Mine was too (from Dope Seeds), but she's starting to become a full fledged PitA wanting to be fed every day...her buds are starting to say thank you. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Geez Boo, I'm sorry I missed this post. Probably still wouldn't have seen it if it wasn't for Dragoon posting. PITA's are great. That means she's a heffer, which will pay you back in the end.
The Saugaview is here to stay. I need to practice using the copyright symbol...that's why I always say Sauga thingy. I have it bookmarked somewhere. :eye-roll:. Oh! And if I ever, ever (never) get a kitten again I will name it Sauga. PROMISE! (But it might have to be a dog 'cause I will never intentionally get a cat again).
That's so sweet! But if we ever stopped liking each other you'll be yelling at your screen 'I hate you Sauga.' Poor cat.
Geez guys, I concur that you are both Ridiculous sometimes. So thank you. :high-five:
We love you too! :hug:
Hey everybody!
A little update to keep things moving here. All the plants are being fed the same amount, which is the equivalent of 3g/4l of MC. Surprisingly, the biggest plant didn't seem to like the stronger feed. I'll have to mix two solutions up next feed to keep everyone happy.
Outside of that, all is well!

Gorilla Cheese's name may sound bad, but it sure is a purdy thing. :thumb:
Beautiful little trio there, Mr.S.!
If you don't mind me asking, what soil do you use? Miracle-Gro Organic?
I'm out of ProMix, and there doesn't seem to be any more, so I need to switch....and the stuff you use seems to work pretty darn well!
They look great MrS, and I never would have thought a plant that size would have a problem with N tox at 3g equivalent. I've got my 3-node new Jack Herer at 2.25g already.

I'm out of ProMix, and there doesn't seem to be any more, so I need to switch....and the stuff you use seems to work pretty darn well!
I actually found bags of HP at a local hydro store, and they looked at me like I was crazy when I said it was hard to find. It's not the bales but it was cheaper than Lowe's!
Beautiful little trio there, Mr.S.!
If you don't mind me asking, what soil do you use? Miracle-Gro Organic?
I'm out of ProMix, and there doesn't seem to be any more, so I need to switch....and the stuff you use seems to work pretty darn well!
This and the last round were in FFOF. The other brand I use is in fact Miracle Grow Natures Care Organic Potting Mix. One third the cost of FFOF. Both I cut with 25% perlite or vermiculite, whatever is available. Both have proven to work well in the above soils.
They look great MrS, and I never would have thought a plant that size would have a problem with N tox at 3g equivalent. I've got my 3-node new Jack Herer at 2.25g already.
I'm not so sure it is yet, Shed. It was the obvious guess. I may be seeing some other issues on her so I'll take a better look tonight.
Thanks, Mr.S.!
I'll also have to pick up a bag of perlite..I have some, but it's Miracle grow brand, and it's got plant food in it, which I don't want...and they're time release nutes, so I don't think they can be washed out.
I'll read the label a bit closer this time...
Hi Mr.S, beautiful plants as usual! When you say "...the biggest plant didn't seem to like the stronger feed." what is the indicator you look for, ie. how can you tell?
Hi Hutch!
Great to see you drop by. The first thing I am looking at is the condition of the plant, before I increase the nutes. After a day or two the signs will show on how they react with the new feed. In my case, all the plants were happy and pointing upwards prior to the increase. No clawing of the tips, or drooping. The light has stayed constant at 28K lux.
So I noticed right away the GC had picked up some tip curl, but also signs of some bronze spotting on the tips going inward about an inch. Pretty patchy.

Now it may not be anything, and I was going to make the adjustment, but now I decided not to jump the gun and wait another feeding. For now it's wait and see.

That's how I determine how my plants react to nute level changes. Hope it helps.
It was really a nice surprise seeing your posts. Made me smile! Welcome back. :hug:
:thanks: It’s great to be back! Got a whole lotta catching up to do! :hug:
Hey everybody!
An update on the girls to close off the week. I turned the lights up, and now they are being hit with 40K of lux. Any issues I had earlier have disappeared, and the girls are doing fine. As far as feeding goes, they are getting the equivalent of 3.5g/4l of MC.
The WW and the FLC are both stiffies, and training can't be rushed on ones like that. So I'm slowly pulling them down until the new nodes have enough space for readjustment. That's it!

Have a good week!

They all look nice Mr.S. I'm partial to the Franco.

Still I can't help but to ponder, "Lemon Cheese?" :Rasta:
They all look nice Mr.S. I'm partial to the Franco.

Still I can't help but to ponder, "Lemon Cheese?" :Rasta:
Nice is good GDB! :thanks: Try not to ponder too long. It's weed!
Nice and very neatly done. I like the way the Gorilla Cheese looks!
Thanks Rex. The GC has a great structure so far. I'm not sure the others will look the same, but we'll do our best :).

Lovely and green and well-quadded.

I'm obviously partial to the sole non-cheese plant.
She's called a White Widow; it's OK to say it. Sole non-cheese sounds like something on a french dinner menu. Cheese-less fish.
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