Trala’s Tent

Just another quick funny from the Sunday of drinking and debauchery in Sydney. So there was a one man show performer, actually there were two of them, one guy first set, another guy second. And the audience ranged from I reckon 20 - 80. So the songs were like a gaggle of musical colours. Something for everyone type stuff.

I am known for wrong lyrics when singing like absolutely ruining songs with my wrong lyrics. Anyhoo, this song I swear I’ve never heard came on, and I knew every fucking word! Even the chhhh chhhh! It was so weird. Like I was born in the 70’s so it must be a memorial throw back. I’ve added it to my Liked songs and I reckon I listened to it 10 times yesterday, makes me big smile. Do you know it?

Happy HumpDay!!!

Hi GrowStars! I got bendy baby and it nearly killed me lol. I’m feeling really good! I’m doing dry July, and I joined Weight Watchers for 3 months to help me with a reset. I’ve been drinking too much and I’ve been eating too many bad calories. The only reason I haven’t gained weight is coz I’ve been walking 2000 miles a day lol. I want to eat better. Cleaner. Live better. Dirtier. LOLLING! Today is Day 3, and my head feels clearer and I feel like I’m on track.

But enough oversharing lol. I’ve got a humpday update. Grow moves have been made. Ive uppotted, moved the veg light right up and turned it right down to assist with the light burn and I’ve taken a Blueberry auto out of the fridge in hopes to wake her. And it’s almost perpetual seed time for a 12:12. I think I’m gonna go a Gelato OG.

🌹The Bloom Room



🌱The Veg Tent




Do it T, stay strong.

Fucking amazing how much better you'll feel.

I love all the little treats life offers up when you stay sober. Running a pedestrian over for example. Oh the satisfaction! You can't get that DUI I can tell you! So much better when its not accidental.

But seriously, good for you!

Im off for Spartan run in August, only a couple months ago I would have hurt just thinking about it.

From little things big things grow!
Good morning Mr Oh :)

She was a nice easy trim.

I did a drought. I think there might be something in it. She looked so sparkley. While the big leaves were droopy and deadish, her Coca-Cola’s looked so beautiful.
I'm glad you tried a drought Tra! I know it was something that rubbed you the wrong way when you first thought about it. I do it every time I can! It amps up the buzz for sure! If I were to guess an amount of buzz lift I'd say 5 to 10 % more elevated easy! If the plant is healthy when it's started, then it doesn't look too horrible when she's done usually :). Some I can't even tell.
I am known for wrong lyrics when singing like absolutely ruining songs with my wrong lyrics. Anyhoo, this song I swear I’ve never heard came on, and I knew every fucking word! Even the chhhh chhhh! It was so weird. Like I was born in the 70’s so it must be a memorial throw back. I’ve added it to my Liked songs and I reckon I listened to it 10 times yesterday, makes me big smile. Do you know it?
No but the groove is very familiar! Like I did hear it so maybe. Like a 70's sitcom show theme song thing.
Do it T, stay strong.

Fucking amazing how much better you'll feel.

I love all the little treats life offers up when you stay sober. Running a pedestrian over for example. Oh the satisfaction! You can't get that DUI I can tell you! So much better when its not accidental.

But seriously, good for you!

Im off for Spartan run in August, only a couple months ago I would have hurt just thinking about it.

From little things big things grow!
Spartan it up DV8! Some buddies of mine did that and what a time! You're an animal!
Hi GrowStars! I got bendy baby and it nearly killed me lol. I’m feeling really good! I’m doing dry July, and I joined Weight Watchers for 3 months to help me with a reset. I’ve been drinking too much and I’ve been eating too many bad calories. The only reason I haven’t gained weight is coz I’ve been walking 2000 miles a day lol. I want to eat better. Cleaner. Live better. Dirtier. LOLLING! Today is Day 3, and my head feels clearer and I feel like I’m on track.
Good feels good! Quality of life is the bling!
Just another quick funny from the Sunday of drinking and debauchery in Sydney. So there was a one man show performer, actually there were two of them, one guy first set, another guy second. And the audience ranged from I reckon 20 - 80. So the songs were like a gaggle of musical colours. Something for everyone type stuff.

I am known for wrong lyrics when singing like absolutely ruining songs with my wrong lyrics. Anyhoo, this song I swear I’ve never heard came on, and I knew every fucking word! Even the chhhh chhhh! It was so weird. Like I was born in the 70’s so it must be a memorial throw back. I’ve added it to my Liked songs and I reckon I listened to it 10 times yesterday, makes me big smile. Do you know it?

never heard of this guy or this song...catchy in a goofy 70's kinda way... can picture a music video of a bunch of dudes and chicks in bell bottoms strolling down the street singing LOL
Omg I have officially run out of time today. The one job I was desperate to do is yoga. I haven’t downward dogged in over a week and my joints are gagging for it, and it’s the only job I didn’t get done. Thankfully tomorrow is another day lol. I’ll defs do it tomoz. In fact I might even do a class. But I digress… lolling.

The deed is done 🔪 ☠️ 🩸

Omg she’s so sticky! She’s loose as a goose but I swear she’s stickier than ya mum! She was a bees dick over 300g wet, and for me and autos, that’s good. Shes super colourful too. Bits of deep purple. And she smells really fresh and citrusy.

Jamie Bee aka Gorilla Glue Auto
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 96 Days
Days in Flower: 67


Thanks for following along. Made me wonder today how many Bees we’ve seen live and die. It’s been a lot that’s fo sho. Anyhoo, I have to make dinner and which is late for me. I’m a 6pm eater. Legit is giving me anxiety! It won’t be ready till 7pm, that’s an hour late!!! My OCDness is in high alert lol! See you tomoz. Xo
Nothing like a nice chop after holidays congrates & the rest of your plants are looking great
Wait.... what?
Weight watchers?
You're skinny as a rake already :rofl:
Good morning Joe :)

First off I’m not as skinny as a rake. My body type definitely indicates I’m a girl who likes carbs and cake lol. I am a big girl, 176cm and I would just like to lose 2kg. Weight Watchers isn’t just for weight loss the program makes you accountable shows you in numbers good food choices and bad food choices. I see women and men in their 50’s lose basic health through lifestyle choices. And the thing is, when you choose better, you feel better, well I do. I’ll still eat carbs, and still enjoy cake and I will still have a wine. I just want the cakes and wine to be sometimes choices as opposed to a bottle a night choices lol. I drank so much on my holiday I could see if I didn’t apply the handbrake I was gonna end up with a problem.

I’m always a Jatz cracker off becoming a fully blown addict, whether that be cake, weed or wine. I have to be careful.
The PGC's are certainly different looking side by side. It'll be interesting to know if they smoke differently as well.

They even smell completely different. Mika is indica, Ammy is sativa.
Do it T, stay strong.

Fucking amazing how much better you'll feel.
First off, hello you! I miss ya Deeve. The convos, the time. Life is ever evolving. It always amazes me how people sail in then sail out. I mean it’s a good thing coz I am people. I really enjoyed us. And I’m really glad you’ve found a new outlet. A healthy one.

Second, you’re singing to the choir bruv. I think I was the one who pointed out to you how fucking appallingly unhealthy your lifestyle was LOLLING!
I love all the little treats life offers up when you stay sober. Running a pedestrian over for example. Oh the satisfaction! You can't get that DUI I can tell you! So much better when its not accidental.
Lol! For me my thinking is much healthier. Like I’ll still have a self loath session, but the more I abuse my body with unhealthy choices, the louder that self loathing voice gets. To the point I need to either drink or vape to quieten it. I don’t need to do that. A walk, yoga, cooking a good meal, lolling with friends, loving my man, my people, my dogs quietens it.

But seriously, good for you!

Im off for Spartan run in August, only a couple months ago I would have hurt just thinking about it.

From little things big things grow!
I’m super proud of you P. Xo
I'm glad you tried a drought Tra! I know it was something that rubbed you the wrong way when you first thought about it. I do it every time I can! It amps up the buzz for sure! If I were to guess an amount of buzz lift I'd say 5 to 10 % more elevated easy! If the plant is healthy when it's started, then it doesn't look too horrible when she's done usually :). Some I can't even tell.
Do you know it was thinking about death that made me reconsider. No patient is wanting a full meal when death is near. They want peace, a quiet room, a comfortable temperature, their mucous membranes moist.

I give the dying plant prime light, space away from the others so its branches aren’t touching. Then on the day I trim, I give her a drink. Just so she dies without a dry mouth.

I’m all about the Trama baby!

No but the groove is very familiar! Like I did hear it so maybe. Like a 70's sitcom show theme song thing.
I have zero idea how I know it, but watching my man WTF and lol as I sang him every word like I was the lead singer is a lifetime memory.
never heard of this guy or this song...catchy in a goofy 70's kinda way... can picture a music video of a bunch of dudes and chicks in bell bottoms strolling down the street singing LOL
Good morning Schnookie :)

It’s a clanger!

I had a big smile at your son’s memory plant yesterday. It looks beautiful. I always think of you and your ex wife. His memory is alive.
Nothing like a nice chop after holidays congrates & the rest of your plants are looking great
The White Widow XXL still has some damaged leaves. I’m not gonna flip her till I murder Honey my Critical Kush.

I’m really trying to stick to my perpetual plan. If I use my grow history as my guide, it always goes tits up when I have too many flowering plants.
Good morning Schnookie :)

It’s a clanger!

I had a big smile at your son’s memory plant yesterday. It looks beautiful. I always think of you and your ex wife. His memory is alive.
I was gonna ask you about the plant...can you share a pic? Thank you. :)
Do you know it was thinking about death that made me reconsider. No patient is wanting a full meal when death is near. They want peace, a quiet room, a comfortable temperature, their mucous membranes moist.

I give the dying plant prime light, space away from the others so its branches aren’t touching. Then on the day I trim, I give her a drink. Just so she dies without a dry mouth.

I’m all about the Trama baby!

I have zero idea how I know it, but watching my man WTF and lol as I sang him every word like I was the lead singer is a lifetime memory.
I like your analogy Tra! Life has its necessary path to find and follow! As far as the plants go I think we, you and I at least, do our best to foster them along until the day comes. As a native american descendant and mentor taught me, it's also a good thing to say a prayer of thanks in a personal way before processing. Life and death, the circle complete.

That and the boost is absolutely there! BAM! My kids and their friends say my weed's too strong!
I was gonna ask you about the plant...can you share a pic? Thank you. :)
I’d love to!

Bit of a coincidence I was only looking at his cross yesterday and thought I need to redo that with some yacht spray… which I now spray on everything! lol
I like your analogy Tra! Life has its necessary path to find and follow! As far as the plants go I think we, you and I at least, do our best to foster them along until the day comes. As a native american descendant and mentor taught me, it's also a good thing to say a prayer of thanks in a personal way before processing. Life and death, the circle complete.

That and the boost is absolutely there! BAM! My kids and their friends say my weed's too strong!
I am all about doing my best to make each plant sing. Stone I keep their skeletons in a Bee cemetery. I’m basically a white bogan Pocahontas!
My man is going to golf with his idiot friends today which gives me the opportunity of a day to myself. I’m so excited about the prospect I could pee!

I’ve got my day planned. See the thing with me, my confidence always outweighs my ability. Even when I see I’ve made a mess of something I create, I try super hard to love it, coz I’ve worked hard on it and tried my best to do it. And it hurts my heart to admit I lost. That I can’t do it. But in time I will always circle back, scrap it and redo it and try harder.

I will redo two Shitty ArsedCrafts today. It took all of my power not to throw both visual atrocities in the wheelie bin yesterday. That said I had so much fun making each failure.

Exhibit A

1. What was I thinking?
2. Plastic golf balls that a person paints orange can never be rebranded as an orange.
3. Today I admit my failure and try harder to make something fitting


Exhibit B

1. What was I thinking?
2. What’s with the stickers?
3. Today I admit failure and try harder to make something fitting.


You know me, guys. There will be pictures. I also want to share the story of my failure mosaic, or as I call it The Day I Ruined My Dead Dads China. It was literally one of the only things he owned that was worth keeping.
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