Trala’s Tent

Jamie Bee aka Gorilla Glue Auto
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 82 Days
Days in Flower: 53


Cut or not to cut. That is the question…
I just cut mine...




With those glitter pics I’d say maybe one more week. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks Boo :)

I’ll wait.

Hi Trala , thought i would pop in and see what's growing everybody seems on the slow , But you got it looking GOOD in here some happy grows of all stages ! :nicethread:
Welcome to our Tent of Debauchery :)

The perpetual struggle is real!

And thanks. Really appreciate you making time for me :)
Happy HumpDay GrowStars!!!
Tonight will be my last nightshift for 3 whole weeks. After my day shift on Sunday, I’m on holidays. My man on the other hand will start his after his shift tomorrow the lucky cunt!

I’ve had the busiest morning, but on the upside I have zilch to do between now and 9pm when I start the much loathed 10 hour nightshift.

Here’s how the grow spaces are looking :) I swear the best part of winter growing is zero nits.

🌹The Bloom Room


The Veg Tent



Jimmy is zooted man. Totes zooted lolling!


Oh and guess who’s loaded with Jerky?! My man! He has legit eaten a half a kilo of it since the beginning of the week! Beeboy begged him for a bag and he got a hard “no way kid”. He has already started on the 3rd bag. I’m expecting him to drop dead with a heart attack at any time. Thank you so much C Darling! I loved it, but I loved the handwritten note and the seeds so much more. Love your guts!


And Northern Hemisphere you know the drill. Tonight I’ll be comin in hot for your day time. Xo


Proper gossip too! I’m internally SHOOKITH!

So a co workers man went to Thailand for a boys holiday about 4 months ago. So he tells her, the nurse I’m working with, that he’s “fraught” with guilt, fraught sounds soooOoo overly dramatic to me lol. Turns out he paid for a cheeky blowjob. So he chose to unburden himself and tell her. This has not worked out well for him coz she’s kicked him out of their home and is saying the relationship is over.

All I can think of is, why would you tell her? Surely what happens in Thailand stays in Thailand!

I swear if it were my man I wouldn’t want to know. And if he did come to me saying he was fraught with guilt, I’d punch him straight in the balls for saying fraught! A blowjob I can forgive, but talking like he’s Scarlett fucking O’Hara in Gone With The Wind - yeah nah.

Proper gossip too! I’m internally SHOOKITH!

So a co workers man went to Thailand for a boys holiday about 4 months ago. So he tells her, the nurse I’m working with, that he’s “fraught” with guilt, fraught sounds soooOoo overly dramatic to me lol. Turns out he paid for a cheeky blowjob. So he chose to unburden himself and tell her. This has not worked out well for him coz she’s kicked him out of their home and is saying the relationship is over.

All I can think of is, why would you tell her? Surely what happens in Thailand stays in Thailand!

I swear if it were my man I wouldn’t want to know. And if he did come to me saying he was fraught with guilt, I’d punch him straight in the balls for saying fraught! A blowjob I can forgive, but talking like he’s Scarlett fucking O’Hara in Gone With The Wind - yeah nah.
But could your man forgive you for giving a stray blowjob?

I'm asking for a friend. 😁

Proper gossip too! I’m internally SHOOKITH!

So a co workers man went to Thailand for a boys holiday about 4 months ago. So he tells her, the nurse I’m working with, that he’s “fraught” with guilt, fraught sounds soooOoo overly dramatic to me lol. Turns out he paid for a cheeky blowjob. So he chose to unburden himself and tell her. This has not worked out well for him coz she’s kicked him out of their home and is saying the relationship is over.

All I can think of is, why would you tell her? Surely what happens in Thailand stays in Thailand!

I swear if it were my man I wouldn’t want to know. And if he did come to me saying he was fraught with guilt, I’d punch him straight in the balls for saying fraught! A blowjob I can forgive, but talking like he’s Scarlett fucking O’Hara in Gone With The Wind - yeah nah.
Ahhh yes.... Thailand is not for the timid. Aaaaand definitely not a place for dude's with a loose tongue. 😆

At least he didn't try to justify it as "not really cheating" because that lady of the night had a peen! LoL (buddy of mine in the Navy tried that one) 🤣
But could your man forgive you for giving a stray blowjob?

I'm asking for a friend. 😁
Like I tell him. Black I never tell my left hand what my right hand is doing. It’s what makes my core so rotten lol.

I sent him a message. We have this thing where we selfie each other when he gets too work. I got too busy in the hossy to reply. But I sent him a message when I finished. He can’t take his personal phone into work, he’ll see it in about an hour. I’m already imagining his face when he reads it lol!

Plant look Healthy , Stupid Boy ! My XXX wife gave it up in the morn -- went to work come home she is still there (we where married ) and got a blow job SHE ACUSIED ME OF HAVING SEX <><><> I sad yes this morning with you!!! even took a couple days to get over it damn ! Enjoyed the story got a chuckle !
Women…. We’re a manic breed.

Well the fun ones are!

Ahhh yes.... Thailand is not for the timid. Aaaaand definitely not a place for dude's with a loose tongue. 😆

At least he didn't try to justify it as "not really cheating" because that lady of the night had a peen! LoL (buddy of mine in the Navy tried that one) 🤣
That was legit my first question!

“Omg was there a cock and balls attached just downwards from the mouth?!”

We all know that guy. That guy who thought he’d hit the jackpot only to reach down and get a handful of meat and potatoes. Happened to my sons uncle on his fathers side. The myth says you could hear his screams in horror for miles!
Omg this day. I didn’t do my mental health wellness walk when I finished my shift. Instead I opted for brekky with the girls and one boy. I had a double shot skinnicino and it was defs a dick move. I’ve had a resting heart rate of about 210BPM. On the upside I’ve got shit done!

Grow moves were made. My auto is back in the Bloom Room.


I know I’m manic af, but I feel like I’ve had the best day of my life! I have washed all my curtains, cooked dinner, just need to reheat it, packed for my holiday, and not just packed. I’ve tried on every outfit lol. I’m flying to Sydney, then we’re gonna hire a car, drive the coastal route to Canberra over 3 days, then take the country roads back to Sydney where we are staying in this mint county cottage. Log fire and all. And then we will be heading back to Sydney where we will dump the rental car and stay on Circular Quay. It gonna be cold, so I get to wear my coats and boots, I’ve walked my dogs, I’ve yoged, I’ve washed my hair, and facemasked. I’ve just been a fucking super hero. A super hero who is in her second wine and about to chop up and get a bit zooted!

But back to my boots. I need to share the story. So I bought them 23 years ago or around then. They were half price in Myer. At the time I was a broke arsed single mum. They had a half price sale, and I bought a pair in chocolate brown and a pair in black. I lay byed them and slowly paid them off. They were $100 each, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but 23 years ago that was a weeks rent. I’ve had them reheeled twice and they still sleep in their original box. I will one day be buried in them. But not today Satan.

I have literally been awake since 5am yesterday. I should be crying, which is still an option. lol!

And my nightshift went to fucking shit! I can’t even deal. It was going so well, then at 6am it exploded! I’m being punched in the tit by a naked demented woman with a beard. While the TL is being attacked by a delirious patient who is using his pee bag as a weapon. Not even joking. How he didn’t pull his dick off I’ll never know. My job bruv. Not for the faint hearted.
I’m defs a bit zooted lol.

But can we take a moment. They feel like they’re my friends! I just love them so much! If these boots could talk.. I’d defs be on mushrooms 🍄‍ LOL
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