I've had foxtails and I'm pretty sure it was too much light. I don't like them because they are a pain to clean up for a smoke, but I found the buzz potent enough. I am curious to see where this Cream Mandarin of mine is headed under the high intensity light.
Me too Carmen!🥰, If you can push it harder without it rebelling it would be really cool😎. Lets see what your soil can do!👊

As a precaution do you have any form of calmag on hand in case you need it?

I'm not saying you will but usually if you drive a plant hard Calcium/Magnesium is the weakest link and when it gets low nitrogen def's start and the domino's start to fall, so if you suspect a Calcium deficiency it probably is, trust your gut and hit it right away.
Miss Stickey - Day 17 of Flower.

I had to raise the light. She is stretching hard still. I have a possible 3 more inches of height but it's almost maxed. The plant is about 5 feet tall all strapped out.


Larf Valley got tweaked too. 5 side branches and 4 more small ones up some pillar colas that were on the back sides of the colas got snipped out. Then the Colas of Larfville got tweaked around a bit with overhead ties to pull them from crowded spots in the canopy into holes. I also pinched out every shady flower site I could find. She's ready, I just need stretch to stop. 😔


Some random main colas.



Miss Sticky areoclones - Day 14 in soil.


I removed 4 fans from each. I want to pull the side branches out.



Still nothing on the EWC sprouting attempt. I'm losing hope. I'll wait a few more days then dig the seeds up to have a look.
Me too Carmen!🥰, If you can push it harder without it rebelling it would be really cool😎. Lets see what your soil can do!👊

As a precaution do you have any form of calmag on hand in case you need it?

I'm not saying you will but usually if you drive a plant hard Calcium/Magnesium is the weakest link and when it gets low nitrogen def's start and the domino's start to fall, so if you suspect a Calcium deficiency it probably is, trust your gut and hit it right away.
I do indeed :)
I’ve wondered that myself. Not out of the realm of possibility, but I don’t believe anyone in the near vicinity is growing…
Don’t forget about 🐝 - doesn’t have to be a close neighbor for a bee to drop in with some unwanted pollen :)
Don’t forget about 🐝 - doesn’t have to be a close neighbor for a bee to drop in with some unwanted pollen :)
I wish I knew who it is - I’m outta weed!
Me too Carmen!🥰, If you can push it harder without it rebelling it would be really cool😎. Lets see what your soil can do!👊

As a precaution do you have any form of calmag on hand in case you need it?

I'm not saying you will but usually if you drive a plant hard Calcium/Magnesium is the weakest link and when it gets low nitrogen def's start and the domino's start to fall, so if you suspect a Calcium deficiency it probably is, trust your gut and hit it right away.
Hey Carmen, do your autos usually finish when the breeder says they will? I’ve got an Apple Fritter that is supposed to finish in 8-9 weeks & a Fat Bastard that is supposed to finish in 10 weeks. Both are 10 weeks old today & both look like they have a couple weeks to go. Has that been your experience with autos?
Hey Carmen, do your autos usually finish when the breeder says they will? I’ve got an Apple Fritter that is supposed to finish in 8-9 weeks & a Fat Bastard that is supposed to finish in 10 weeks. Both are 10 weeks old today & both look like they have a couple weeks to go. Has that been your experience with autos?
Hi Rob, I've had it both ways. The later they flower, the longer they last is my experience. 11 Weeks seems pretty normal to me.
Gee man, my "control" plant is unwell and I think it appears overwatered. To me it is light in colour, crinkly and droopy. It even appears to have a rust spot on the one leaf. Would you agree that this is a watering issue? I'm afraid I dropped the ball with this one. It's from a different breeder to the journaled plants. Anything I can do to perk it up and green it up?
Gee man, my "control" plant is unwell and I think it appears overwatered. To me it is light in colour, crinkly and droopy. It even appears to have a rust spot on the one leaf. Would you agree that this is a watering issue? I'm afraid I dropped the ball with this one. It's from a different breeder to the journaled plants. Anything I can do to perk it up and green it up?
is it on a swick?
There looks like a compound issue going on Carmen. The plant looks over watered and the rust spot looks like a calcium issue and overwatering can cause that exact issue.

I would certainly let it dry down, and if it's in with the rest and the only one acting this way, I would give it a hand by raising it a bit closer to the lights and putting it on a heat mat to get it transpiring faster.

She's fat with water which means she isn't transpiring properly. If she is swicking it's time to dry her down and start top watering to get calcium cycling properly.

If you dry her down and it doesn't help then give her a shot of calmag and dry her down again. If still needed do it a 2nd time.

Let's start with my 1st question tho, Is she swicking?
is it on a swick?
There looks like a compound issue going on Carmen. The plant looks over watered and the rust spot looks like a calcium issue and overwatering can cause that exact issue.

I would certainly let it dry down, and if it's in with the rest and the only one acting this way, I would give it a hand by raising it a bit closer to the lights and putting it on a heat mat to get it transpiring faster.

She's fat with water which means she isn't transpiring properly. If she is swicking it's time to dry her down and start top watering to get calcium cycling properly.

If you dry her down and it doesn't help then give her a shot of calmag and dry her down again. If still needed do it a 2nd time.

Let's start with my 1st question tho, Is she swicking?
When this plant was born it hid under its one coty for several days. The one leaf was always lame and that is the same leaf that now has the calcium spot.

I'm tempted to toss it outdoors and start a new one. Ugh!
I've put it on the heat mat. I can't really get it closer to the light because the heat mat won't reach. FTS it's going outside and I will start a new one! Bloody hell.
Sorry Gee, thank you for your help. I am in a grotty frame of mind right at the minute. I don't mean to be rude xo
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