Trala’s Tent

Also, many nurses don’t even know this but the hindlick maneuver is just as, if not more, effective than the Heimlich maneuver. But it’s only advisable on shower days :)
She was like two very different plants in one. One part 3 leaved nuggets, one part 7 leaved airier bud.

Yeah nah, she’s only just okay as far as bud goes, and she’ll prolly yield around 2 oscars.

My auto game isn’t great. Shes still good enough not to be considered a waste of time tho.

And thanks :)

And me either! She’s super unpleasant in the nose. Lolling!
Haha so it wasn't just my eyes then!
Still some really cool looking bud!

My auto game is the same, this is the first time I've ever done auto, only did photos back in the day.
But I'm pretty keen to see how these seeds go from this new sponsor I got for us :nervous-guy:
I'm the same, I won't smoke buds unless I enjoy the smell/taste, the rest gets gifted to my mates
Also, many nurses don’t even know this but the hindlick maneuver is just as, if not more, effective than the Heimlich maneuver. But it’s only advisable on shower days :)
Yeah nah.

Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.

Happy Sunday GrowStars!!!
(Or as I call it Nurse Friday)

I'm about to slide into 4 days off, but first the drama. The patient died in ICU in the early hours of today.

Me: I don't let my job emotionally affect me
Also Me: 🥺😢😭


Look as a rule I don't. She wasn't even mine. But I noticed her at the start of my shift yesterday. I was on my way to get meds and as I passed her I thought her lips looked so dry, so I stopped and had a quick chat and I got her a cold apple juice and some vasoline for her lips and she acted like I gave her a rainbow. Made me feel good. She was young, unwell, but not critically, and she fell. Hit her head. It was a lot. It will be a coroner's case fo sho. It is super sad, but it's life. And the sun will rise tomorrow and life will go on without her. I feel for her people and their new normal. Like I said, it’s super sad. But I have to stop, remember it's not my sad. It's not my story. It's not my grief. I did my best for her yesterday and I have to step away from it today.

So step I will, and jump straight into my weekly report lol!

Sunday Summary

This week I have grow good, grow bad, and grow fugly. There has also been a birth. Hopefully I can make her sing. I've never grown this strain so I'm looking forward to the grow adventure.

🌹The Flower Girls

Minnie is looking good but rough. She's in that last leg of her grow. Still no nits. She's got the fade happening. Well I hope it's fade. She's a chunky little monkey.

Minnie Bee aka White Widow XXL
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 125 Days
Flip Age: 76 Days
Days in Flower: 46


Trix is at my favourite point of flower. She is bursting with good health. Her shape is good, and she shows real promise.

Trixie Bee aka Do Si Dos
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors
Age: 108 Days
Flip Age: 83 Days
Days in Flower: 15


Daisy has filled out nicely. Since I've started training my auto with a CarCanopy mindset, they shape up well. While my auto yields continue to be small they still aren't a waste of time. Well I don't think they are.

Daisy Bee aka Blueberry Auto
Seed from the PNW Seed Fairy
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 53 Days
Days in Flower: 14



🌱The Veg Girls

I really love this girl. She has been a joy to grow. She's Flippity Doo Dah tonight and she is ready.

Winter Bee aka Do Si Dos 33
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 79 Days
Flip Age: Today Years Old


TB is so slowwwwww. She got an uppot. She has another month of Veg to go at last. Spring has sprung here so she should be ready to get her grow on.

Teri Bee aka Gelato OG
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 59 Days


Omg this absolute mong! I don't know what her problem is, but if she doesn't sort her shit out soon I'll be giving InTheShed a mention. She is a sickly slow pain in the arse of a plant. Most growers would cull her and rightfully so, but I have this stupid never give up on a seedling while it's still actively trying to live. I still have hope. Her new growth looks semi okay.

Lupita “Loopy” Bee aka GMO
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 20 Days


And Happy Bithday!

Apple Bee aka G13 Haze
Seed from Sponsors Barneys Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Today Years Old



This played on my way home, made me think of her and her people. Not sure why.
RIP Apple Juice.
You mattered to strangers.

So that's it from me. I'm gonna try and sparkle myself up. I’m heading out to sit in front of a fire pit and talk shite and get a bit zooted and I'm living for it!

Enjoy your Sunday!

Love yas!

As someone who has spent more time in the hospital than I would have rathered, Thank you 😘 nurses make a hospital stay almost enjoyable. except for the time they were conspiring with doctors to kill me. Luckily that was just a little psychotic episode, the brain does funny things after being in a coma for 20 something hours. Much love you are truly one of the many angels
I'm looking forward to seeing Winter in flower.
Both times I've grown DSD 33 I've had smaller yields of really dense buds, very frosty, with lemony flavours in the vape, which aged to lemon and berries.
Really nice colours too, although I grew them in winter. I'm not sure how your temps might affect that.
My advice not that you asked, let it go. You were his employee. You did your best. It actually wasn’t your responsibility to be there at the end, but you took it on. Rookie error. I learned quickly not to get too emotionally invested. You have to have a different kind of personality to do this job well or you emotionally burn out. I’m glad you got out.

I love my job some days and hate it others. But I wear a kind of mask, like a persona. It’s a protection. I’ll be who you need me to be for the time I nurse you, but once my shift is over, mask off, you disappear from my memory and I’m me again. It’s how I survive. You have to harden. Well I had to. Otherwise you’d cry all shift over pain that’s not yours. And then you’re no help to anyone. Especially yourself.

Thanks for sharing, and ALS sucks balls. Big ugly smelly balls.
It's my life now to do this compartmentalization. A woman I met who lost her son to suicide last year too wrote a nice post about it saying we aren't OK, but we're showing you our mask. Otherwise like you said, I'd be crying all day long, but I have to live my life.
Got home from work, chose violence 🔪 🩸 ☠️

Roughest trim everrrrrrrr lol.

210g wet.

She smells like onions! Not even joking. She was a tiny little unit. She looks okay. Nothing to sing songs about tho. I took an auto seed out. I’ll plant it before I go to work tomoz. It’s a Gorilla Zkittles Auto.

Minxie Bee aka Do Si Dos Auto
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 107 Days
Days in Flower: 72

Congrates on the final weights Trala those buds look good
As someone who has spent more time in the hospital than I would have rathered, Thank you 😘 nurses make a hospital stay almost enjoyable. except for the time they were conspiring with doctors to kill me. Luckily that was just a little psychotic episode, the brain does funny things after being in a coma for 20 something hours. Much love you are truly one of the many angels
Omg the dreaded delirious /psychotic patient.


Every nurse’s nemesis.

Doc, we’re gonna need droperidol stat bruv. And don’t fuck around. Make it a big dose. Lolling.
I'm looking forward to seeing Winter in flower.
Both times I've grown DSD 33 I've had smaller yields of really dense buds, very frosty, with lemony flavours in the vape, which aged to lemon and berries.
Really nice colours too, although I grew them in winter. I'm not sure how your temps might affect that.
Me too.

Shes really lovely.

I love your descriptions. You are like the wine taster of weed.
It's my life now to do this compartmentalization. A woman I met who lost her son to suicide last year too wrote a nice post about it saying we aren't OK, but we're showing you our mask. Otherwise like you said, I'd be crying all day long, but I have to live my life.
I don’t know many people who are really okay.

We’re all a little broken.

And that’s okay.

Weed plants look Good and you with the onion breath ,Love you for being you at your job ! Even More away from jog , Grow On ! :green_heart:
The funny part. I love eating onion. I actually even eat it raw. I just don’t wanna smoke it lol.
Yeah boiiiii!

Sunday night done right ✔️

There is something magical about watching flames lick the wood.

We even had a sing along lol. It was just the top up my cup needed. For the most part, my life is really lovely.


But on the unlovely side, I have to buy a new pool cleaner today! $1900!!!! That’s legit more than I paid for my first car!!!! On the lovely side, I have a cheeky day to myself and I’m gonna plant spring flowers in Oliver’s Garden and hang out with my dogs.

I’ve legit just layed in bed for nearly 2 hours catching up on your grow adventures. It’s time I bounced my lazy arse outta bed and grabbed this day.

Have a good one. Xo
Yeah boiiiii!

Sunday night done right ✔️

There is something magical about watching flames lick the wood.

We even had a sing along lol. It was just the top up my cup needed. For the most part, my life is really lovely.


But on the unlovely side, I have to buy a new pool cleaner today! $1900!!!! That’s legit more than I paid for my first car!!!! On the lovely side, I have a cheeky day to myself and I’m gonna plant spring flowers in Oliver’s Garden and hang out with my dogs.

I’ve legit just layed in bed for nearly 2 hours catching up on your grow adventures. It’s time I bounced my lazy arse outta bed and grabbed this day.

Have a good one. Xo
Oof! That pool cleaner stings a bit huh? LoL

Life goes on.... can't take it to the grave. 🤘

Happy to hear you're doing well. Have a MotaVated day sis!
Yeah boiiiii!

Sunday night done right ✔️

There is something magical about watching flames lick the wood.

We even had a sing along lol. It was just the top up my cup needed. For the most part, my life is really lovely.


But on the unlovely side, I have to buy a new pool cleaner today! $1900!!!! That’s legit more than I paid for my first car!!!! On the lovely side, I have a cheeky day to myself and I’m gonna plant spring flowers in Oliver’s Garden and hang out with my dogs.

I’ve legit just layed in bed for nearly 2 hours catching up on your grow adventures. It’s time I bounced my lazy arse outta bed and grabbed this day.

Have a good one. Xo
First car was $50 and only detriment was faded paint on 72 skylark :) 2nd car was also $50, a Subaru that idiots left dog in car and got bucket seats eaten - paid another $50 at junk yard for bucket seats and good to go for over 400k miles :)
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