Trala’s Tent

I have one more shift till I launch into 3 weeks holiday. I so need a break from work. You know it’s time to take a break when you start to hate the people you actually love lolling. I made the AO cry yesterday. In my defence she’s an absolute fucking idiot. But I felt bad just the same. Hopefully I can get through today without tears or murder.

See ya this arvo :)
good luck & 3 weeks holidays nice:thumb:
Happy Sunday fun day!!!
(Work can stick it up its bum day!!!)

So because I like to skate on thin ice I've absolutely had to pack too much into today. And it’s not over yet… Lolling.

Plant stuff is done. I’ve sprayed them all prophylactically too. I just had this wave of imagine if I got mites while I’m away panic. Hopefully they’ll be okay.

Let’s get straight into it:-

Sunday Summary

🌹The Flower Girls

I think James will be ready for the hairdresser when I get back. She has really swelled. Her colours are just lovely.

Jamie Bee aka Gorilla Glue Auto
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 87 Days
Days in Flower: 58


Honey is chode-alishious! She has an absolute crown of little nugs. She's defs vegged prettier than she's flowered. That said she still looks good.

Honey Bee aka Critical Kush
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 111 Days
Flip Age: 62 Days
Days in Flower: 44


Mika is so pretty. I just love this stage of flower. Her foliage is a real deep green. Due to my fuck ups, she doesn't have a great deal of Coca-Cola sites.

Mika Bee and da 2 Clones and da Imp aka Purple Ghost Candy
Seeds from Sponsors Seedsman Seeds
Age: 86 Days
Flip Age: 55 Days
Days in Flower: 22


Ammy is so different to her sister. Mika seems dark and indicary, where Ammy is a lighter green and more sativary. She is full of promise. Coca-Cola sites for dayzzzz.

Amethyst Bee aka Purple Ghost Candy
Seed from Sponsors Seedsman Seeds
Age: 85 Days
Flip Age: 68 Days
Days in Flower: 5


This tiny girl has decided to flower. She won't yield much. Something is always better than nothing tho.

Minxie Bee aka Do Si Dos Auto
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 38 Days
Days in Flower: 3



🌱The Veg Girls

I am super proud of my training. In there somwhere she still has the main Christmas tree cola. I’m really interested to see if I can spot it. She will Flip when I harvest Jamie. And she's more than ready.

Minnie Bee aka White Widow XXL
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 62 Days


Still slow. She's like me. She struggles in the cold lol.

Trixie Bee aka Do Si Dos
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 38 Days


Baby been a boring boring baby lol.

Winter Bee aka Test Sativa
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 9 Days



Thank you for popping in for a look. I appreciate you! My holidays have started right! I'm out for dinner which hopefully doesn't turn out to be a big one coz as Tracy Chapman once sang, “she's got a ticket, I think she’s gonna use it, think she's gonna fly away…” Tomorrow I fly on out! It’ll be an early start too. I need to be outta here by 0630!

Hope your Sunday is full of the things you like Xo
Day 3 of my holiday and omg it just been so lovely. I woke up early to see the day in. There is something so special about watching a sunrise, well I think there is lol. I’m in a place called Batemans Bay, and I’m right on the bay and it’s fucking FREEZING! I hope we all have a day filled with laughter, love and adventure!


Let’s slay this day! Xo
Plants looking healthy and happy as always.
Jamie looks beautiful, you really make every girl sing.
I started vaping on her sister GGA already and she's barely dry 😂
She has a funky, earthy, chocolate flavour, and a nice mellow stone.
Have a great day T.
Day 3 of my holiday and omg it just been so lovely. I woke up early to see the day in. There is something so special about watching a sunrise, well I think there is lol. I’m in a place called Batemans Bay, and I’m right on the bay and it’s fucking FREEZING! I hope we all have a day filled with laughter, love and adventure!


Let’s slay this day! Xo
Looks awesome have fun
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