Here’s where their participants/study came from

“The Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study (Dunedin Study) is an ongoing, longitudinal study of the health, development and well-being of a general sample of New Zealanders. They were studied at birth (1972-73), followed up and assessed at the age of three when the longitudinal study was established. Since then they have been assessed every two years until the age of 15, then at ages 18 (1990-91), 21 (1993-94), 26 (1998-99), 32 (2003-2005), and 38 (2010-2012). The Study members have recently been assessed at age 45 (2017-2019) and it is hoped to continue further assessments in the future.”
I was leaning more towards them not telling us things like are the drinkers very mild drinkers, or drunks?

Are the stoners scoring poorly also the crowd with a grade 7 education?

What is everyone eating?

Are they all living in the same environment?

Broad studies can show anything you want to extrapolate.

The broader the study the more you can extrapolate in different directions.

Take 10,000 people of equal age and health, put them in the same environment as each other, with the same education, eating the same diet, after being raised identically, doing the same routine as each other, and then you have some narrow field data to extrapolate from.

Studies that hunt mice with a shotgun are useless.

They are generally funded by and for a corporate direction, or a political will.

This could very well be a good study, but the waters are so muddied we will never know.

Follow the money.

Someone benefits from this enough to pick up the bill.

If a study isn't transparent on its funding, move along.

If it is transparent, at least you have a chance of forming your own opinion.
lol one of my cannagars could last a week! Would smoking one all week long count as only 1 time a week?🤣🤣


That sucker will lower your IQ. No studies needed🤣
I’m extremely skeptical of claims cannabis affects intelligence, always have been, likely always will be. Cannabis has never affected my intelligence personally. It’s almost always lead me to delve deeper into more complex subjects and has forced me to consider viewpoints I wouldn’t have otherwise.

Personally I think what’s more likely is the same thing the FBI did when they interviewed me. They tried to get a narrative out of me to support their belief and when I gave them nothing they pretended as if I never existed.


This is how I train for the most part. I try to never pluck a leaf. By repeatedly tucking this leaf, that branch will grow past the leaf quickly.


Yoga Chicks😍 So flexible.


You should be able to bend a leaf over like this very easily in one go if its happy and healthy. If it breaks off your calcium is low and you likely didn't use fish ferts.


The Twisted Sisters, sunning their junk.
What are everyone’s thoughts on this? I feel the participants that were long term users may have made lifestyle and learning choices that weren’t very healthy for their brains in addition to their usage.

I personally know lots of older users that believe they’ve “learned enough” in their lives and have no desire to continue obtaining knowledge or updating/improving what they’ve learned prior.

As stated 5.5% IQ points are not diagnosable really. I do think it doesn't help memory in short term but that may be selective and my own issues on the table.
Cannabis has not now or ever made a slacker of me! Learning and doing is the heart of living! I was 15 when I hit my first jay, I'll be 68 in June. I have stoner moments and make mistakes while stoned. That's why I do things sober when it's time to do so.
Heres the real kicker though, if you are really worried about mental health decline then diet and exercise, as well as social interaction, are the keys, not cannabis.
As stated 5.5% IQ points are not diagnosable really. I do think it doesn't help memory in short term but that may be selective and my own issues on the table.
Cannabis has not now or ever made a slacker of me! Learning and doing is the heart of living! I was 15 when I hit my first jay, I'll be 68 in June. I have stoner moments and make mistakes while stoned. That's why I do things sober when it's time to do so.

Nananana Boo Boo! You're older than meeeeee!
So I’ve had my IQ tested by the state multiple times. The way I understand it, it’s more just a measure of your ability to learn things, and how difficult learning actually is. I have an IQ of 153 but I’m a nobody. I’m not a cutting edge scientist, or president, I’m just some autistic dude growing cannabis in his attic.

I’ve always disliked the IQ stuff. It implies that someone is somehow smarter than others when this is just not true. It also puts expectations on people to somehow “live up to the score” which is completely meaningless. Smart people are smart because they’ve put the time and effort into learning things.

The problem with studies like these and trying to quantify “intelligence” or “smartness” is life is much more than a set of numbers or a test. I’ve met many people who were not very educated, nor classically intelligent but they possess skills and abilities that I can’t even dream of.

I’ve watched a mechanic explain to an engineer why the engineers plans were stupid and what works on paper doesn’t necessarily work in practice. This is a light example obviously.

I say all that to say, it’s not as simple as X = Y and will likely never be. Measuring people’s IQ seems very meaningless in trying to determine quantifiable damage. Now the shrinking of the hippocampus, that’s a bit more intriguing, and they should probably focus in on that.
Also I take issue with long term cannabis users using cannabis 1-4 times weekly.. this is absurd.. most people I’ve known that I would consider “long term users” and myself included use cannabis 1-4 times daily. If you’re going to have a study like this it should be rooted in actual usage. This alone sent red flags up to me that this study isn’t all the way above board.
Also I take issue with long term cannabis users using cannabis 1-4 times weekly.. this is absurd.. most people I’ve known that I would consider “long term users” and myself included use cannabis 1-4 times daily. If you’re going to have a study like this it should be rooted in actual usage. This alone sent red flags up to me that this study isn’t all the way above board.
1-4 times daily? I wake with a joint and I go to bed with a joint. Between that, I am hitting on a pipe or smoking a joint. It is rare to find a time when I am NOT using cannabis. I should be studied.
1-4 times daily? I wake with a joint and I go to bed with a joint. Between that, I am hitting on a pipe or smoking a joint. It is rare to find a time when I am NOT using cannabis. I should be studied.
Are you saying that the only way to cope with us is to do drugs?
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