Trala’s Tent

Happy SunDay!!!
So it’s the last day of my holidays, the away part that is, I’ve still got two weeks at home. I am dreading the thought of stepping on my scales, but I’m living for the thought of cuddling my dogs. A lady I used to clean for once told me “the best thing about going away is coming home again”. They are words I live by. I’m such a homebody at heart.

That said we’ve created some awesome memories, and I wanted to share some of them with you. Omg the weather has been so good to us. It was meant to rain everywhere we went, and Mother Nature only released her water when we were driving, and lightly at that. Today it is meant to be pissing down in Sydney, but from what I can see through the crack in the curtain, the sky looks blue! Thank you Mother Nature!


Today is my last day and night here, and I have to bounce into it. I’m on a jet plane back to my real life tomorrow. Fingers crossed BeeBoy kept our girls alive. I really hope we all get to live one of our best days ever coz we only get one shot at today. Thanks for your friendship and for popping in. You are my favourite internetal place. I’ve seriously thought about you all and missed ya!

See you all tomoz!!!

Looks fantastic, good times.
Good for you guys, T! I hope you enjoyed the hell out of your time off...💚
Right now, you're probably wishing you could stay longer, but wanting to go home...weird how that works...ten more days off sounds like a great way to ease back into real life....
Man that looks like an epic trip! So happy for you!
Hello you!

Thank you! Omg it was epic.

Looks like fun times. :)
Hi la Rue

Omg we got up to some mischief lol.
Kick ass memory making Tra! What a vaca!
Omg and it ended with such a bang ‼️

I’ve got the funniest story for you!

Looks fantastic, good times.
Welcome to our Tent of Debauchery :)

And thank you, it was.

Very Nice place to take some time away , Thanks for the tour ! 🌈
It really was. It had a bit of everything.

And you’re welcome.

We're ready for you to come home! :circle-of-love:
Omg me too!

Good for you guys, T! I hope you enjoyed the hell out of your time off...💚
Right now, you're probably wishing you could stay longer, but wanting to go home...weird how that works...ten more days off sounds like a great way to ease back into real life....
Hi C Sparkles

I really did.

First thing I did was stand on the scales and I didn’t gain an ounce! I’m so relieved.
Omg I’ve got a story. So on Sunday we decided to go out for breakfast and take a walk around Hyde Park, then go back to the room and have a bath (biggest bath everrrr) then pack, and have room service for dinner so we would be ready for our 0430am pick up today.

So we head out around 11am and it starts to rain. A train pulled up and we jumped on it to get out of the rain really, so we ended up at the oldest pub in Sydney. Felt wrong not to have a beer…

Oh my fucking god, we got so zooted, like epically. Not good epic. Bad epic. Very very bad epic. My man vommed. I was in better shape coz I was dancing with new friends and I had a bit of water. It was a huge night. So we get back to the room. My man is a useless dribbly vomity pisswreck, so I have to pack, omg trying to pack while zooted. It was just so bad. So I decide to get some music on and just commit. I’m dancing around throwing random items everywhere then there’s this bang at the door! It was security telling me to keep the noise down, I was mortified!

So we wake up, and the race is on to get to our Uber at 0430am. Both of us half dead. My man spewed again at the airport. Like I’m talking Top 5 worst hangovers ever. So we endure the flight. I’m jittery as fuck, he’s now snoring. At one point I thought I was having a heart attack, coz I had this impeding sense of doom and I remembered I once read that can be a symptom to a heart attack. All I can think of is my dogs and my home and the fact I’m having a NSTEMI.

Finally we land. My heart attack has resolved. Time for bag pick up, and with horror I realise some fucking loon has taken my suitcase thinking it is his! My man is useless. He’s green and wretched, so with the worst hangover ever and a newly resolved heart attack I’m having to work out how the fuck to get my bag back! It was such an ordeal!


But I’m home now, thank fuck! And the loon bought me chocolates so that was nice.

We really did have the best time ever. Hangover, loon and all!
But back to growing!

My veggers look a bit sad. Thirsty and a bit of light burn. I’ll properly assess tomorrow.

I did get some bud pics tho.

I think the auto is ready to chop. The Critical Kush, I’m not sure.


Jamie Bee aka Gorilla Glue Auto
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 95 Days
Days in Flower: 66


Honey Bee aka Critical Kush
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 119 Days
Flip Age: 62 Days
Days in Flower: 52


Whattya reckon? And img it’s so nice to be back. I’ll catch up on your journals and forum news tomoz. I’m too faaaked. See you then. Xo
that is soooo damn funny and remember able, could have got laid on a b-day sometime back out of town vac'ting and was so wore out from all the fun and kids my friends and mine had there grandparents too divorced at the time lol as you said next morn sucked had to drive after breakfast 4 hours later GLAD TO BE HOME ! Glad ya'll got the baggage straightened out and home OK . Plants look ready to me NICE !
Good times Tra! You and your man finished on fire it sounds! There's points for that! Glad it was you! :laugh: My liver's on break :) for a while.

One more week I think.
God morning Mr Oh! Oh! Oh!

Omg so is mine. I’m having a dry week. It was such a dick move on both our parts. Yesterday was proper awful. For me mostly. Trying to make my brain work to formulate the Operation Bags Back plan while catering to Spewy McFucktard with kindness nearly made me scream. My man was useless. SooOoo useless. The airport couldn’t give us the bag nappers phone number, policy breech. But could give me his bag and contact him on my behalf and give him my phone number. Lol

Me to my partner: what sort of mental fucking defect takes our plain black bag in mistake of his black bag with an orange motherfucking bow? Seriously? I’m gonna fucking kill him!

Me to the bag loon: oh it’s okay, no problems. It’s all good. It’s an easy problem. We can bring the bag to you if that’s easier.


And thank you. I’ll trim James and let Honey marinate another week.
that is soooo damn funny and remember able, could have got laid on a b-day sometime back out of town vac'ting and was so wore out from all the fun and kids my friends and mine had there grandparents too divorced at the time lol as you said next morn sucked had to drive after breakfast 4 hours later GLAD TO BE HOME ! Glad ya'll got the baggage straightened out and home OK . Plants look ready to me NICE !
Look it is a story that will become funnier in time. My man is the LOUDEST spewer. He roars it out. I was sitting well away from the men’s toilet and I could still hear him. Watching the concerned men leave the area did have me lolling to myself. We really did have so much fun at that bar tho. There was a singer too, and he was so awesome. Played Down Under and the bar went off. It was a great night. I think we drank for 11 hours!

And me too regarding the bags. And me too being home. My bed is full of snoring boyfriends and dogs and my heart is happy.

Flowers look good. Veggers look rough. Tacoing leaves and general unhappiness. It’s raining here today. I’ll plop them outside to get a good drink and wash from Mother Nature.
Looking lovely!
I’ll get an update for our grow. I spoke to Rob and he is supporting all sman grows. He just doesn’t want us to actively advertise since they’re not sponsors. Fair enough. You shouldn’t be allowed to sit at the table and eat the meal if you’re not prepared to contribute. Well I don’t think you should lol.
Omg I have officially run out of time today. The one job I was desperate to do is yoga. I haven’t downward dogged in over a week and my joints are gagging for it, and it’s the only job I didn’t get done. Thankfully tomorrow is another day lol. I’ll defs do it tomoz. In fact I might even do a class. But I digress… lolling.

The deed is done 🔪 ☠️ 🩸

Omg she’s so sticky! She’s loose as a goose but I swear she’s stickier than ya mum! She was a bees dick over 300g wet, and for me and autos, that’s good. Shes super colourful too. Bits of deep purple. And she smells really fresh and citrusy.

Jamie Bee aka Gorilla Glue Auto
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 96 Days
Days in Flower: 67


Thanks for following along. Made me wonder today how many Bees we’ve seen live and die. It’s been a lot that’s fo sho. Anyhoo, I have to make dinner and which is late for me. I’m a 6pm eater. Legit is giving me anxiety! It won’t be ready till 7pm, that’s an hour late!!! My OCDness is in high alert lol! See you tomoz. Xo
Gorgeous plant for the cause Tra!
Good morning Mr Oh :)

She was a nice easy trim.

I did a drought. I think there might be something in it. She looked so sparkley. While the big leaves were droopy and deadish, her Coca-Cola’s looked so beautiful.
WOW you have a lot growing to take care of , thats enough to keep you from getting all you want to do done in a day and just got home ! GG auto looks good it good smoke when I grew one out .
That and the fact I chose to sit on the couch and watch Netflix for two hours.

I have one must do job today and that’s yoga. I think I am subliminally trying to self sabotage because right at this moment I’d rather eat my own eyeballs than do a yoga class. Lolling!
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