So I was gonna do a thing, but then a weird thing happened, so now I'm gonna do another thing.
I had 5 Durban babies. I culled the one that had leaf issues right out of the egg, and I culled the runt, leaving the other 3.
I played around with programming seeds awhile back if you guys remember, and although I noticed no difference at harvest between programmed and unprogrammed, the recovery rate of the programmers after the 60 days of torture stopped was absolutely incredible. So something was going on.
So the thing I was gonna do was to treat the 3 Durban Babies a little bit bad, but only a bit. Run them hot and dry but not actually harm them, just stress them.
The 4th plant was going to be a Miss Sticky clone that I had really abused. She got transplanted into soil and has received nothing since.
Here are the 3 stressed Durban Babies. Only stressed a bit. One fish water would probably fix them up, but still stressed.
And here is the badly tortured clone that so desperately wants a drink.
And then a thing happened.
I went to feed the worms and when I opened the lid the 2 culled babies were still laying on top. One was covered in soil mites and half decomposed and the other and rooted in and was growing. So I scooped it out in a small blob of ewc and planted it into a solo cup of soil that was sitting on my work station, and watered it.
It had a piece of one leaf blade missing but otherwise was very green and healthy.
So I sit it beside the Durbans in their solo's and it's the nicest one.
It was meant to be I guess.
Durban Poison - Day 16.
So I'm back to 4 Durbans and I uppotted them into 10gals so I can't change my mind, and they are all in the 5 x 5 for the next 4.5 months.
I'll give the clone a small drink and then beat it up some more.
Here is my soil recipe per 20 gallons.
13 gals used soil
4 gal EWC
1 gal The Answer
2 gal perlite
1.5c greensand
2c prilled dolomite
1c prilled gypsum
1c oyster shell flour
3c Powerbloom
1c All Purpose
.25c SRP
.25c high P bat guano
No spikes or layers.
Hopefully just Gaia, fish water, dolo water maybe, and EWC to the end now.
And maybe a tea before stretch.