I always added those words when I did something my wife never liked.

I installed a new watering system I think you'll like.
I added a second tent downstairs. I think it will give us more cannabis by doing so.
I bought a new light. I think it will lower our electricity costs.

My wife is constantly telling me to stop thinking.

:circle-of-love: I'm working on being a better person!

I've tried that too....I just get the "uh huh".

That clone looks beautiful Mr.S :high-five:
Hello you :)

Hey not that size matters said no woman ever...

But how big are your plants in cm, like a guestimation?

Oh and beautiful as always btw.
My ego isn't that big where I have to measure the length or girth of anything I own, but because you mean so much to me I will do just that. Let me go have a shower first before I get started. I'll get back to you later today with the results.
Sorry Trala, please forgive me. I couldn't find help holding the other end of the ruler. I used a mirror and found out the plant is 91cm tall and 71cm wide.
Thats impressive, like its no green Dirk Diggler, and that’s okay.

It’s hard to gauge the actual size of plants in here. Again not that size matters mind...

and again said no woman ever.
Dude you always grow a banger of a plant.

And I've been away far too long ill never catch up.
Haha, I wouldn't expect you too! Take this instead. :passitleft:

I still have no idea what I'm doing lol but I'm having fun and trying my best to learn.
lol, well you keep coming back, so you know that part! If you're not having fun you might as well pack it up. Growing meds or recs is great, but it shouldn't be a chore.
Stop by anytime, and keep on having fun!
Wow MrS. Amazing, that thing is a monster!
Thanks Far! Nice to see you getting about. I hope you're doing well!
I'll at least go back a few pages to see what you got growing. Always will come back too you have too much info to be ignored. I am having tons of fun man just upgraded to a truncheon I'm going to basics and using only mega crop and dosing using EC instead of grams or tsp or ppm. It's helped me out. And I got the info from your old post from the mega crop thread. You were saying something about not needed any of the other stuff and the balance of npk. Plants are starting to look better and the two new one I just started are loving the new way I'm mixing up the nutes.
and using only mega crop and dosing using EC instead of grams or tsp or ppm. It's helped me out.
I only use grams, and I always recommend that to others as well. If it's working for you then I wouldn't change a thing.
And I got the info from your old post from the mega crop thread. You were saying something about not needed any of the other stuff and the balance of npk.
I've learned lots too since then. Some information is outdated now, and really with MC it comes down to the Ca and Mg. In order to get the right amounts of those two elements, you are forced to feed higher amounts of MC which increases the P and K to levels the plant can't handle. It's those ratios of the K-Ca-Mg that cause plants problems using MC.

Anything higher than 5.5g in flower and you may encounter problems. Once you are feeding at 4.5g/gal then you hold there until you flip to flower. Once you flip you increase to 5g and increase to 5.5g/gal as the plant transitions to late flower.

Plants are starting to look better and the two new one I just started are loving the new way I'm mixing up the nutes.
:high-five: Let the fun begin continue!!
Any calmag that has less than 2% N. The Ca and Mg content should be as close as 2-1 ratio as possible, so if 4% Ca then you are looking for something with 2% Mg. I would only use it near flower if you are having issues. It's not needed if the plant is fed correctly throughout veg. In otherwords, not overfeeding.
Great info Mr. S!

I was damn close to figuring that out on my own, but now I can stop second-guessing.

I hope the Sauga doesn't end here! :Rasta:

Disclaimer: This post has no bearing on current or future lawsuits.
@BigD13, I don't know if you're aware of my problems with my R&D group. But they were a bunch of crooks that were selling company secrets.

After they left the premises of the GDB Grow Emporium I went through all the junk they left behind.

I found numerous pics of weed plants taken in SaugaView, and autographed!

And every guys desk drawer contained rocks very much unlike GDBrocks, gift-wrapped!

So you take it from there, @BigD13. :straightface:
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