I rarely mention hydrogen because it comes from water.
In another video he went on about how hydrogen is measured in pH for potential Hydrogen. That's atmospheric like N, right?

I don't recall him saying how to add hydrogen other than fixing pH, but maybe that comes in naturally when the tilth is correct with adequate Ca levels?

Edit: Just read your 'Hydrogen comes from water' response. Looks like I was close in that it's environmental but from water, not air. Which I guess makes sense if I stopped to think about it. Water = H2O and all that...
In another video he went on about how hydrogen is measeared in pH for potential Hydrogen. That's atmospheric like N, right?

I don't recall him saying how to add hydrogen other than fixing pH, but maybe that comes in naturally when the tilth is correct with adequate Ca levels?

Edit: Just read your 'Hydrogen comes from water' response. Looks like I was close in that it's environmental but from water, not air.
Potential Hydrogen confuses people. A high PH means you are low on hydrogen, so you have a high potential threshold, as in lots of room to add it. Low PH, or low Potential Hydrogen, means you have lots, and little room to add more.

So if you have a low PH, or too much hydrogen, add calcium and it kicks flaky hydrogen off the humate (colloid), or raises PH. If you have high PH, or not enough hydrogen on the humate (colloid) then you get lockout so you flush to remove calcium which creates more room on the humate for hydrogen.

That is how calcium buffers PH and why watering properly is important.
If you hide a dusting of it in the seedling cup or clone pot (and I mean a dusting, like an eigth of a teaspoon or even less) then the myco will find it and immediately start moving plant exudates onto it, coaxing a root to it and bribing microbes to mine it.
I thought Myco didn't like available P and you could ruin a grow with too much? But maybe that's what you're saying in available P. That's why you hide the SRP, so the Myko can find it on its own time?
I thought Myco didn't like available P and you could ruin a grow with too much? But maybe that's what you're saying in available P. That's why you hide the SRP, so the Myko can find it on its own time?
Thats exactly what I'm saying and why you use so little but close to the seed. Myco starts to grow and immediately finds a small amount and guides a root in so the plant gets a small hit early while myco spreads thru the soil looking for more. A push to start the snowball rolling. DO NOT USE TOO MUCH. Just a smidge close by the seed or clone, like a primer. In nature that seed would be the apex survivor that bugs don't cull.
Thats exactly what I'm saying and why you use so little but close to the seed. Myco starts to grow and immediately finds a small amount and guides a root in so the plant gets a small hit early while myco spreads thru the soil looking for more. A push to start the snowball rolling. DO NOT USE TOO MUCH. Just a smidge close by the seed or clone, like a primer. In nature that seed would be the apex survivor that bugs don't cull.
Ok, maybe I'm starting to get it.

I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid! :thumb:

The next grow will be my first with a meaningful effort on P, but not mixed in yet (the one now cooking will be the first with that), but added as topdressing and with teas via bone meal and my flower crumble.

I'm excited for this round as it will be the first with all 5 elements needed for high brix, though P is likely to be lacking a bit with the equivalent of first round soil issues. Progress. Slow progress, but progress nonetheless.
Ok, maybe I'm starting to get it.

I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid! :thumb:

The next grow will be my first with a meaningful effort on P, but not mixed in yet (the one now cooking will be the first with that), but added as topdressing and with teas via bone meal and my flower crumble.

I'm excited for this round as it will be the first with all 5 elements needed for high brix, though P is likely to be lacking a bit with the equivalent of first round soil issues. Progress. Slow progress, but progress nonetheless.
It takes a few laps. As long as brix ends up higher than it started then next rebuild the floor has been raised and it ends up higher again. Rinse and repeat.
If you really want to get top notch, you can use a specific tub of soil only for a certain strain, like I used to do with Durban, and it becomes specialty soil perfected for that strain. Each strain likes slightly different things from the soil, so using it's used soil to rebuild for the next run really streamlines the efficiency and speed of establishing your soil to your plant and it's needs.
I've seen you and Azi talking about this. Too advanced and complex for my space but I get the logic.
3rd or 4th run soil is pretty much auto-growing. You get spectacular results, but it is so maintenance free I find I get disconnected from the grow and I get lazy. I know, 1st world problems right🤣
So spikes.... I really like spikes. They made my grows instantly better.
I'm considering it. Can I just shove my same top dress down those holes?
Carmen, I have an exercise for you, it's really easy and takes less than 5 minutes if you are up for it. It's an eye-opener and you are in perfect position to demo it if you want to. Others too if you are in position for it.

If you still have the rootballs from your recent harvest in the pots, stick your water stick into the pots and see what it reads. If they are dry then carefully and slowly water them until you get a perfect dead-center green zone reading.

If they are wetter than the green zone let them dry down and daily probe them until the water content is perfect, or close to perfect. Then dig out some soil and squeeze test it. Do any drips come out?

Now you truly know how wet, or more to the point how unwet perfect is. The moisture is in there but it's absorbed into the carbon, not laying in puddles choking out oxygen.

The roots will grow into the carbon to get it, they are supoosed to. This is how wet/dry cycles promote root growth. You hydrate the carbon and the roots chase it into the carbon, then the carbon turns into humate and your root is directly linked to the soils CEC.

Lift the pot a bit 2 or 3 times, learn that pot weight. Get used to it.

Then go lift a dry pot, then a heavy wet one.
I got the plants out of the soil the day after harvest as there has to be a quick turn around here but I feel confident that I know about the squeezing and dripping soil test. Your description was good when I tried it in the grow just passed. I am trying it again this next grow. It makes life so much easier. I make sure that I sort of get one drip from a tightly squeezed handful of moist soil.
I've seen you and Azi talking about this. Too advanced and complex for my space but I get the logic.


I'm considering it. Can I just shove my same top dress down those holes?
You can. If it works as a topdress it will work as a spike. Many use EWC as a spike too, but I prefer EWC up top so the calcium can rain down, but it works great as a spike if it's all you have.
Carmen, that was a great question and thank you Gee for your answer. Will add Geoflora spikes on the next grow. Any thoughts on which one to use as a spike? They have veg 5.3.4 and bloom 3.5.5 npk's
OK maybe I should toss out a bit of a warning. Be careful if your topdressing or ammendment mix, whatever you are planning to use as spikes, be careful if it contains blood meal.

Rev's mix only has 1 cup per 20 gallons and it's mainly for cooking in tubs to get the process going, so it's relatively low dose, but if your spike material contains bloodmeal, you need to know how much, or experiment with spike amounts, as it may burn hot or possibly cause "The Claw" on a set or 2 of leaves.

The Gaia Powerbloom contains none and Rev's is relatively low dose, so either is pretty safe.

So @Gidorah you likely could use Geoflora safely but definitely use the bloom formula. Check it's ingredients for bloodmeal. Make sure there isn't too much, but I doubt there is. Most flower blends are bloodmeal-less.

You can easily topdress your veg period so use the spikes to enhance flower.

All the babies I just planted in 10gals were spiked with flower mix.

The ammendments cooked in, or things like Geoflora, and EWC, will veg them just fine. It may veg a bit slower than having veg spikes, but they will flower much better.

I don't know much about using geoflora, but with Gaia I figure how much I need to topdress a 10gal pot over 4 weeks, then divide that amount by 4 , and use that much divided into 4 spikes. That equates to 4 tbsp per spike.

10gals x 6 tbsp/gal, so 60 tbsp per month, divided by 4= 15 tbsp. So 15 tbsp divided by 4 spikes equals 3.75 tbsp per spike. I round it up to 4.

It's not really that much more than topdressing alone, but it grows more roots than top dressing alone.

I also topdress 16 tbsp every week in flower.

You only get 1 shot at uppotting, and adding spikes to a pot only takes 5 minutes one time, so it's worth it.
LC-18 and Miss Sticky - Days 24 and 15.


This was from yesterday.The 2 big LC's in the back are now manifolded to 8 tops and still have the clone branches as well growing from the 2nd node. They will come off in another week or so.

Miss Sticky in the front right still needs another day or two before she gets her final topping to 8.

Little LC in the front left at 15 days just got topped to 4.


LC-18. Topped to 8 and some light flexing.
The top and bottom branches are the node 2 cloners and will come off.


Miss Sticky. Still at 4 tops but getting close to 8. Again, top and bottom clone branches will come off.


The other LC at 8 tops and the cloner branches.


Little LC. Sorry it's blurry. She just got topoed to 4. Another 4 days or so and she goes to 8.

RVDV clones - Day 5 in Soil.


They are getting their green on, coloring nicely. The myco must be myco-ing😊. She's growing fast.


Number 2.


Number 3.

They are rooting in and greening up, so I raised them closer to the light. I will take a PPFD reading today.
Beautiful plants all! Chunky looks as if he can do guard duty really well 🐕
He's a She, but it happens all the time. For a boxer she's immense. She can guard with the best of them. Flip her switch and her soft warm lazy ass adrenalizes into a nasty rippled beast. It's actually pretty amazing to see. It's what boxers were bred to do.

Your thumb is so green it must hurt Gee! Does Chunky chew stones for a hobby?
Lol no but being as inbred as boxers are, their fangs are huge but all other teeth except for their rear inscisors are terrible. The gum line envelopes them little chompers.

She was considered too big for show so as a purbred she was useless so we got a smokin deal on her as long as we got her spayed, which was fine with us.

Most boxers are 60-ish pounds. Chunky fluctuates between 95-100, and she's all neck and shoulders. When she grabs a toy you aren't getting it.

She's my wingman but Momma is her Golden egg. Screw with her even horsing around you get one warning nip, then you got a problem. It's hilarious.

If a stranger shows up she gets up, walks over to the wife, and either climbs on her lap or lays on her feet.

She runs on dog instinct more than any dog I have ever had, so I give her a long leash at home as long as she's polite in public. I don't want to break her of those instincts. For people who know boxers, she's the stubbornest one I have ever seen.

The world isn't like it used to be, so if someone decides to put ill on my wife, it won't go well. She's safe.

Beautiful plants Gee!
Thanks G👊. How are yours? Why don't you go get the ladder and give us a close-up of your main top?🤣🤣

Nice ladies!! Awee hiya Chunks!! I'm a huge animal lover. Give him a pet for me! Happy Wednesday!! 😎✌️
Hey Scottay✌️. She does love a pet. A butt scratch to be precise🤣. Next one's from you👊
Azi check this out!


Alfalfa grows wild in the ecological reserve behind my house.


It's gotten into the very back of my neighbors lot, so he lets me harvest it. This is after but it was a big patch.


Here is a stump. Look how crappy the soil is. It also only gets watered from rain, and this is a desert, but......


I brixed it and it's a 17. Calcium isn't this fuzzy, thats just how it appears in the pic.


This bad pic doesn't show a brix reading, but thats exactly the fuzziness of the line.

I have high brix alfalfa for free with perfect calcium 😎

Yayy Me!

Into the composter Baby!
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