Seems to me the experiment is what's to be had, not the outcome of different branches of strains on one plant, at least for the first round.

Once you prove it can be done then you refine it with the strains you want.

So, I vote you do it for the practice.

don’t know beans about it myself but kinda sounds like graft needs to happen in veg… sure can’t wait to see what shakes out from your cut an arm off and reattach it experiment
Yeah I kind of agree, but I'm in flower with an extra branch😈, I mean, its probably gonna go anyways... What could go wrong? If it gets thick enough I will try it.
Day 7 of flower.

Here they are today, still getting taller. This one in the 10gal is on the floor now so she is running out of room. She was 24" at flip.

Supercropping looks probable.


This one in the 1.66gal pot was 16" at flip. 30 is more manageable.


This one was 15" at flip.

Looking fine before morning yoga class🥰

All 3 have their bottoms widening out. Gotta love fat-bottomed girls, they make this Rockin' World go round❤️


The bud structure is very sativa-like. Except for big indica leaves you would never guess this is a hybrid.

I'm treating it exactly like a sativa and its reacting as such. Its like a sativa with massive solar panels.

It has no issues with intense light like so many Indicas do. Its been within 6" of the light while stretching and hasn't saw-toothed a leaf yet.
Those grafting tools come out the nursery trade. Things like apples and oranges are usually grafted. For apples a nice tasting but fragile variety is grafted on a more hardy rootstock that might also be resistant to rust or scab, etc.

For oranges and lemons, it's really hard to find a good tasting variety when grown from seed, so certain varieties with great characteristics are grafted onto other stock.
Those grafting tools come out the nursery trade. Things like apples and oranges are usually grafted. For apples a nice tasting but fragile variety is grafted on a more hardy rootstock that might also be resistant to rust or scab, etc.

For oranges and lemons, it's really hard to find a good tasting variety when grown from seed, so certain varieties with great characteristics are grafted onto other stock.
One day I will try it outdoors. Its far less gimicky than I thought it would be, now that I've tried it out.

It will be fun to try it.

If it works good then building a multi strain mother plant might actually be worth it.

I think if the branches get thick enough to try, I will do two.

One a full branch transplant, and one a 1 node transplant, with the rest of the branch removed so only 2 budlets at the node closest to the graft need to be financially supported.
The 10gal Gal was just too unruly. She was 47.5" this morning, and still accelerating, so I had to either top her or super-crop her.

I have never super-cropped a plant before, not this big, and only branches. It was an experience.

She Snapped, Crackled and Popped, and once she was bent I then squished every stem between nodes to twist her trunk to bring each node parallel instead of one branch pointing under the trunk at the ground.

5 nodes supercropped in all. Nasty mean stuff. Sorry Baby❤️ I shoulda just amputated, but we shall see.


The end result doesn't look too bad except for the wilting.


She strapped down OK.


But it was ugly before duct taping.
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