1.18 is right in the sweet spot for early flower. This is for the tent with the 3 clones in it.
Oh. I read the bottom where it had the other information and I must have misunderstood something. I'm glad it is in the sweet spot and not the danger zone!
I’ve watched a mechanic explain to an engineer why the engineers plans were stupid and what works on paper doesn’t necessarily work in practice. This is a light example obviously.
That's a classic Keffka! Being the mechanic, over the years in public transportation, engineering and us had many of those situations. They get so hardened to keeping the law on their side in case of a problem there wasn't any wiggle room even to listen to the men and women who are fixing their mistakes. They're "right by the book buy failure is imminent" wasn't something they could hear.

GEE, plants are beautiful!
Mar 11 - DAY 5 of flower - DAY 24 in soil.

The 10gal Gal.


A 2gal Gal.


The other 2gal Gal.


Family yoga night again.

All the yoga is paying off. You can see the lower canopy levelling out as it moves up.


The big pot gets a day off from yoga. The little pots will attend class as usual.

Another week and the canopy should be swell.

I'm going to try avoiding supercropping if I can, but if I need to I will.

Gotta try it sooner or later.

All the yoga is paying off. You can see the lower canopy levelling out as it moves up.


The big pot gets a day off from yoga. The little pots will attend class as usual.

Another week and the canopy should be swell.

I'm going to try avoiding supercropping if I can, but if I need to I will.

Gotta try it sooner or later.
I'm trying to follow your training Gee, with a view to potentially trying it myself. Do you simply open up the branches daily / several times a day? How does the canopy form if you are doing the same on all the nodes?
I'm trying to follow your training Gee, with a view to potentially trying it myself. Do you simply open up the branches daily / several times a day? How does the canopy form if you are doing the same on all the nodes?

See how the big fan leaf circled in blue blocks the entire branch circled in red? Most would pluck it.

I prefer to keep those leaves as wharehouses full of nutrients to suck dry later in life.


So I bend it like this,

Then gently and slowly release it. Sometimes you need to bend it 3 or 4 times until it sticks.

But now the branch in red is in full light and I still have the leaf to photosynthesize and to store food in.

I do it 5 or 6 times a day starting about day 3 in stretch.


All the yoga in the world wasn't going to get these 2 runts into the light. Worms get 'em. Law of the Jungle. Everyone needs to be paid.

See how the big fan leaf circled in blue blocks the entire branch circled in red? Most would pluck it.

I prefer to keep those leaves as wharehouses full of nutrients to suck dry later in life.


So I bend it like this,

Then gently and slowly release it. Sometimes you need to bend it 3 or 4 times until it sticks.

But now the branch in red is in full light and I still have the leaf to photosynthesize and to store food in.

I do it 5 or 6 times a day starting about day 3 in stretch.


All the yoga in the world wasn't going to get these 2 runts into the light. Worms get 'em. Law of the Jungle. Everyone needs to be paid.
Thank you. How do you make the canopy though?
Thank you. How do you make the canopy though?
by constantly pushing the fan leaves out of the way the bottom branches will grow up faster.

The blue line shows you the level of the tops of the lower branches.

I am tucking leaves above that level to allow the lower branches to grow up.

The red dot has 2 tops under it that concern me.

Once a top gets above a leaf it takes right off, it just needs help. They need all the help they can get.

The plant is up to 14 tops again so if 2 get taken, I still have 12. I like 12.

The tucked leaves above are not photosynthesizing as much as they normally do now, because they are tucked, so the top slows a bit and the bottom speeds up a bit, and hopefully when it stops stretching its fairly level and I still have every leaf left to really photosynthesize thru flower.

Flower needs as much energy as it can possibly harness to build sugars faster.

Plus at harvest I get big fat juicy fan leaves to give to the worms😉

If i want to reveg, which I rarely do, its way easier if you just cut all the tops off at harvest, and the main frame still has all it's leaves.
Do you pinch as if supercropping but not bend, stopping at the feel of crunch? It leaves a bruise and slows upward motion for a day or two while the sides catch up.
No I have never tried that but I have hung upside down solo cups over the highest tops to slow them down before. That was a pain but it appeared to work. If this big girl gets much taller, and I suspect she will, I will supercrop the main to lay it flat. It will be my 1st go at supercropping.

I'm really curious about grafting branches. I have no idea how to do it, or why I would want to do it, other than maybe a Fruit Salad Motherplant, but I'm going to try it anyways. Why not😎.

So here is my dilemma....

I have 3 clones 8 days into flower, stretching hard, and The Mutant who is still in veg and about 2 weeks from flower.

I don't want to experiment on Mutey so she is out, and I'm not sure if grafting in flower is a good idea, and then theres stretch happening too.

All 4 plants are the same strain so swapping branches is kind of pointless.

So it kind of comes down to 1 of 2 choices for me.

Wait until next grow, and start 2 strains,

or cut the runtiest branch on a flowering clone off with the grafting tool, then pop it right back on and see if it heals, and hope stretch will not effect a branch cut off and reattached to the same stump.

I still have at least 1 branch that will likely get pruned off so if it fails its not a waste but I need that branch thicker before I attempt it, so it will be deeper into flower.

I tested the grafting tool out on my cola plant. It had aproximately the right diameter of branches so I snipped one off to try. It's actually pretty slick.


The ratchet action in it that snips the guillotine down can somewhat crush the branch if you go to slow so you just line it up and crank it, and trust.

2 people, 1 for the branches and one to cut would be way easier, but the pieces fit together beautifully.
So I’ve had my IQ tested by the state multiple times. The way I understand it, it’s more just a measure of your ability to learn things, and how difficult learning actually is. I have an IQ of 153 but I’m a nobody. I’m not a cutting edge scientist, or president, I’m just some autistic dude growing cannabis in his attic.

I’ve always disliked the IQ stuff. It implies that someone is somehow smarter than others when this is just not true. It also puts expectations on people to somehow “live up to the score” which is completely meaningless. Smart people are smart because they’ve put the time and effort into learning things.

The problem with studies like these and trying to quantify “intelligence” or “smartness” is life is much more than a set of numbers or a test. I’ve met many people who were not very educated, nor classically intelligent but they possess skills and abilities that I can’t even dream of.

I’ve watched a mechanic explain to an engineer why the engineers plans were stupid and what works on paper doesn’t necessarily work in practice. This is a light example obviously.

I say all that to say, it’s not as simple as X = Y and will likely never be. Measuring people’s IQ seems very meaningless in trying to determine quantifiable damage. Now the shrinking of the hippocampus, that’s a bit more intriguing, and they should probably focus in on that.
I was tested at 149 but I can’t read crap and remember it unless I read it about 5 times. Really Fd me up in school. CL🍀
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