A shortcut? What do you have in mind?

If you uppot a few times you get to add new myco a few times, and if you add a little P just under the rootball each time, then hit it with a molasses tea after the final uppot, quite often you see a big jump in brix after the tea.

You end up with lots of myco and a couple/3 small patches of P inside the rootball.

The myco starts working on the P, then the molasses jacks up the microbes and P poop galore.

Only use small amounts if it's SRP, but if you use bone meal you can use a bit more.
I've been waiting for it to catch, which it recently did, to add my top dressing of castings and compost so that should help the line.

I used to put a nice thick layer of castings covered by compost on them but, given my new fondness for air, this time I'll just put thin layers and plan on replacing them more often.
What do you mean by catch, are you sipping?
I re-looked at the spreadsheet and decided to add 4T of blood meal which I originally got to kick start my compost pile and that will bring my numbers right in line with The Rev's. I'm light on N according to his mix and blood meal is 12-0-0 so it doesn't mess up any of the other ratios.

Also, re-reading the prior version of the TLO book I see that if you have Gypsum that is the large pellet variety (which I do) you can use 3x as much so I'll add more of that as well.

While I probably won't continue to use the blood meal in the future, I have it on hand so, in for a penny, in for a pound! Might as well see what my approximation of the official version can do.
If you uppot a few times you get to add new myco a few times, and if you add a little P just under the rootball each time, then hit it with a molasses tea after the final uppot, quite often you see a big jump in brix after the tea.

You end up with lots of myco and a couple/3 small patches of P inside the rootball.

The myco starts working on the P, then the molasses jacks up the microbes and P poop galore.

Only use small amounts if it's SRP, but if you use bone meal you can use a bit more.
Ah, ok. That makes sense and is a really good idea. I'll try to remember that in a couple of weeks when my clones are ready. Ok to use with new clones if I give them a wide buffer of old soil in between?
What do you mean by catch, are you sipping?
Well, yes. Inadvertently. While I was waiting for my cuts to turn into clones I thought I'd see how the mechanics of the new NetPot SIP worked.

First I tried it with really wet soil to see if it would drain the excess through reverse capillary action (it did not), and then I wanted to see how well the mix wicked water and how the added air around the pot affected the moisture readings which I was pleased with as the top couple of inches remained moist but not wet, though I did get to wet about 4 inches down toward the bottom of the pot.

And all of that testing was done without a plant in the mix.

Once the clone was ready I planted it with some water in the reservoir to see how the new pot compared to my old buckets.

But now it's mostly drained the reservoir and I don't plan to use that part until I get brix levels up and then I will to see if I can maintain those levels while engaging the reservoir.

That's my ultimate goal, a high brix SIP where I get the best from both worlds.

But, one step at a time...
Ah, ok. That makes sense and is a really good idea. I'll try to remember that in a couple of weeks when my clones are ready. Ok to use with new clones if I give them a wide buffer of old soil in between?
yes, but with clones you need to hide it so roots find it, don't let it touch the roots, so you may need to set it beside the roots if you cant get it under.

And not much. I use about an eighth of a half teaspoon if you are using SRP. Bone meal isn't as delicate, you can give them a teaspoon or so.
Days 21 and 12.

All 3 of the older ones are manifolded to 4 already and the small LC is topped to 2.

RVDC Clones Day 2 in soil.

No signs of shock.
Wow definitely some buds forming in there🥰. She's a full on tree! How tall do you think she is?

The season is late here this year, pistils are just starting to pop now.
Just measured. Last week it was 9ft, today is 9ft 2in. Stretch is about done and some buds are finally starting to show. How long was your IKLWA in flower? I remember it looked pretty beat up when it finished so I have that to look forward to.
Just measured. Last week it was 9ft, today is 9ft 2in. Stretch is about done and some buds are finally starting to show. How long was your IKLWA in flower? I remember it looked pretty beat up when it finished so I have that to look forward to.
Iklwa was about 8 weeks, but it was RVDV that was really beat up.

Ikky just yellowed in finish.
Lol, yeah, no kidding. RVDV looked rough but it's just it's genetics. Your Ikky looked good!
Ikky was a charm to grow. She never asked for anything and not a single problem. She nugged up really nicely for a pureblood sativa.

Her yield was decent for only 6 mains. She was manifolded to 4 at the 3rd node and I left the two 2nd node branches on. One was a mutant so I wanted to watch that.

I never delarfed her a single bit, and that round ball of a bottom was filled with larf. Probably at least 4 ounces of it. That was the worm's cut.

I didn't weigh her but I would guess 4 ounces of nuggets up top. She filled 3 quart sized canning jars really full, so probably 40 grams per jar. The one mutant cola was really dense.

If I had of manifolded her to 8 mains and delarfed her it would have been 8 ounces of prime nuggets easily.

The smoke is fantastic. I'm not sure how old you are, but if you remember the lemony-pine California Redhair that was abundant in about 1983-1985, it's very similar in taste, except she's a very pleasant full on sativa buzz. Fairly potent too, but not sativa-dangerous potent like some Malawi's can be.

I'm a huge fan of Durban Poison, and Ikky is pretty much tied with DP on both my list and the Wife's, and if you mix the two 50/50 the buzz is incredible. You could have tons of fun just doing yard chores all day long. It gets shit done.

My best description of Ikky would be lemony-pine Durban Poison. There is a touch of earthiness in there but it's a nice earthiness, not a dirt taste. The pine is stronger than the lemon. Just enough lemony in there to sweeten the pine.

By far the nuggiest landrace I have grown, and I went thru a big landrace faze about 5 years ago.

I wish I had of taken a clone, I wouldn't hesitate to run a full tent of it.

I grew her in 1st run soil with Gaia Green Power Bloom as her only nutrient other than EWC and fish ferts, so she isn't a soil pig, just a really easy plant to grow. I had zero calcium issues, EWC coverd Ca perfectly.

I did top dress her weekly with more Power Bloom and EWC, and she ate that fast. She only brixed at 14-15, but the soil was fairly weak by brix standards, however 14 is all you need. I'm not even sure if she lost a leaf right up til the end.

I could have let her go longer, probably almost 2 weeks longer, but I like clear to milky trichs, I'm not a fan of amber. So I could of added more weight easily.

For myself and the Wife's preferences I nailed the ripeness.

Gaia Green Power Bloom looks very similar to Geo Flora so you should do well👍

This Miss Sticky plant I have now at 22 days old has real potential. It's bushy like an indica. It's a regular seed so I really hope it's a she.

Miss Sticky would be far cooler than Uncle Sticky🤣

I love your tree, it's a very cool plant. It should harvest a ton for you. The ones in the steel planter look like they are budding up nicely too.

I can't wait to see them in another month. You should definitely have enough to fill your stash.
Good Morning Miss Carmen 😊☕✌️. I hope the day finds you well. How goes the drying? Mac looks like her trichs are starting to ripen. Should be ready soon😍. She's a stunner!
Hey Gee, the RH is 63 atm. Overnight it gets into the 70s, so in the mornings I throw the doors open on the icy winter to receive some fresh, drier air. I have them covered in black plastic bags to protect them from the light. Those are draped and I have a fan blowing gently onto the outside of the bags. They are sticky!
I expect the MAC will be ready in a couple of days. She's also putting on a fade display now :)
Hey Gee, the RH is 63 atm. Overnight it gets into the 70s, so in the mornings I throw the doors open on the icy winter to receive some fresh, drier air. I have them covered in black plastic bags to protect them from the light. Those are draped and I have a fan blowing gently onto the outside of the bags. They are sticky!
I expect the MAC will be ready in a couple of days. She's also putting on a fade display now :)
63% RH, thats darn near perfect! 😎

I can't get over 35% ever unless there's a storm brewing.😔
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