting “I love it I love it”. I went to my man to get advice on how to hang it and he said, “I kept telling you that wood is too heavy. The only way I can hang it is with chain…”. Then chain it is! Coz I love it I love it I loooooooove it!

Each day I looked at it, and each day the horror seeped inwards. Like it wasn’t just bad. It was offensive to eyeballs. Nothing worked. Not the border, not the design or there lack of. It was like a monster vomited tile and framed it in hideous black tiles. When my brain finally accepted the tile carnage and the fact the hideousness was irreversible (or I thought it was) I was fucking devastated. Like I’m talking grief stricken, Oprah ugly cry devastated. I wanted to throw it out, but instead I put it out in the shed - thank god. My man knew how devo I was and was trying to get me to try again, but my vibe was Stage 5 Trama. He gently chipped off every piece of my dad’s ruined cups till his hands were bleeding, look I think that’s an oversell but it adds to the story lol. He presented me with a box filled with the cup carnage and said “you can have a do over”, or something like that. I kept the broken tiles for around another 6 or 7 years. Not trusting myself. By then we had google. I got some ideas. I went to a mosaic shop, yes there is such a thing lol. Got advice and made this and had a fair bit of tile left over:-


I look at it every morning. It still makes me big smile.

By then mum had died. She had this dinner set she got for her 21st birthday. My brothers and I remembered it well. It was for looking not for touching. It was her one good thing. She would make us special tea in the teacups sometimes. It too somehow survived her many many moves and skullfuckery. My brothers insisted I take it. I decided to actually use it, which I do daily. This has resulted in one broken dinner plate and two broken entree plates. So I smashed them up, and added them to dads China, and they sat together. Then my grandson was born and from mum and dads conjoined China I’ve made these:-


I still have enough left over for one or two more projects. I’m just waiting for the right idea.

The end lol!

That’s finally it for me today. Hope your Saturday brings you the goods, see you tomoz for a Sunday Summary! Xo
Good morning la Rue :)

For sure!
I’m living for it!

Let me know when suits you.
I forgot about the Gelato OG, hope she wakes. Try the Gelato. It was also on the list.
Omg me too!

Been there done that lol. I think I have just finished the last of my gelato.
Can do! They are not labeled, so no knowing what they are or if true selfs (S1), or were pollinated by something else. All should be fem. Talk to someone or look up, see if they are something you would use. Some don't like them at all and say high risk of herm. I think they can be very good. You have enough going to minimize the risk. :)
I reckon we stick to championing Barney’s Farm when we do collab.

Barney’s Farm 4 Lyf baby!
I love good red wine. Sounds like a plan. 🤟
I feel so much better already.
Happy Sunday!!!
Omg it feels like forever! While I had a few veg bumps which have now been rectified in regards to my White Widow, everyone else is looking good. Sadly still no signs of my two newest seeds waking.

Let’s just slide straight in!

Sunday Summary

I am hoping this girl is ready to start her day tomorrow with violence lolling! Look, she’s okay. There’s no X Factor. She looks alright. Shes solid. Shes defs better than a kick to the coota, but she’s nothing to boast about.

Honey Bee aka Critical Kush
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 125 Days
Flip Age: 62 Days
Days in Flower: 58


Mika is just lovely. She defs has a bit of X Factor going on. And she smells like an awesome weekend lol.

Mika Bee and da 2 Clones aka Purple Ghost Candy
Age: 100 Days
Flip Age: 55 Days
Days in Flower: 36


Ammy has the X Factor in fucking spades ♠️ I haven’t been this excited about a Bee since my Tropicanna Banana. I’m so glad I never gave up on her. She is truly beautiful.

Amethyst Bee aka Purple Ghost Candy
Age: 99 Days
Flip Age: 68 Days
Days in Flower: 19


Minx is average. She is small even for my auto experience. Flowers look pretty. No wow factor. Not yet anyway.

Minxie Bee aka Do Si Dos Auto
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 52 Days
Days in Flower: 17


This is my untopped girl. I think she’s my best vegger yet and she has changed the way I grow, maybe, lol. I’m not topping for now. I want to see if that apex Coca-Cola crown is worth saving. I have a good feeling about this girl.

Minnie Bee aka White Widow XXL
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 76 Days


Trixie has finally got some leaves. Like Min she still has her green foreskin lol. She is starting to take shape granted super slowly. Like me my veggers hate the cold. She still needs another month of veg time.

Trixie Bee aka Do Si Dos
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 52 Days


Win is slowly shaping. Still boring tho.

Winter Bee aka Test Sativa
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 23 Days


Hope your Sunday is filled with the good stuff. I’ll be slaving in the kitchen like a good woman should lol. I have my family coming for a Sunday roast dinner. I love a good Sunday roast.

And thanks for having a look. Whether you read my boring skullfuckery or just scroll on by and just look at the pics, I appreciate you taking the time. Xo
I woke up today and I chose violence.


Hi GrowStars! She’s done and omg I was so wrong! This plant is fucking extraordinary! When I took her stakes out she elegantly poured forward. Like an exquisite green waterfall. She is nugextraorinary! I don’t know why I didn’t see it! Even her popcorn is nug. She’s an absolute nugbot! She weighed a bees dick over 700g wet! I am totes shook. And omg sorry about the makeup free Ugg boot toting bogan wear barf selfie. It’s freezing here and I’m not doing anything but staying home today. Be happy my hair and teeth are brushed. Bit of a funny, I’m so ocd. It’s like my soul thinks if I don’t present my harvests in the same way each time the sky will fall in. lol. I’m like a narcissist crossed with a neurotic lolling!

Anyhoo, here she is!

Honey Bee aka Critical Kush
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 126 Days
Flip Age: 62 Days
Days in Flower: 59

Hey I’ve got a bit of a funny. My son made a homemade fireworks as fireworks are illegal here. So we all went to the local oval to light it, that and the fact we took 6L of water with us should have been my first indication of danger

Me: we can just light it in the backyard
My son: yeah nah, I think it would be better if we all went to that big oval
Me: sounds good
Also me:-

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