
Here is the other one. It was a pad of roots on the bottom, woven walls, a pad of roots on top, and uneaten soil in the center.


Bottom quarter, next quarter, 3rd quarter, and top.


Here is the top pad of roots. The bottom was almost the same in size but more smooth like water roots.

@InTheShed I thought these experiments might be of interest. I like how Gee man has sliced up the root ball in to cross sections so that we can get a better picture of the root formation from the swick.
If carbon is too dense the microbes may not be able to eat as much as they would prefer to over the course of a grow so their population may not get as big as it could.

If carbon is too light it all may get eaten before the grow is over, and then the microbe population crashes.

If its just right it is the happy medium.

Coco is pretty happy.

Leaves vary in density alot, so they may be too dense or they may be perfect.
If carbon is too dense the microbes may not be able to eat as much as they would prefer to over the course of a grow so their population may not get as big as it could.

If carbon is too light it all may get eaten before the grow is over, and then the microbe population crashes.

If its just right it is the happy medium.

Coco is pretty happy.

Leaves vary in density alot, so they may be too dense or they may be perfect.
Remember too that my old soil has the 'mostly' broken down leaf mold added to it, so I may be ok in regards to some leaves being further down the path to microbe food from the previous round.

I'll give it a try and see. Remind me again of what the symptoms are for a soil that has run out of carbon?
How tall is it? What size of pot are you in?

It's in a 9oz solo SIP. I'll measure tomorrow but I'd say 5-6" tall. I'm keeping it pretty close to the lights to keep the stretch down as much as possible.

It measured in at 5.5" this morning, just sending up node 5.
I have never grown an auto Carmen, Sorry. Anyone here grow auto's?
Yep, Hi Gee hi @Carmen Ray . I've gone both routes. Some autos are so small I can't get them topped in time so those I let go natural. Ones I can get 5 or 6 nodes and get my scissors in there will get topped and lst trained. I've had very good topped auto luck.
Remember too that my old soil has the 'mostly' broken down leaf mold added to it, so I may be ok in regards to some leaves being further down the path to microbe food from the previous round.

I'll give it a try and see. Remind me again of what the symptoms are for a soil that has run out of carbon?
Mainly an overall hungry look with bottom leaves getting canabalized quickly. Very similar to when you leave a seedling in a solo too long.

You could very well be safe with your used soil. Only really 1 way to find out, but if you grow 2 plants do yourself a favor and add some coco to one and not the other.

Then you can compare the state of your leaves to coco for future grows.

Used soil is far more powerful than people give it credit for, so you very well could be ok with it.

I'm very curious if ground leaves work on their own.

If they do then I will try them outdoors this year.
I'll give it a try and see. Remind me again of what the symptoms are for a soil that has run out of carbon?

Like Gee said.. the plant will just look hungry af. She’ll show off all kinds of stuff like P and K in flower, N in late Veg, light coloring early on etc. if you check my first journal you can see about halfway through the plant seems to sputter out until I started using BSM every watering and teas every 10 days.
Like Gee said.. the plant will just look hungry af. She’ll show off all kinds of stuff like P and K in flower, N in late Veg, light coloring early on etc. if you check my first journal you can see about halfway through the plant seems to sputter out until I started using BSM every watering and teas every 10 days.
Yeah, those are basically the symptoms I've been getting with this mix. I'm going to try Gee's changes and then watch the magic happen!
Like Gee said.. the plant will just look hungry af. She’ll show off all kinds of stuff like P and K in flower, N in late Veg, light coloring early on etc. if you check my first journal you can see about halfway through the plant seems to sputter out until I started using BSM every watering and teas every 10 days.
when carbon goes dry microbes go dormant and the food supply chain stops.
It is! Hardpot sips will be the next thing I try, but I like cloth. I will buy or build a sip pot soon tho.
They come disguised as many things. @Carcass is rocking a pair of mop pails. I'm partial to 2 gallon buckets and many people grow in 5 gallon ones. @ReservoirDog and @Emilya Green grow in storage totes. Really, anything that will hold water and that you can drill an overflow hole in will do. Then you just need to figure out the guts and how you want to establish the reservoir/air gap.
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