I agree re the BE. One caution about it - 250ppm represents a s*** load of P, which can result in multiple antagonisms (see Mulder’s chart).

If I may jump in here just to learn a bit but as I have been told any higher than around 5 g per gallon DURING FLOWER causes more leafy/less dense buds? Too much Nitrogen.
Jump in anytime you like NTH. I respectfully disagree with those telling you that. At 5.5g, MC only provides 140ppm total N. Far from overfeeding, and not going to cause excess leaves, less buds. More often than not, the P and K are so high that it causes problems with other nutrients.
I figured i over did it on BE... it was after I started to use it that I noticed issues unfortunately so I'll drop it for now. Could recharge help at all I got some to try I hear about it a lot.
No, I would just stop using it. How far are you into flower, or how many weeks you think you have left?
What a few of us are finding is that the pH in Promix drifts over time when using MC as the nutrient base, locking out other nutrients. Before you do anything, I would do a simple slurry test. @InTheShed has a great link on his index finger which I'm sure he will leave for you.
Slurry test? Sure!

Here are the slurry test instructions, best performed on a medium that is mostly dry:

• Take samples from a few different places where there are roots (dig down a bit rather than just use the top - I often stick a spoon down the outside edge of the pot to grab some from there as well)

• Add an equivalent amount of distilled water as grams of soil (10 grams of soil, add 10ml water). If that doesn't make a slurry, use enough distilled water to make a stirrable-but-thick slurry.

• Stir it up, wait 15 minutes, stir again. Do that for at least an hour (longer is better), and then put your calibrated pH stick in the water. That's the pH of your medium.
I have a blue lab soil ph probe I can get a read once lights are back on.
Have you tested that against a slurry test? I don't know how they can measure the pH of the medium when it's dry, or how they can measure the medium's pH when it's wet with nute water.
It's a blue dream I never have ran before but it has just start putting on bud mass I'm going to guess 5 weeks or more left been in flower about 8 weeks
You could reset the Promix, but I think it would be too stressful on the plant at this point. Stick with your current feed for another week, minus the BE, and let the plant try and balance itself out before increasing to 1.5 EC.
I find myself finding more journals that I have set to "watch" but not actually get back to it and start reading. So I have started and only about 192 pages behind. Looking forward to seeing what you got going on MrS See you in a couple minutes...
I find myself finding more journals that I have set to "watch" but not actually get back to it and start reading. So I have started and only about 192 pages behind. Looking forward to seeing what you got going on MrS See you in a couple minutes...
We all lived happily ever after, but not the end. There, you're caught up. ;)
Nice to see you BAR!
Jump in anytime you like NTH. I respectfully disagree with those telling you that. At 5.5g, MC only provides 140ppm total N. Far from overfeeding, and not going to cause excess leaves, less buds. More often than not, the K and P are so high that it causes problems with other nutrients.
Well I could have misinterpreted what I was being told also do I will put that out there. To be truthful I’m probably like a very big number of first time
It’s almost 11:30p in Portugal - our work is done here and I want to catch some early waves - see you guys tomorrow!
Enjoy the ride!

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