Mr. Sauga.. thank you! I definitely feel like some gratitude is in order. My Grandpa Glue is turning out better than I could’ve hoped, and I’m sure it’s in part to the nutrient amounts you worked out for me. So thank you again!
I’m late to join the MC party but ka-freaking-BOOM Mr.Sauga drops the knowledge on MC that I really need going forward.
Glad I could help 013! Less is more. Just because the plant is green doesn't mean the plant needs more. A common mistake growers using MC make is thinking they can get their plants bigger by giving more MC. The plant only uses what it wants, the rest just accumulates. Nute burn is hard to achieve with MC, so it's easy to feel that the plant wants more.
Mr. Sauga.. thank you! I definitely feel like some gratitude is in order. My Grandpa Glue is turning out better than I could’ve hoped, and I’m sure it’s in part to the nutrient amounts you worked out for me. So thank you again!
Thanks Chef! You put a huge smile on my face! :hug:
Personally, I think it's the grower ;).
Hey everybody!
Got some pics of my Pinkman Goo clone from @Weed Seeds Express for ya's. I can't keep up with the watering. If I miss a day she's dried up. A gallon a day in a 5 gallon pot. This is the most I have watered a plant that I can recall. I'm sure her root ball is massive.

I had to stake her up, even with the thick stems she has. I may have to give a total weight on this one when she's down and dry.

Hey everybody!
Got some pics of my Pinkman Goo clone from @Weed Seeds Express for ya's. I can't keep up with the watering. If I miss a day she's dried up. A gallon a day in a 5 gallon pot. This is the most I have watered a plant that I can recall. I'm sure her root ball is massive.

I had to stake her up, even with the thick stems she has. I may have to give a total weight on this one when she's down and dry.

Just wow...she looks fantastic :bravo: :high-five:
Just wow...she looks fantastic :bravo: :high-five:
Thanks Rex. I'll be happy to keep her mostly green from here on out.
You did an amazing job training that one MrS! It's a beauty, and I think you'll need whatever the Canadian equivalent of yo-yo's are in order to keep the colas off the floor.
Thanks Shed. Never used the yo-yo's before. Bamboo stakes seemed to do the trick in the past. Not sure what the Canadian equivalent of that is though. Probably hockey sticks.
Wow! what a beauty she is!
As Shed said- Great job on her training, Mr.S.:adore:
Well Mr S, I knew I'd make it over here eventually. I read the very first post of this journal and then skipped right to this page.

I'm sure I would have caught up in year (or page) 2037 by the time all the more recent comments were made on this thread :laughtwo:

I did notice a couple things in my jump from page 1 to 174 though..

For one, you certainly learned how to germinate a friggin bean now compared to the start.

And two, you said this would be your last journal. I think I noticed a more recent sponsored journal of yours.. blew that out of proportion I think :rofl:

Just pulling your leg fella, looking good in that tent though with a monster. I'll sit down now and let you continue. :adore:
Hey everybody!
Got some pics of my Pinkman Goo clone from @Weed Seeds Express for ya's. I can't keep up with the watering. If I miss a day she's dried up. A gallon a day in a 5 gallon pot. This is the most I have watered a plant that I can recall. I'm sure her root ball is massive.

I had to stake her up, even with the thick stems she has. I may have to give a total weight on this one when she's down and dry.

She's beautiful Saugs! Those buds get so dense and gooey and tasty! And Heavy! YUM! Nice canopy retention!
Hey everybody!
Got some pics of my Pinkman Goo clone from @Weed Seeds Express for ya's. I can't keep up with the watering. If I miss a day she's dried up. A gallon a day in a 5 gallon pot. This is the most I have watered a plant that I can recall. I'm sure her root ball is massive.

I had to stake her up, even with the thick stems she has. I may have to give a total weight on this one when she's down and dry.

What a beauty, hallelujah! :circle-of-love:
That Pinkman Goo is an amazing looking plant! So many bud sites. I could gaze at it for hours. :yummy:
Thanks BigD. Definitely one of my better plants.
Holy moley! Them's some purdy flowers Mr S!
Smile and stay stoneder
:thanks: :passitleft:
Well Mr S, I knew I'd make it over here eventually. I read the very first post of this journal and then skipped right to this page.
Welcome dick!
Good plan to skip over it. If there was anything important Shed can find it!

And two, you said this would be your last journal. I think I noticed a more recent sponsored journal of yours.. blew that out of proportion I think :rofl:
lol, that journal was some guy named Mr. Sauga. Technically this is MrSauga's last journal. Except for the one I did with VG! Then that would have been my last one. But now it's this one again.
Just pulling your leg fella, looking good in that tent though with a monster.
Pull away. GDB already ripped my other one off.
Must be the grommets.
IKR! :high-five:
She's beautiful Saugs! Those buds get so dense and gooey and tasty! And Heavy! YUM! Nice canopy retention!
Thanks Otter! I loved her last time, I'll love her more this time :).
Goo looks spectacular! :bravo:

:ciao: Brodie! Welcome home. :love:
He came running back :). :thanks:
What a beauty, hallelujah! :circle-of-love:
Thank you! :circle-of-love:
Hopefully this is ok to randomly throw a question out there, I dont think it's been asked before but has anyone ever tried topping an auto twice? My strawberry caugh 5th node was cut and now there is significant growth for a potential side branch top because I see no sign of flowering, thoughts????


Hey everybody!
Got some pics of my Pinkman Goo clone from @Weed Seeds Express for ya's. I can't keep up with the watering. If I miss a day she's dried up. A gallon a day in a 5 gallon pot. This is the most I have watered a plant that I can recall. I'm sure her root ball is massive.

I had to stake her up, even with the thick stems she has. I may have to give a total weight on this one when she's down and dry.

Whew beautiful splitting Mr. S...I can get lots of tops but mine get tall lanky and flop like dirk after a full day of work. Is that like topping every next node? I'd love to see that plant's stem structure! CHeers mate pro farming!
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