I'm saying that my roots didn't go anywhere near the res. They barely made it to the swicky pad. They were air pruned as normal. If I understand correctly, you are saying that the fundamental difference between the swick and the SIP is an air gap? You are also saying that swicking is like a form of hydro. However, this has not been my experience. I don't know what they should ideally look like but I posted my root autopsy in the swick thread a couple of weeks ago. There wasn't much in the way of feedback.
I would be interested to compare the roots and growth of clones on soil SIPs and swicks when both have air gaps and air pruning. I want to see what structural differences there could be.
I'm saying that my roots didn't go anywhere near the res. They barely made it to the swicky pad. They were air pruned as normal. If I understand correctly, you are saying that the fundamental difference between the swick and the SIP is an air gap? You are also saying that swicking is like a form of hydro. However, this has not been my experience. I don't know what they should ideally look like but I posted my root autopsy in the swick thread a couple of weeks ago. There wasn't much in the way of feedback.
I would be interested to compare the roots and growth of clones on soil SIPs and swicks when both have air gaps and air pruning. I want to see what structural differences there could be.
I have found that in both solo's and large pot in perlite, as well as using wicks into water, that for some reason sometimes the plant chases the water and roots the res, and sometimes it doesn't. The 2 little rootballs I just dissected were opposites. One was all perlite roots, one was all in the cup. They were side by side in a perlite bed. I think different pheno's do different things to be honest. Veggies are random at it too.
I have found that in both solo's and large pot in perlite, as well as using wicks into water, that for some reason sometimes the plant chases the water and roots the res, and sometimes it doesn't. The 2 little rootballs I just dissected were opposites. One was all perlite roots, one was all in the cup. They were side by side in a perlite bed. I think different pheno's do different things to be honest. Veggies are random at it too.
I didn't use perlite though. I was using swicky pads on cake racks on top of upside down plastic pots standing in the res. I only used perlite when they were babies. I can't see how the roots would be able to populate the res from that set up.
I didn't use perlite though. I was using swicky pads on cake racks on top of upside down plastic pots standing in the res. I only used perlite when they were babies. I can't see how the roots would be able to populate the res from that set up.
Ahh I see. Yeah my wool pads didn't get roots going into the res, but they couldn't wick enough and kept losing suction. I have a much better pad for my next try.
Ahh I see. Yeah my wool pads didn't get roots going into the res, but they couldn't wick enough and kept losing suction. I have a much better pad for my next try.
I look forward to seeing the next one! Mine may have looked like a dog's breakfast, but they wicked exceptionally well. I lost suction twice on one and regained it by watering to run off into the res. Judging from the way the plants held their arms in the air, they were at an optimal moisture level. I couldn't have asked for an easier time of it keeping plants watered this last grow.
I look forward to seeing the next one! Mine may have looked like a dog's breakfast, but they wicked exceptionally well. I lost suction twice on one and regained it by watering to run off into the res. Judging from the way the plants held their arms in the air, they were at an optimal moisture level. I couldn't have asked for an easier time of it keeping plants watered this last grow.
Thats what I was hoping for. Next one👍👊
Because I've never grown this strain indoors I have nothing to compare it too so I don't know if this is normal or if its stretch already, but 48 hours of flower cycle and this one in the 10gal has gone from 24" to 28"


This one in the 1.66gal from 16" to 19"

and this one in the 1.66gal from 15" to 18". They are all very happy.


@Azimuth I have a question for you.

Do you have a recipe, or could you concoct a recipe, KNF-Jadam style, that is about 3.5 to 1 calcium to magnesium, similar to cal-mag, that could be added to water at a low ppm, that involves ground oyster shells and then whatever else?

I have ground oyster shells and if its possible I would like to use them to make my own calmag.
Today is Day 21, and the 5th node is just beginning to rise up. This should be the start of alternating nodes and sexual maturity, so hopefully I'll know soon, but nothing to report yet.
So day 23 and the first sex organ looks to be starting. Too early to be definitive but looks male to me (maybe). The little ball structure seems to be propped up a bit rather than nestled down in.

But it's only one, still too early, and I've never looked this early before so I could well be misinterpreting things. Another few days will hopefully give me more to work with.
So day 23 and the first sex organ looks to be starting. Too early to be definitive but looks male to me (maybe). The little ball structure seems to be propped up a bit rather than nestled down in.

But it's only one, still too early, and I've never looked this early before so I could well be misinterpreting things. Another few days willing hopefully give me more to work with.
Very cool! If you think you see something you probably do.
@Azimuth I have a question for you.

Do you have a recipe, or could you concoct a recipe, KNF-Jadam style, that is about 3.5 to 1 calcium to magnesium, similar to cal-mag, that could be added to water at a low ppm, that involves ground oyster shells and then whatever else?

I have ground oyster shells and if its possible I would like to use them to make my own calmag.
Most of the Jadam and KNF extracts are single input extracts and your oyster shells would qualify there for calcium. Is there an isolated magnesium input that could be used? I know there are many foods rich in magnesium (leafy greens, legumes, etc) but those levels are likely not all that high individually.

Maybe Epsom salts for the magnesium and then blend them together?
Most of the Jadam and KNF extracts are single input extracts and your oyster shells would qualify there for calcium. Is there an isolated magnesium input that could be used? I know there are many foods rich in magnesium (leafy greens, legumes, etc) but those levels are likely not all that high individually.

Maybe estimated salts for the magnesium and then blend them together?
OK, Thanks. I will have to ponder this. Perhaps find a flower or veggie to grow outdoors this summer to fit the bill.
What are everyone’s thoughts on this? I feel the participants that were long term users may have made lifestyle and learning choices that weren’t very healthy for their brains in addition to their usage.

I personally know lots of older users that believe they’ve “learned enough” in their lives and have no desire to continue obtaining knowledge or updating/improving what they’ve learned prior.

I think to be fair to all they should redo the study and make it strain specific.

If I smoke kush all week I'm way stupider than if I smoke Durban all week, plus define IQ?

My wife makes very intricate melted glass art pieces. Her art is way more complex, sophisticated, and requires a "higher iq" when she is high compared to sobre. But if it were a math test sober might (likely would) score higher.

If weed makes your life better, if you feel your lifestyle is better, then it probably is.

If you can make your life better, and your IQ drops 5 points, are you smarter for making your life better, or stupid for letting 5 points on The Man's IQ scale slip by?

Was weed the only difference in the lives of the higher and lower IQ sectors?

Did they take completely random participants or did they screen participants?

Then there is the big question....Do cannabis users live longer than alcohol users?

Alcohol causes a lot of deaths every year.

Do cannabis users do more or less harm to society as a whole, than drinkers do?

Is an IQ of 150 any good if your pasted to the front of a semi truck because of drunk driving? Or is the stoner at 144.5 and on the couch at home, or in their art studio, actually smarter than the drunk driver?

I could go on for days. A study is only good if you know all the parameters. Thats the biggest hurdle we have as growers, trying to decipher studies.

So far both the members of my family to end up with dementia were non-drinkers, and non-drug users. One very well educated and one with grade 7 education.

None of the weed smokers have lost their marbles yet. The drinkers are all experiencing health failure as they age.

Heres the real kicker though, if you are really worried about mental health decline then diet and exercise, as well as social interaction, are the keys, not cannabis.

Real studies have shown that, not "War on Drugs" studies.

I'm not saying its true or false, just that without knowing if the study source can be trusted, the study is just a magazine article.
Here’s where their participants/study came from

“The Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study (Dunedin Study) is an ongoing, longitudinal study of the health, development and well-being of a general sample of New Zealanders. They were studied at birth (1972-73), followed up and assessed at the age of three when the longitudinal study was established. Since then they have been assessed every two years until the age of 15, then at ages 18 (1990-91), 21 (1993-94), 26 (1998-99), 32 (2003-2005), and 38 (2010-2012). The Study members have recently been assessed at age 45 (2017-2019) and it is hoped to continue further assessments in the future.”
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