13-14 is pretty good considering the calcium was low, thats a great starting point👍👊

Was this the yellower one?

Yeah it takes a few goes to get better at it.

Me too🤣🤣 I see some people posting great pictures that are perfect, I can't even get blurry ones😔

Good luck, it's the only thing harder than getting a drip out🤣
The best thing I can tell you for taking a good pic is not doing it in front of the tent because if your phones like mine the camera is bumped out and can't get a good deal on the refractometer eye cup. All that outside ight bouncing around make the camera focus weird. Also try tipping the phone around so that it's not flat to the eye cup because for my phone it doesn't like that flat to flat.

You know why Popeye had all those big forearms....? Because he was testing the Brix on his Spinach 🤣.
This is the darker plant you mentioned earlier. She’s a clone from one of the Sour Diesel I’m flowering now. I intended for her to be a mother herself, but I’ve decided to flower perpetually through May so I can use up the seeds I have before they get too old, so I’ll flower her pretty soon, but I want to make sure she’s healthy. She’s in FFOF, 5 gal SIP & will soon have a tent to herself. Maybe a veg tea? These pics are about 5 days old.
This is the darker plant you mentioned earlier. She’s a clone from one of the Sour Diesel I’m flowering now. I intended for her to be a mother herself, but I’ve decided to flower perpetually through May so I can use up the seeds I have before they get too old, so I’ll flower her pretty soon, but I want to make sure she’s healthy. She’s in FFOF, 5 gal SIP & will soon have a tent to herself. Maybe a veg tea? These pics are about 5 days old.
And here’s one from a few minutes ago. I forgot to mention the obvious, which is the purple stalk & stems. She was cloned in Happy Frog using clonex gel & then up potted into Ocean Forest with a layer of fishnure near the bottom of the pot, so hopefully she’s coming around…
It's right here Carmen
Thanks Gee man, I remembered as soon as I saw that. I was initially thinking loose, flappy paper towel lol. It had slipped my mind.
Any ideas @Carmen Ray ?
Rob I am never sure with autos. I just respond to the deficiency or lockout or whatever, and then hope for the best. I would hope you have enough green leaf to feed the plants until harvest if you say you only have one and two weeks left for those two plants. If they are this close to harvest, the fade may also be attributed to senescence I think. Are they really that close to harvest? The flowers look to me as if they have a way to go yet.

I'd definitely follow what Gee suggests in this post:

Rob those 2 lighter ones look hungry.

If your soil is fluffy and not too wet you need to feed them.

If the soil is too wet then a drydown will start the plant feeding again as oxygen can be reassimilated and the plant will now eat, and if the soil is crusty you need some calmag to tame magnesium so it releases nitrogen to green them back up.

The darker one looks gorgeous🥰, but starvation is creeping in there too, you can see it starting.
How moist is the soil?
13-14 is pretty good considering the calcium was low, thats a great starting point👍👊

Was this the yellower one?

Yeah it takes a few goes to get better at it.

Me too🤣🤣 I see some people posting great pictures that are perfect, I can't even get blurry ones😔

Good luck, it's the only thing harder than getting a drip out🤣
Hi @Gee64
Brixing the first 2 felt like a workout ,
I fell asleep didn’t i 😂

Gunna try do the other 2 tonight, as for getting pics, the nearest I could get was like you say, blurry as hell,
That’s how I see anyway, but didn’t wanna put yous through that pain 🤣

And surprisingly, the yellowing one was the one that brixed highest, and the one that looks the healthiest out of all four brixed at 9, so I don’t know what that means, but yeah, I’m guessing the others will also be low on calcium too, I want to confirm that thou with the brix, and will be doing as you suggest, hit them next feed with just calmag, and the feed after that will be the fish water as you say, so yeah, the brixing thing gives you direction don’t it, handy little gadget, just need to find a way to get the juice out that’s easier and won’t send me to sleep 😂🤣 as for getting pics, how the hell they doing it 😂🤣

And thanks mate for all your help
:thanks: :thumb:
This is the darker plant you mentioned earlier. She’s a clone from one of the Sour Diesel I’m flowering now. I intended for her to be a mother herself, but I’ve decided to flower perpetually through May so I can use up the seeds I have before they get too old, so I’ll flower her pretty soon, but I want to make sure she’s healthy. She’s in FFOF, 5 gal SIP & will soon have a tent to herself. Maybe a veg tea? These pics are about 5 days old.
She's looking much better than the previous pictures😊.


This mottling right here in the leaves looks like a cold plant. How are your ambient temps?

The water you add to the SIP, is it warmed to tent temperatures first? If you leave your water in the tent for a couple days before you use it it helps.

LOS really likes warmth at the rootball.
A heat mat would help if you have one.

Cold temps can purple your stems too.
Hi @Gee64
Brixing the first 2 felt like a workout ,
I fell asleep didn’t i 😂
🤣🤣, isn't it fun?
Gunna try do the other 2 tonight, as for getting pics, the nearest I could get was like you say, blurry as hell,
That’s how I see anyway, but didn’t wanna put yous through that pain 🤣

And surprisingly, the yellowing one was the one that brixed highest, and the one that looks the healthiest out of all four brixed at 9, so I don’t know what that means, but yeah, I’m guessing the others will also be low on calcium too, I want to confirm that thou with the brix, and will be doing as you suggest, hit them next feed with just calmag, and the feed after that will be the fish water as you say, so yeah, the brixing thing gives you direction don’t it, handy little gadget, just need to find a way to get the juice out that’s easier and won’t send me to sleep 😂
If you have any channel lock pliers with the longer handles they help you squeeze better.
🤣 as for getting pics, how the hell they doing it 😂🤣
@g-one-three posted above how he does it, and he gets good brix pictures so I'm going to try his methods.
And thanks mate for all your help
:thanks: :thumb:
No don't mix them. If your brix are 9 and 14 then your myco is still in pretty good shape so I would give them more calcium 1st, and then next watering go with the fish. Fish water works better when calcium is good.

If low calcium is what's causing the yellowing then 1 dose of calmag can turn them around pretty quick. Improvement the next day is a real thing.

No problem😊👊. Now lets get them ship shape for harvest.
No i I won’t mix them Gee, Calmag first to get things working better, that bits getting in lol, I was wondering if it’s overwatering causing the yellowing, cos as I said in my other reply, that one brixed highest, I was told that you can’t over water with fabric pots, But I don’t know how true that is ?

The best thing I can tell you for taking a good pic is not doing it in front of the tent because if your phones like mine the camera is bumped out and can't get a good deal on the refractometer eye cup. All that outside ight bouncing around make the camera focus weird.
I think thats my problem right there.
Also try tipping the phone around so that it's not flat to the eye cup because for my phone it doesn't like that flat to flat.
Does your phone touch the eye cup when you take the picture?
You know why Popeye had all those big forearms....? Because he was testing the Brix on his Spinach 🤣.
🤣 That makes so much sense now!🤣
No i I won’t mix them Gee, Calmag first to get things working better, that bits getting in lol, I was wondering if it’s overwatering causing the yellowing, cos as I said in my other reply, that one brixed highest, I was told that you can’t over water with fabric pots, But I don’t know how true that is ?

You can, but not as bad as with hard pots. One of those cheapo single probe moisture meters that you can get at a dollar store actually works pretty well to guide you here.

And over watering can definitely cause yellowing.
The best thing I can tell you for taking a good pic is not doing it in front of the tent because if your phones like mine the camera is bumped out and can't get a good deal on the refractometer eye cup. All that outside ight bouncing around make the camera focus weird. Also try tipping the phone around so that it's not flat to the eye cup because for my phone it doesn't like that flat to flat.

You know why Popeye had all those big forearms....? Because he was testing the Brix on his Spinach 🤣.
Hello mate @g-one-three

Now we know Popeye was a cultivator don’t we 😂🤣

And yes mate I will try what you suggest, I’m gunna put the refractometer on the side and try get it stable first, maybe that will help 🤷‍♂️😂

Thanks mate :thanks: :thumb:
You can, but not as bad as with hard pots. One of those cheapo single probe moisture meters that you can get at a dollar store actually works pretty well to guide you here.

And over watering can definitely cause yellowing.
Yeah iv been looking for the single ph one that you suggest a few days back, I have the
4 in1 thing but I don’t trust it, last one I had it kept giving me all different numbers every time I stuck it in, so I snapped it 😂 I will be looking for just a moisture tester aswell :thumb:

Ole and I forgot to tell ya, I have one of those temperature testers, the one that does food and water, I tried my soil,
With lights on it was 77
And lights off it was 69, so I didn’t put the heat pads under the pots, but I did put the heat tube in last night to come on after lights out, and gunna be keeping an eye on the temps cos it’s starting to get colder here

🤣🤣, isn't it fun?

If you have any channel lock pliers with the longer handles they help you squeeze better.

@g-one-three posted above how he does it, and he gets good brix pictures so I'm going to try his methods.
Yep, it’s fun 🤣😂

My pliers are definitely an issue, but it’s all I have here, when I get round my mums I will be taking your advise and getting a proper pair, like you say.
Nice big ones will make it easier :thumb:

And yeah I see @g-one-three ’s advice, I will be trying it, iv also seen hes pics , there better than what I actually see with my eye 😂
Yeah iv been looking for the single ph one that you suggest a few days back, I have the
4 in1 thing but I don’t trust it, last one I had it kept giving me all different numbers every time I stuck it in, so I snapped it 😂 I will be looking for just a moisture tester aswell :thumb:

Ole and I forgot to tell ya, I have one of those temperature testers, the one that does food and water, I tried my soil,
With lights on it was 77
And lights off it was 69, so I didn’t put the heat pads under the pots, but I did put the heat tube in last night to come on after lights out, and gunna be keeping an eye on the temps cos it’s starting to get colder here

69-77 isn't too bad at all. The heat tube will probably be enough. Thats great that you have a temp tester👍.

Living soil likes it warmer than what synthetics require, it gets the microbes hopping. If you can warm it a couple more degrees on the night temps your golden.

My guess is your plants are looking hungry mainly because the pots ran out of food and calcium. What you have done, and maintaining it, should turn them around.

Hopefully quick enough to save some leaves.

Both those ingredients you purchased look quite good. Keep using them as per the instructions, and next grow if you follow the instructions for mixing into a pot, and mix it in about 2 weeks before you plant, or if you start with new supersoil then start the top dressing immediately, you should be able to avoid this.

EWC is your best friend in LOS, and you should add it as a top dressing weekly.

On top of being very nutritious, it contains a good amount of bio-available calcium, so replenishing it weekly and watering that calcium in every time you water keeps calcium up top where it can work it's way down.

It can help keep both hunger and calcium issues away. The thing to remember with EWC is that when you spply it and water it in, on it's 1st drydown it will always go crusty. That's not a calcium deficiency, it's just a characteristic of EWC, so every time you go to water the plants, get your fingers in and break that up, then smooth the surface out to ensure that when you water it will seep in evenly.

Fish fertilizers feed the myco directly, and you need your myco to be healthy for good plant health and brix, so you need to work it in regularly. Once a week is best, but thats not always doable when you have to cycle calmag in, but try for at least once every 10 days. It really makes a difference.

Another really good way to avoid deficiency is to recognize early what side branching will become larf at harvest, and prune it out when it is small and first starting to grow. That way the plant doesn't waste food on crappy buds and branches that you don't really want, and it will also focus the growing onto the main colas.

This is where having a worm farm pays off, as you can't wait to cut it off because the worms love it. It makes the brain happier to prune it out.

I store it in ziplock bags in the freezer until the worms need feeding.

If you decide that living soil is the way you want to grow then a worm farm is a great investment. All your weed and your house plants will love it, and everything will work better. It builds really good tilth.
Your clones are beautiful Gee!
Thanks Stone. This one is an odd rooter. She produced very little side branching on the roots. They are smooth water-root looking ones. She'd probably be a helluva SIP'er!

It worries me a bit, these kind of roots are usualky a bit more challenging when getting the clones to 1st establish in the soil, but they have big fans, so if they need to consume a couple leaves then so be it.

I think outdoors she would become really large really fast. She's a big plant.

Maybe I should mail Bill a clone🤣
I think thats my problem right there.

Does your phone touch the eye cup when you take the picture?
I start with it touching the eye cup and kinda tilt the phone until I can see a clear picture. It's kinda a move it around til it's just right.
I start with it touching the eye cup and kinda tilt the phone until I can see a clear picture. It's kinda a move it around til it's just right.
My biggest issue is getting the entire refractometer reading into the picture. One side or the other usually get's cut off. Once in awhile I get lucky tho. I'll start with avoiding the bright light and see how it goes.
Do you grow some CBD strains? Depending on the type of pain, CBD might actually be a better choice. And, if nothing else, both THC and CBD are more effective with a little bit of the other in the mix.
Hey Azimuth i tried CBD isolate & Tinctures & that did nothing for my pain, nerve damage on the lower spine & abdomen/flank area & sternum i do have some CBD & i'm sure a CBG strain in photo periods which i'll try soon but so far heavy indicas work best but also looking at a CBD/THC strains, i'm trying to get my back room/laundry/drying room straightened out for a another 3x3 tent or see how 6 plants in the 5x4 works out then use the 3x3 for a CBD plant
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