So did it again not sure where I go wrong maybe whatinh too long before trying to bend or too fast. Cracked the stem again. Other then that I think she is doing fine just wanting a second opinion. She is getting fed .8 ec mega crop only. Well I did give some cal mag on one watering.
Are you trying to LST or super crop? If lst you shouldn’t be bending that much at one time. If super cropping that branch may have been too thick and hollow. You need to bust the inside without breaking the outside and it should just lean over.
So did it again not sure where I go wrong maybe whatinh too long before trying to bend or too fast. Cracked the stem again. Other then that I think she is doing fine just wanting a second opinion. She is getting fed .8 ec mega crop only. Well I did give some cal mag on one watering.
Edit: .8 ec mega crop in tap water
Not optimal, but our girls take alot of abuse. Plenty of connected material there still and done early, you'll have no probs with that. If the aphids didn't have a rave on this plant she would have been a fun one:

@mrsdo you have any experience with promix? Should it be sitting at 5.8ph or should I be shooting for higher
Until we hear back from MrS, I'd like to ask if you're talking about the pH of the ProMix itself, or the pH of the nutes you're feeding it?

ProMix is pH'd to around 5.8 at the factory using lime, so there is no need to pH your nutes as long as the pH of the ProMix stays at 6.2 or under. The way to check that is with a distilled water slurry test. It doesn't happen often, but it can happen .
Until we hear back from MrS, I'd like to ask if you're talking about the pH of the ProMix itself, or the pH of the nutes you're feeding it?

ProMix is pH'd to around 5.8 at the factory using lime, so there is no need to pH your nutes as long as the pH of the ProMix stays at 6.2 or under. The way to check that is with a distilled water slurry test. It doesn't happen often, but it can happen .
So I am talking about the medium itself. As for nute I'm using mega crop v3 at 1.2 ec currently but I think I'm have cal/mag issues


EC or Electrical Conductivity of water is its ability to conduct an electric current. Salts or other chemicals that dissolve in water can break down into positively and negatively charged ions. ... Salinity and total dissolved solids (TDS) are used to calculate the EC of water, which helps to indicate the water's purity.

Just over a month 1.2 ec is depending on your scale about 600/840 ppm I don't go by weight for mega crop.
I know what EC is, I was just asking what 1.2 was in grams! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Just out of curiosity, how do you get to 1.2 EC if you don't start with a measurement? Just keep mixing in a bit more until you hit your target?

GLN has 1.2 for "extended veg" so you might be hitting it a bit hard at about a month. MC is known for locking out nutrients when pushed too hard. I'd try backing it down to 1.0 for a few feedings and see if it spreads. Otherwise, some low N cal-mag might be in order.

Are you using tap or RO water?
Sorry I miss understand. Um tap water is about .3 ec. And from what i think I understand from gln say it's add to your normal ec so keep that in mind with this numbers. Started at .8 gln says .55 ec for seedling so with my .3 I got an .8 I better on the safe side. And ya I just add little at a time make sure it's all dissolved and check and repeat. So did that for first 2 weeks of feeds then went to 1.0 for the next 2 weeks now at 1.2 starting week 5.
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