Oh, you solved it that way....I thought there were going to be bibles involved.
I haven't had time to go to church lately, and they are way too expensive for me to buy.
MrSauga, All looking good. Just chopped grow 6 and planning a fast auto bumper crop next. Cheers
Great stuff cr8! I can barely manage four, so kudos to you! Good luck with that bumper crop!
That FLC is dark!
The contrast between the three is quite informative.

Love the bends!
She sure is. Took the extra nutes no problem, so I'm not so sure it's from feeding. Have a great weekend!
I haven't seen that stuff for a while around these parts. I'm good, thanks!
Hey everybody!
I hope everyone has been doing well. Not much has changed for me. The girls are growing well, with a few changes.

I set up the auto watering system again, using the fabric pots. I have to say it works quite well. I run the pump for 1 minute, twice a day cycle, which seems to be pretty good. I keep checking the weight of the pots daily, just to ensure they are not getting saturated.

I flipped to 12/12 7 days ago, which came after 83 days of vegging. The Franco's Lemon Cheese is the smallest of the three, but still a solid plant. I had trimmed these quite a bit before flipping, and two weeks later it doesn't look like I did anything. I'll address that in a few weeks, but I'll leave the bigger fan leaves, as you always should.

The Gorilla Cheese has been supercropped, which created plenty more good tops. The arms ended up being about 6" long, and held down with binder clips and three #10 sheet metal screws. The clip was holding the screws for those wondering. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Still, the plant just wouldn't stop growing. Now, after a week of 12/12, you can clearly see she's going to be the showstopper.

Outside of that, life is good, as I hope it is with all of you. Stay well. :hug:

Short commercial break.
I'm still using the ARA-6 from @Atreum Lighting. I can't say enough good things about this light. I'm so glad to have it, as I consider it to be one of my top tools when it comes to providing for my plants.

Back to the irregularly scheduled program.

I set up the auto watering system again, using the fabric pots. I have to say it works quite well. I run the pump for 1 minute, twice a day cycle, which seems to be pretty good. I keep checking the weight of the pots daily, just to ensure they are not getting saturated.
The garden is looking vigorously verdant!
Please tell us more about your system.
The garden is looking vigorously verdant!
Please tell us more about your system.
Thanks Felipe. I did a short write up on it here:

If you have any specific questions, please ask away.
Excellent work, Mr.S.!
That's the green we're all looking for...
Yet another LovelyView®.

Nice work MrSauga! And thanks for posting a pic of that beauty of a light. Hadn't seen her in a while!
That Widow is gorgeous.
The rest are ok.;)

Nice work darlin!
:thanks:. I'll make sure I keep an eye on the rest :).
I ran out of your green paint at the end of veg so this is a great reminder for me to order more!
Good luck. I haven't distributed much lately to the big box stores. I didn't realize there would be such a high demand for it.
My R&D department, which actually works, is coming up with a slightly different shade. I haven't seen it yet, and I can trust the data they are compiling stays here.
Excellent work, Mr.S.!
That's the green we're all looking for...
:thanks: . Great to see you Carcass! :green_heart:
Looking healthy as usual MrSauga. Cheers
Thanks Cr8. How's things? Keeping busy in the garden I hope.
I can always rely on you to keep the place a rockin'. Thanks Otter! :passitleft:
Yet another LovelyView®.

Nice work MrSauga! And thanks for posting a pic of that beauty of a light. Hadn't seen her in a while!
Thank you GDB!
I was just thinking about you and your employees. Thanks for dropping in. Always good to see you my friend.
My R&D department, which actually works, is coming up with a slightly different shade. I haven't seen it yet, and I can trust the data they are compiling stays here.
Well, lah dee dah!
I was just thinking about you and your employees.
I see. :straightface:
Since you asked MrSauga, planning my next grow, a quick high yield (pun intended) auto with LED lights provided by a sponsor here…will be my first grow without my trusty CMH315. Slow jar dry about there from my WSE GSC comparative grow harvest…love the genetics. Weigh in and bud pics this weekend to wind down my grow journal. Cheers
Hey everybody!
Day 20 of flower, and this weekend I have some cleanup to do on the girls. Things are running along smoothly, and they are currently being fed the equivalent of 5.5g of MC. For those who may be lurking, I'm using the @Blue Planet Nutrients 2 part system. I've been so impressed with this stuff that I may reach out to them for a top up. If not I'll have to go back to using the old man nutes.

The FLC has been swallowed up by the Gorilla Cheese, and the White Widow. The GC will produce some great colas, and the WW I'm pretty sure will be pumping out some fatty's, just not as tall.
Anyhow, I hope everyone is doing well. Enjoy the rest of your week, wherever that may be.

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