He's a She, but it happens all the time. For a boxer she's immense. She can guard with the best of them. Flip her switch and her soft warm lazy ass adrenalizes into a nasty rippled beast. It's actually pretty amazing to see. It's what boxers were bred to do.

Lol no but being as inbred as boxers are, their fangs are huge but all other teeth except for their rear inscisors are terrible. The gum line envelopes them little chompers.

She was considered too big for show so as a purbred she was useless so we got a smokin deal on her as long as we got her spayed, which was fine with us.

Most boxers are 60-ish pounds. Chunky fluctuates between 95-100, and she's all neck and shoulders. When she grabs a toy you aren't getting it.

She's my wingman but Momma is her Golden egg. Screw with her even horsing around you get one warning nip, then you got a problem. It's hilarious.

If a stranger shows up she gets up, walks over to the wife, and either climbs on her lap or lays on her feet.

She runs on dog instinct more than any dog I have ever had, so I give her a long leash at home as long as she's polite in public. I don't want to break her of those instincts. For people who know boxers, she's the stubbornest one I have ever seen.

The world isn't like it used to be, so if someone decides to put ill on my wife, it won't go well. She's safe.

Tbanks G👊. ow are yours? Why don't you go get the ladder and give us a close-up of your main top?🤣🤣

Hey Scottay✌️. She does love a pet. A butt scratch to be precise🤣. Next one's from you👊
That's a good dog! We had a lab like that. We live off the road a little and took turns with our next door neighbor walking the kids to the bus stop for school. Our lab found her way to the stop and Joanne knew she wasn't street smart so she walked her home to our house after the bus came. Our two families were like one and we watched each other's kids joyfully as if they were our own. Well as they came to where we park the cars the dog turned around and guarded the house from Joanne! Only my mom was home and no-one was going to get in. All natural and "not even mean spirited" said Joanne jokingly. She just did it like it was her job. Dogs are cool people! Ours was named Joy and she was one! Chunky's fantastic too!
That's a good dog! We had a lab like that. We live off the road a little and took turns with our next door neighbor walking the kids to the bus stop for school. Our lab found her way to the stop and Joanne knew she wasn't street smart so she walked her home to our house after the bus came. Our two families were like one and we watched each other's kids joyfully as if they were our own. Well as they came to where we park the cars the dog turned around and guarded the house from Joanne! Only my mom was home and no-one was going to get in. All natural and "not even mean spirited" said Joanne jokingly. She just did it like it was her job. Dogs are cool people! Ours was named Joy and she was one! Chunky's fantastic too!
Isn't it cool that pets are some of our best family memories❤️

I love dogs and cats. I've always had both. They were raised like kids and with our kids, and now our kids are raising dogs and cats with their kids. Everyone should have a dog and a cat. 🥰
Day 25's and 16.
3 of them are taking shape. Little LC is so small.






Miss Sticky.


Little LC.


Day 6 in soil. They are starting to settle in now. Fish ferts for everyone tomorrow.


#1. From 8 3/4" to 13" in 5 days. An increase of 4 1/4".


#2. From 6" to 10 1/2". An increase of 4 1/2".


#3. From 3 3/4" to 8 1/2". An increase of 4 3/4".
Day 26's and 17.


Miss Sticky front right will get manifolded to 8 tomorrow.

Little LC front left will need 3 or 4 more days to get to 8 tops, but she is starting a growth spurt so I expect she will catch up quickly now.

Only 30 more Days and I can flip 3 of these to flower, providing Miss Sticky is a Chick.

RV clones - Day 7 in soil.


They are growing and improving quickly. I never got around to giving them their 1st fish water and also I never got any of the outsiders topdressed. I will have to do it tomorrow.






Here's the outside crew.


BK manifolded revegger.


and from above.


RV clone in the 27 gallon tote.


Her main cola.


RV in a 7gal pot.


Her main cola.


The other RV in a 7gal.


Her main top.
They're getting organized now! Beautiful!
Day 26's and 17.


Miss Sticky front right will get manifolded to 8 tomorrow.

Little LC front left will need 3 or 4 more days to get to 8 tops, but she is starting a growth spurt so I expect she will catch up quickly now.

Only 30 more Days and I can flip 3 of these to flower, providing Miss Sticky is a Chick.

RV clones - Day 7 in soil.


They are growing and improving quickly. I never got around to giving them their 1st fish water and also I never got any of the outsiders topdressed. I will have to do it tomorrow.






Do you mix your fish water per the bottle directions?
They're getting organized now! Beautiful!
I started them late from clone to keep them a manageable size. I'm happy with where they are at. Lots left in the pots for flower😊
Do you mix your fish water per the bottle directions?
I do. For me that's 1.5 ml/litre. I have gone as high as 2.5ml/litre and noticed no difference so I stick with the instructions.
I started them late from clone to keep them a manageable size. I'm happy with where they are at. Lots left in the pots for flower😊

I do. For me that's 1.5 ml/litre. I have gone as high as 2.5ml/litre and noticed no difference so I stick with the instructions.
Appreciate that! It's easy to want to go hard with it and it's kind of pricy! They do love it!
Brix Check. 13:30PT.

There's Weather Alert predicting a strong storm due to arrive starting in about 8 hours and strong in 12 hours running for another 12 hours. Heavy rains too.

I don't know if my brix has already crashed or not, but I am going to try to brix all 4 of these daily, over the next few days.


BK manifold. For her sake I hope she has crashed already lol. 14 and almost crisp. I think it's a calcium thing more than a storm thing tho🤣. Sorry Girl.

She's also fairly dry so she will get a double dose of dolowater. Still at 75-80ppm but 6 gallons instead of 3. Slowly. It's top dressing day too. Gaia Power Bloom for everyone.


RV 27gal tote. She's brix 21.5 and perfectly fuzzy. Dead perfect. She's running very optimal right now. All brix readings come from the about 2/3 the way up the plants.


RV 7gal. Brix 20.5 and perfectly fuzzy.

Another champ, but being clone triplets you would kind of suspect that.


RV 7gal. Brix 21 and perfectly fuzzy. What a pheno😍. She can photosynthesize higher than a lot of strains.

If she ripens before frost I have a high brix sativa that I can clone for outdoor grows every year.🤞

She seems way happier outside than in. She really digs Rev's Mix too.

The 7gal cubes worry me. They are going to be high maintenance.

Fish ferts is next on their menu.
She's a doozy.


I hope they don't snap off. The poblano just did. They seem to turn sideways like an inside-out umbrella and the wind just howls by without snapping them off. 🤞

I think they feel right at home! (Gee I'll delete this if it's not you prefer not to have it in your journal.)

Will you need to build them some supports?
Here's what I got for brix readings all about 2 hours apart. The last reading was 5 minutes before the storm hit.

27 gal brix 21.5 - 19.5 - 16.5
7 gal1 brix 20.5 - 20 - 17.5
7gal2 brix 21 - 19.5 - 20
Isn't the brix supposed to drop out ahead of a storm? Does that mean your trap door isn't opening and you need boron or whatever it was ?

1-3 points doesn't seem like much of a survival effort. Are your plants just mailing it in?

Lazy bastards...
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