ahhhh....enter the molasses.The Thomas Dykstra youtubes will explain it really well, but in a nutshell, bugs can only process very low amounts of sugars.
Too much ferments to alcohol in them and kills them.
There are tiers from aphids up to grasshoppers, and each tier has bugs that can handle those levels.
Above 12 brix and it pretty much gets bug proof, but grasshoppers will still take a nibble to about 14.Bugs know this so they don't even bother once brix are above their tier.
The high brix also boosts plants immunities, so they can ward off disease better too. Say good bye to bugs and molds.
Sugar is also the prime ingredient in ATP, which is sugars and P mostly, and it's the energy cells run on, so high brix plants also have more energy, and it all gets shared with the soil biota, so as the plant gets healthier, so do the microbes/fungii, and it snowballs.
I will check out some vids tomorrow. Thank you! Now get outta here. Lol