MrSauga...congrats on the harvest...any shots to share of that sticky bounty? Maybe framed up for the art gallery?
Thanks cr8. I'll make a point of taking some this weekend. I had some puter issues a while back and lost some of my best frames, but I'll see what I can do.
Hello you :)


When it comes to topping your seedlings, how many nodes do you do. Like sets of leaves?

Love me :)
Hi you!
Glad to see you kept the dress down. The topping can happen at different nodes, depending on your style.

If you were training your plants with the Quadline method then you would top everything above the fourth node. If you were growing out a photoperiod with a long veg time then you can top much higher; 6th, 7th, or more above on the nodes.
Autos are different. They depend on the growth rate. There is loosely followed rule that if you are going to top an auto you have to do it within the first 21 days. This is simply because after 21 days an auto could go into flower at any time.

If you are within that 21 day window, and your auto has at least 5 nodes of good growth, then you can top the fifth node. Autos can be hit and miss on topping, so it's a feel thing based on how well the plant is growing.

Whatever you do, when topping leave some stem. If you top too close to the node base then this puts a lot of stress on the 'V' part where the branches join. Too much weight and you risk snapping a leg. Leave as much stem as you can.

Hope that helps.
Hi you!
Glad to see you kept the dress down. The topping can happen at different nodes, depending on your style.

If you were training your plants with the Quadline method then you would top everything above the fourth node. If you were growing out a photoperiod with a long veg time then you can top much higher; 6th, 7th, or more above on the nodes.
Autos are different. They depend on the growth rate. There is loosely followed rule that if you are going to top an auto you have to do it within the first 21 days. This is simply because after 21 days an auto could go into flower at any time.

If you are within that 21 day window, and your auto has at least 5 nodes of good growth, then you can top the fifth node. Autos can be hit and miss on topping, so it's a feel thing based on how well the plant is growing.

Whatever you do, when topping leave some stem. If you top too close to the node base then this puts a lot of stress on the 'V' part where the branches join. Too much weight and you risk snapping a leg. Leave as much stem as you can.

Hope that helps.
Thank you. I’m changing my ways and practicing at being more ladylike...

I have normal plants I think. And I just want to top but get a nice looking X not an X more a +.

It feels like it’s been so long since I grew seeds after my clone run I’ve forgotten how to do it all.

I won’t forget to leave that nib on the stem, don’t worry. That is going to stop me splitting the stem fo sho.

OMG Where are you?

You‘ve changed man... you used to be about the music.

Kk 1,2,3 back to me. I have a bag of Mickey Catswhiskers/Cega Mrop *taps nose* that I haven’t opened yet and I need you to teach me how to use it. You can’t leave me to my own devices for many reasons, the top 2 being I never read directions and I 100% think I know exactly what I’m doing - when I in fact don’t have a clue.

If you can’t do it for me, do it for my poor innocent starving plants.
OMG Where are you?

You‘ve changed man... you used to be about the music.

Kk 1,2,3 back to me. I have a bag of Mickey Catswhiskers/Cega Mrop *taps nose* that I haven’t opened yet and I need you to teach me how to use it. You can’t leave me to my own devices for many reasons, the top 2 being I never read directions and I 100% think I know exactly what I’m doing - when I in fact don’t have a clue.

If you can’t do it for me, do it for my poor innocent starving plants.
OMG, I have changed. I have eight toes now, which is even odd. There were only seven last week.

OK, FFS open the g d bag, and take a big snort of the stuff and get ready to gag. Once you pass that stage you are ready to use it.

I haven't been over to your journal lately, so post some pics of your plants here the day before you plan on feeding them. By looking at the size we can help you out. Size does matter.
Hey Mr S

I’ll be doing my last old nutes water today then I’m going to open the Mally Cally *taps nose* the Bega Slop *taps nose* you picking up what I’m putting down? *taps nose*

Still haven’t opened the bag lollling.

My two girls are hungry too. They are almost at daily watering.

Given that opinions are like arseholes ie everybody has one, what’s your opinion on flipping. When do you do it and what do you base it on?
Given that opinions are like arseholes ie everybody has one, what’s your opinion on flipping. When do you do it and what do you base it on?
There is no rule, really. Once your plant starts pumping out alternate nodes you could, technically, flip. Your plant would be small and not produce much, but the point is you can flip anytime you like after that.

What you want is a strong healthy plant, that is deficiency free. The bigger the plant the more it will yield. Generally I go 60-90 days. My current run was at 88 days before they went to a 12/12 schedule.
I've gone as little as 30 days too, depending on how much stash I have, but I end up chasing my tail because they don't yield as much.

Open the friggin' bag. Suck it up and get used to it.
I will tomorrow morning, or today morning.

Omg it must be a full moon, my patients are all sucking the lunar-tic juice straight from the moon beams.

My plants now look strong and healthy. I’ll get some pics. I will need to MC *taps nose* Monday, so I will upload pics here when I finish my shift. I hope I don’t mess it up just when they’ve started improving.

I am so bad at working out flip stuff. I was actually thinking of flipping next Sunday, but now I’m thinking that’s too soon. I like to flip on a Sunday, no idea why lollll.
Opened ✔️

It was suggested to me to put a small amount in a glass jar with a handbag demoister thingy which is what I’ve done. I was surprised by 2 things.

1. it doesn’t stink anything like I thought it would
2. it’s light in colour, I thought it was going to be dark brown.

Here’s my gaggle of misfits. They are day 47 of veg and I am loosely thinking I will flip next Sunday. They are both super thirsty too. I gave them water today coz I didn’t know what to do with the MC *taps nose*

I wanted to find a size gauge like you do with lighters and buds. That’s a stock standard bowling pin.

WillE aka Peyote Critical


Halle aka Shiskaberry


If I’m not pushing my luck I was hoping you could advise what I should feed these three. The plant in the single pot is a monstercropped Tangerine Dream. I am committed to trying to get her to flower time is not an issue. She was a present to me and I want to keep her in some form. The other two are the tops off my Peyote and Shiskaberry, I think they are going to pull through.

Kimee- Tangerine Dream Day 47



Oh and can you measure based on teaspoons and litres please? I have a measuring spoon and I water using 2L milk containers. I don’t want to guess anything till I have a feel for the Munny Cunny *taps nose*
Hey Trala.

You weigh the MC in grams per gallon. So using a 2L milk container then half the amount in grams that you would use for X grams per gallon. (Does that make sense?)

Example: If you want to feed at the rate of 4g per gallon, the put 2g of MC into your 2L milk container.
Hey Trala.

You weigh the MC in grams per gallon. So using a 2L milk container then half the amount in grams that you would use for X grams per gallon. (Does that make sense?)

Example: If you want to feed at the rate of 4g per gallon, the put 2g of MC into your 2L milk container.
Oh I thought it was dependent on growth and plant need.

Well that is easy! Almost seems too good to be true! Surely even I can’t fuck those nute ratios up. I can use my scales to measure it exactly.

2g into 2L ☑️

Thank you

:) :) :)
Oh I thought it was dependent on growth and plant need.

Well that is easy! Almost seems too good to be true! Surely even I can’t fuck those nute ratios up. I can use my scales to measure it exactly.

2g into 2L ☑️

Thank you
We'll not exactly. GDB was pointing out how MC is measured using 4g/gallon as an example, in response to your question about teaspoons.

How much to actually use per liter (or gallon) depends on what the plant needs at that stage of growth as you thought, starting at 1g/gallon after the second node all the way to as much as 5.5g/gallon in full flower.

The way most of us use it is that we ramp up from 1g/gallon to 4.5g/gallon during veg and hold there until flip. Than we move to 5g and eventually 5.5.

When to move up is gauged by reading the lower fan leaves, and when we see them begin to get less green we bump the MC by 0.5 grams/gallon.
We'll not exactly. GDB was pointing out how MC is measured using 4g/gallon as an example, in response to your question about teaspoons.

How much to actually use per liter (or gallon) depends on what the plant needs at that stage of growth as you thought, starting at 1g/gallon after the second node all the way to as much as 5.5g/gallon in full flower.

The way most of us use it is that we ramp up from 1g/gallon to 4.5g/gallon during veg and hold there until flip. Than we move to 5g and eventually 5.5.

When to move up is gauged by reading the lower fan leaves, and when we see them begin to get less green we bump the MC by 0.5 grams/gallon.

I just did the 2/2 ratio yesterday. I’m so rubbish with nutes. I nearly killed these seeds initially coz I mucked up the water.

I just don’t understand stages and need of nute changes 0.5 grams a gallon would be 0.25 per litre aye?

This not my strong suit. I nearly stroked out yesterday trying to work out 840mg of gent from a 1g vial.
I just did the 2/2 ratio yesterday. I’m so rubbish with nutes. I nearly killed these seeds initially coz I mucked up the water.
I just don’t understand stages and need of nute changes 0.5 grams a gallon would be 0.25 per litre aye?
This not my strong suit. I nearly stroked out yesterday trying to work out 840mg of gent from a 1g vial.
You should take a look at MC's website where it gives a basic outline of how much to feed at various stages of the plant:

You can set 1 liter as your water measure so there won't be any gallon-to-liter conversions. That would be the basic guide to use if you don't want to read your plant's leaves and just go by how old they are. The older they are the more they eat!

Their maximum number is a bit higher than most here recommend unless you have a very very hungry plant in late flower.
Sorry for my tardiness Trala!

Thanks GDB, and Shed for helping out. Two great guys Trala, that know how to grow. They are good to cling on to.
If I’m not pushing my luck I was hoping you could advise what I should feed these three. The plant in the single pot is a monstercropped Tangerine Dream.
Is that what a monstercropping looks like theses days? The TD is a tough one to peg. Hard to put an amount of MC on her since it's hard to determine a growth rate. Start at 2g/4L of water with her until we can see what she does. You'll be looking for color changes. If it gets lighter in color then we'll need to bump it up a bit.
She was a present to me and I want to keep her in some form.
So far so good. It is in some form. :high-five:
The other two are the tops off my Peyote and Shiskaberry, I think they are going to pull through.
These are doing pretty well, albeit a little light in color, so I'd be starting them off at 3.5g/4L of water for now. Let's see if they darken up a bit before adjusting. You should know within a few days after feeding.

The link Shed sent above is something you need to get familiar with. It does all the work for you. Spend a few minutes understanding the basics and we can guide you as needed.
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