Toydollz' 3 Gummibears - Autoflower Feminized Seeds From Rocketseeds - Second Grow


Well-Known Member
Strain: Gummibears from Rocketseeds

Pot/Bucket Size: (no bucket yet, just in a jar of spring water until later today, at which time will be on a paper towel)

Tent Size: Will be in a Vivosun 3x3

Grow Space: The tent is in a regular sized room in a house.

How many plants: 3 seeds.

Environment: Indoor

Stage: Seed

Medium: Will be foxfarm soil with nutrients used up from last grow.

Lights: Vivosun grow light

Nutrients: Remo

Room/Temperature: Probably will be too hot.

Relative Humidity: Don't know

Media/Res PH: Non-applicable

Pests: none

Watering: n/a


The seeds went onto the paper towel (the paper towel was supposed to be white but hopefully it will be fine), then popped, and are now in dirt.


Moving right along! They have all broken the surface of the soil. So I guess that I will call today, August 18, 2024 day one.

Day 2. Doing well. We will see if Brittany sheds her helmet.

Day 3. Still doing their thing. May have to perform surgery if Brittany doesn't lose her helmet soon.


I love that you name your plants. I used to but I got to thinking ppl may think I was weird, not that that's a bad thing cuz I am weird. Brittany's can be stubborn, it's the whole meen girls thing. are they auto flower ? I tried reading the pack but didn't see if it said auto on it. good luck on this grow, getting them above ground is sometimes the hardest part. I'm gunna follow along, if that's ok 🙂
I love that you name your plants. I used to but I got to thinking ppl may think I was weird, not that that's a bad thing cuz I am weird. Brittany's can be stubborn, it's the whole meen girls thing. are they auto flower ? I tried reading the pack but didn't see if it said auto on it. good luck on this grow, getting them above ground is sometimes the hardest part. I'm gunna follow along, if that's ok 🙂
Yay! Yes please :)
I think today is day 5. Lookin good! They (the dude grows show) say not to up-pot autoflowers but I want to, so I will :)

Autos are confusing to me. if your not supposed to up pot them do you start them in whatever size container you eventually want them to be in. and watering, do you water them like a plant in veg or a plant in flower. they look good for 5 days 👍
I think with autos, you water thrm the same. Highigan on youtube said "84 and out the door" is a saying they heard. So I think that autoflowers do pretry much whatever they want to do within the time frame of 84 days. So if you make mistakes in the beginning like I did in the first grow, the plant sizes are stunted and thus smaller/fewer buds. (Which didn't bother me a bit.) Autoflowers are by nature smaller than photoperiods. Also, you cannot make a clone from autoflowers because they do their own thing within a certain amount of time and then they are done. I want to do autoflowers for this grow and my next 3 grows at least. After then, I might try photoperiod. I also watch strain show on youtube. And the dude grows show. And thr fastbuds guy on youtube is pretty informative. So that, and my first grow, is where I have thus far learned everything. And, of course, I have learned *a lot* from 420 Magazine. Thank you, 420 Magazine!
I have been slacking. Too busy with work! Not looking great. Need to uppot to their final homes asap.

Haven't posted for a while. Things have been crazy! But here are the girls.

Wow. So yestersay, I opened the bloom room (did Trala make that room name up?)... And I could smell the GOODness. I don't remember the aroma happening this early last time? But I may be wrong. I logged everything last time but I didn't log anything about the wonderful smell. Anyway........ Here they are. I love them so much. I meed to figure out what setting the lights are on, distance, etc., and all that shit this weekend. I am probably making a lot of errors since I am not paying attention really. They are practically growing themselves. Well anyway, goodnight, and I love this forum.

The girls are doing well even though I have been neglectful. Things have been crazy but we made a decision that will make it all better. Good things ahead.

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