The one time I tried to reduce the MC by that much the plant did not like it one bit. I'm just saying. :Rasta:
lol, duly noted. I'll be keeping a good eye on her. Thanks GDB!
Mornin’ MrS! Hope you’re having a great day so far.

Quick question for ya. One of my plants in flower has me a bit confused. The tops midway up the plant are set and just about finished, however, her main tops closest to the lights are spewing new pistils out daily and she’s in what I speculate to be the early part of week 9. So I guess my question is should I let her continue to do what she’s doing or should I dim the light above her or even shit it off to help the tops to finish?

thanks for your input MrS! :passitleft:
What is the harvest window from the breeder? If the tops are spitting out new pistils then it could be from foxtailing. If it's a sativa, they too are known to spit out new pistils right up until harvest.
You can always remove the lower buds and let the top finish up, but normally the tops finish first so I'm thinking one of the two reasons mentioned above.
lol, duly noted. I'll be keeping a good eye on her. Thanks GDB!

What is the harvest window from the breeder? If the tops are spitting out new pistils then it could be from foxtailing. If it's a sativa, they too are known to spit out new pistils right up until harvest.
You can always remove the lower buds and let the top finish up, but normally the tops finish first so I'm thinking one of the two reasons mentioned above.
Thanks for replying MrS! It’s an indica dom vanilla kush from barneys farm with an 8-9 week harvest window. The new growth doesn’t look like a typical fox but does look more fluffy compared to the rest of the bud which is more solid. The plant is quite top heavy!

edit to add: I’ll dim the light all the way down above her for a few days and see how she responds.
Thanks for replying MrS! It’s an indica dom vanilla kush from barneys farm with an 8-9 week harvest window. The new growth doesn’t look like a typical fox but does look more fluffy compared to the rest of the bud which is more solid. The plant is quite top heavy!

edit to add: I’ll dim the light all the way down above her for a few days and see how she responds.

Post some pics here or on your journal when you can Roosti so we can see what it looks like. I'd be guessing she's ready based on what you say being in the high end of the window.
Post some pics here or on your journal when you can Roosti so we can see what it looks like. I'd be guessing she's ready based on what you say being in the high end of the window.
I’ll post a few pics shortly in the grow journal and tag you. I don’t want to clutter your journal with my pics. :high-five:
On a side note, I contacted the fine folks at NextLight and asked if I could pay for the upgrade dimmer option. They responded promptly and are going to give me the dimmer option at no charge when they send the light. :high-five:
Customer service goes a long way these days so if you need a light you know who I'll be recommending. Thanks @NextLight for being a sponsor here, and supporting our contests. I follow several who use the same light and I'm blown away at the reviews on them too.
On a side note, I contacted the fine folks at NextLight and asked if I could pay for the upgrade dimmer option. They responded promptly and are going to give me the dimmer option at no charge when they send the light. :high-five:
Customer service goes a long way these days so if you need a light you know who I'll be recommending. Thanks @NextLight for being a sponsor here, and supporting our contests. I follow several who use the same light and I'm blown away at the reviews on them too.
They are the most positive people to talk to as well. A great company!
Hey everybody!

Today's update will be a little tutorial on feeding with Megacrop(MC) and will focus on the signs of what to look for when your plant is hungry.
MC has been formulated with N as a main indicator of when to feed. More N increases the greeness of the plant and the lack of N produces yellow leaves down low.
When a grower is able to detect the changes in colors from the lower part of the plant compared to the upper part of the plant then they are able to read the plants correctly. If a plant is showing signs of a deficiency the very first indicators will be from the lower leaves losing their greeness along with signs of early Mg def. Eventually the leaf will turn a bright yellow if no N is introduced quickly. The damaged leaves will die off regardless but if you notice it sooner than later the leaves will take longer to die off.
The below pic is current from my Lemon AK which I'm having a hard time staying on top of. She's a hungry heffer but I have not been at full dose of MC either. Today she was bumped up to 5.5g with some Calmag and Sweet Candy to try and get some more food into her.

You can also see the signs of Mg def just to the left of the main yellow leaf in the pic. Another closer shot of signs of Mg def is below.

My DDA is going the same route as the Lemon AK if I don't address it soon, which I will tonight. If you look at the lower leaves you can see they are losing their greeness compared to the upper leaves. If this plant was as hungry as the LAK then she probably would be showing signs of yellowing at this stage too. Neither of these plants are showing signs of any other def, including Ca or K.

If I was having a Ca def from a lack of food then I would see those yellow leaves first. They may not be that yellow and only losing their greeness but there would be signs. A Ca def will never present itself on the lowest leaves first so that's another indicator when diagnosing plant issues.

When a plant is being fed the correct amounts of MC then there will be a noticeable green difference. Every chemovar and phenotype will behave differently in coloring so you need to adjust to the plant's colors when healthy and not it's neighbor in the pot next door. Take a look at the Gorilla Glue below who is in the same tent. I like to try and feed the plants the same amount as it makes it easy. In this case it didn't work and I've been struggling, but more often than not they will handle the same feed amount from plant to plant.

So what if I have a def that is not N related such as K def? Well there's two main possibilities. First is overfeeding and second is incorrect pH levels in the media.
When using a buffered medium such as FFOF, MGOS, or Promix there is no need to pH your nute solution. This applies to all nutes and not just MC. Growers will pH their nutes for reassurance but to continually pH your nutes at 6.5 does not make your media 6.5.

MC has a calculator that for the most part is pretty good. The problem is determining the stage of growth your plant is in. I find many times a grower thinks they are in late veg and really they are still in the small plant or normal veg stage of growth. So by overfeeding MC we risk the chance of lockout of certain nutes. When I see a K def during veg stage that's a sign to me that the problem is overfeeding or media issues and not a sign to pump up the nutes.
Many times a simple reset of the media and coming back at a lower dose right away will tell you if overfeeding was the issue. If it wasn't then I would check the pH in my media through a slurry test to make sure it was OK.

So if you don't see any coloring loss on the lowest leaves then look at something else as being the problem. Hopefully with some of the above info you can get ahead of any problems instead of chasing them.

Got a few questions I just ordered mc and think my plant is in like first week or 2 of flower and want to figure out how much I should add to to
Got a few questions I just ordered mc and think my plant is in like first week or 2 of flower and want to figure out how much I should add to to

go to the greenleaf nutrients website and look at the feed calculator. start with that, and adjust depending on how your plants react. you don't have to cut it half or anything like bottle nutes. super easy.
Sorry, see above. I forgot to quote your post.


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