Trala’s Tent

Oof! That pool cleaner stings a bit huh? LoL

Life goes on.... can't take it to the grave. 🤘

Happy to hear you're doing well. Have a MotaVated day sis!
Good morning you!

Omg so I went to pic it up and it wouldn’t fit in my car! The dude from the pool shop delivered it. It comes with its own stand lol.

The thing I’ve learned about money, the more you have, the more assets you accrue and the more you have to spend in expenses. That said it’s still so much better than being broke. People who say money can’t buy you happiness obviously enjoy being miserable.
First car was $50 and only detriment was faded paint on 72 skylark :) 2nd car was also $50, a Subaru that idiots left dog in car and got bucket seats eaten - paid another $50 at junk yard for bucket seats and good to go for over 400k miles :)
My first car was a Corolla and the drivers side door was so rusty it rotted off its hinges, and had to be tied shut to the back door. I used to have to get in it either through the drivers side window like a Duke of Hazard or through the passenger door. Lolling! I think it cost me a deal.
Flickering Fires are sosososo nice ! Want be long we will be out there doing a camp out in the back got some wood to burn to a little cooking Hell yes !
It was so nice.

Just what the doctor ordered. Xo
Worth every penny! I had old school tech until 2 years ago when I broke down and bought one. So much better than water powered ones!
It so is! My Lilly Pillys drop a huge number of leaves.

This one has a 2 year warranty. I got it going yesterday. It’s like a little boss.
Omg I’ve got another cheeky day to myself and I’m gonna pack a fair bit in. I’m going to an early yoga class with a gf, then I’m gonna pick up my grandson on the way home. We’re gonna make his daddy some more biscuits and do some shitty arsed craft together.

My grandson is 3 and he’s really talking now. Like a proper chatty Cathy. The only problem, I’m not sure what language he’s speaking, but it’s defs not English. Lolling!

Hope you have the best day. I’ll circle back this arvo :)
Good morning you!

Omg so I went to pic it up and it wouldn’t fit in my car! The dude from the pool shop delivered it. It comes with its own stand lol.

The thing I’ve learned about money, the more you have, the more assets you accrue and the more you have to spend in expenses. That said it’s still so much better than being broke. People who say money can’t buy you happiness obviously enjoy being miserable.
Money can buy temporary contentment, but happiness is a choice. It's often unquestionably hard to make that choice, but it's not supposed to be "About" anything.
Omg I’ve got another cheeky day to myself and I’m gonna pack a fair bit in. I’m going to an early yoga class with a gf, then I’m gonna pick up my grandson on the way home. We’re gonna make his daddy some more biscuits and do some shitty arsed craft together.

My grandson is 3 and he’s really talking now. Like a proper chatty Cathy. The only problem, I’m not sure what language he’s speaking, but it’s defs not English. Lolling!

Hope you have the best day. I’ll circle back this arvo :)
If you can't understand him, it's your fault not his! :green_heart:
Money can buy temporary contentment, but happiness is a choice. It's often unquestionably hard to make that choice, but it's not supposed to be "About" anything.
Ongoing temporary contentment tho. And it buys health. And choice. And fucking awesome shoes!!!. And I agree to an extent that happiness is a choice. When you are living in darkness and pain it’s hard to see through the fog. It’s hard to find the light. But it’s like anything. If you want to change, if you want your life to have smiles again, you work on it. See a doctor, get medicated, see a psychologist and formulate a plan. I can remember being at those cross roads. I had suicidal tendencies. But I chose happiness. And while it didn’t happen overnight, and some days I still find myself falling down that dark rabbit hole, for the most part, I’m genuinely happy.

A psychologist (who was an absolute fuckhead) gave me a couple of helpful tips. The first being a gratitude journal. I still have it. And I had to write 3 things each day I’m grateful for. Sometimes I really had to reach lolling

1. I have running water LOL.

But taught me to focus on the good. I basically faked it till I made it.

Depression breeds depression. You can sit in the dark, or light a candle. It’s totally up to you.

Sending you a cyber hug.
If you can't understand him, it's your fault not his! :green_heart:
I think that’s exactly what he was trying to tell me today!


OMG! Trying to get him to formulate the L sound!

Me: say la la laaaaa
Me: now say love, la la la love
Alfie: wuv. La la la wuv
Omg this day! It’s been so awesome. AB and I dug up every bindi in the backyard. He spotted, I dug. We made white chocolate and macadamia bickies, and we potted up some plants for my front porch. It was such a lovely day. And thank fuck he’s now gone LOLLING!

Honestly, it nearly kills me entertaining him. I have no idea how I survived as a single parent.

I’m basking in the fact I have 90 more minutes of me time.

The serenity.

Green means go 💚


Omg I’m so mad.

I saw these wide legged white pants yesterday. They were $95. Half price. And they had a pair left in my size, and I thought yeah sleep on it. If you still want them tomoz, grab em.

It’s now tomoz. I want them. Took me 20 minutes to find em, but I finally did! They’ve sold out.

So the moral of that sad story. If you really want something, fucking grab it!

(Unless you’re a pedo or a rapist. Then no grabbing. NO! GRABBING!)
Ongoing temporary contentment tho. And it buys health. And choice. And fucking awesome shoes!!!. And I agree to an extent that happiness is a choice. When you are living in darkness and pain it’s hard to see through the fog. It’s hard to find the light. But it’s like anything. If you want to change, if you want your life to have smiles again, you work on it. See a doctor, get medicated, see a psychologist and formulate a plan. I can remember being at those cross roads. I had suicidal tendencies. But I chose happiness. And while it didn’t happen overnight, and some days I still find myself falling down that dark rabbit hole, for the most part, I’m genuinely happy.

A psychologist (who was an absolute fuckhead) gave me a couple of helpful tips. The first being a gratitude journal. I still have it. And I had to write 3 things each day I’m grateful for. Sometimes I really had to reach lolling

1. I have running water LOL.

But taught me to focus on the good. I basically faked it till I made it.

Depression breeds depression. You can sit in the dark, or light a candle. It’s totally up to you.

Sending you a cyber hug.
Believe me, I know the drill.

I was bipolar years ago and "learned" internally what the medicine was doing to my brain and trained myself to do it without the drugs and my psychiatrist agreed. Just like quitting smoking after 3 different drugs and mehods over 3 decades and finally just having had it with waking up coughing up a lung before getting my coffee and a cig to start the day. Depression isn't in my system anymore. I understand what those who have it are going through, but I can't really offer advice on what to do about it. Everyone is different and reacts differently. I don't see therapists because I think it's a waste of money when I can do the work myself if I'm willing. Some people like 'em and need 'em. Not for me anymore. The gratitude journal I might try again. I've always struggled with keeping a journal. I've got a dozen lying around with empty pages or just a few entries.
Believe me, I know the drill.

I was bipolar years ago and "learned" internally what the medicine was doing to my brain and trained myself to do it without the drugs and my psychiatrist agreed. Just like quitting smoking after 3 different drugs and mehods over 3 decades and finally just having had it with waking up coughing up a lung before getting my coffee and a cig to start the day. Depression isn't in my system anymore. I understand what those who have it are going through, but I can't really offer advice on what to do about it. Everyone is different and reacts differently. I don't see therapists because I think it's a waste of money when I can do the work myself if I'm willing. Some people like 'em and need 'em. Not for me anymore. The gratitude journal I might try again. I've always struggled with keeping a journal. I've got a dozen lying around with empty pages or just a few entries.
Good morning Schnookie :)

Sorry if I sounded like I was telling you how to deal with darkness. I was just sharing what worked, and still works for me. No one is more invested in my happiness than me. For me I work on ways to achieve that errrry single day. Some I win. Some I lose.

I’m all about both giving and receiving advice. We seem to think as people we are so unique, our pain, our joys, our worry, our struggles. I think for the most part I’m uniquely individual… just like everyone else lol. For me I was built on toxicity. I was taught every good habit I have. From making my bed like it’s fit for a queen each day, to the way I make my cheese sauce. I would not be in this house without advice, nor would I have studied nursing in my 40’s. Advice is even at the core of the way I grow weed, I aligned myself with the grower I most admired and he taught me. Advice from others has got me to where I am today. And the best thing about advice is I can take it or leave it. But you’re right, everyone is different. I hope you find what ever it is you’re looking for. Xo
Good morning Schnookie :)

Sorry if I sounded like I was telling you how to deal with darkness. I was just sharing what worked, and still works for me. No one is more invested in my happiness than me. For me I work on ways to achieve that errrry single day. Some I win. Some I lose.

I’m all about both giving and receiving advice. We seem to think as people we are so unique, our pain, our joys, our worry, our struggles. I think for the most part I’m uniquely individual… just like everyone else lol. For me I was built on toxicity. I was taught every good habit I have. From making my bed like it’s fit for a queen each day, to the way I make my cheese sauce. I would not be in this house without advice, nor would I have studied nursing in my 40’s. Advice is even at the core of the way I grow weed, I aligned myself with the grower I most admired and he taught me. Advice from others has got me to where I am today. And the best thing about advice is I can take it or leave it. But you’re right, everyone is different. I hope you find what ever it is you’re looking for. Xo
I don't know what I'm looking for. What I have today is vastly different than what I had this time last year, this time 2 years, this time 10 years ago, this time 20 years ago. I've done visualization, and still do when I think enough about it. I've achieved most of those visualizations, if I'm honest, so perhaps I either need to think bigger, or I'm afraid to. I consciously do NOT say specific words out loud to ensure they are given NO WEIGHT from my voice. There are days when I would love to just sit on my deck and look out into the woods and do nothing at all, but my mind cannot be still. I've been able to meditate and have done do extensively in the past but today I often find it tiresome and unnecessary. I do not know what I'm looking for.
I do not know what I'm looking for.
I’d reckon it’s peace of mind and happiness, bruv.

It’s what we’re all looking for.

Some of us just have to work harder to achieve it than others. Xo
Happy HumpDay to our Tent Full of Debaucher’s!!!

If you haven’t lived it, Wednesday is fucking mint! We had a day at home, and it’s been so nice. I’ve taught Jimmy to sit and stay. He’s such a clever dog. The only thing I hate more than naughty kids is naughty dogs.

But on to my mid weeek update!

🌹The Bloom Room

I don’t want to sound too over confident but…. It’s 🔥 As you know I’m not topping my plants for now. I got a pic of Mins apex. Still no signs of my auto but.


🌱The Veg Tent

My total moron Lupita GMO is keeping me humbled. Lolling! If it wasn’t for her this week would have been my best grow week yet!


Bit of a side story. My man has this absolute fixation with out terracotta tiles. He hates them. He has slowly replaced them downstairs. They are only in my garage now. He said they gotta go. Painting them meant keeping off them for a week. A week without my tent!


He’s running some sort of boat carpet up the middle. I’ll show you when it’s done. Oh and he will be rewarded. I’m making him porterhouse steak for dinner with all the extras. And as special treat, for dessert I will let him eat my delicious [*Edited by Admin due to lewd and inappropriate language*]
Happy Wednesday T!! I think you and hubs would be fun to get lit up with!! I hope he likes his steak mooing!! Kick mine across the grill and bring it out!! Haha I agree with you that for the most part happiness is a choice. I DO suffer from really bad depression and I'll say this. If it weren't for cannabis and shrooms I'd probably be dead. The shrooms showed me how to do what I needed to do (mins you one hero dose of shrooms helped me more than 4 different shrinks ever did and in one day) The cannabis helps me accomplish my goals. I was on EIGHT psych meds now I take 2 and I'm ok with that. Anywhoooooo..... Your plants are lovely as always. Thanks for your service (healthcare) You rock!! 😎✌️🎶

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