I don't see it as much in wild lady. LC-18 will fade. Miss Sticky does stay green until fade.
I think the cooking soil will be fine. Maybe mix in a quarter old soil and then use the quarter of good stuff as a top dressing if needed? I grow mine with compost, castings, old soil and Perlite as a base with a little bone meal and rock dust. I don't get too involved and let nature do its thing. I'll take steps to save a plant that really struggling but otherwise I get a soil of a certain fluffy texture and drop a seed in it and water and forget. Outside they just do their thing. I know that doesn't help you too much. Mr O grew a LC-18 last year so he could help you with an indoor soil mix.
She grew in oldish Rev's v2 in SIP completely plastic mulch covered 100% of the time. All water through the rez with a few microbe adds.

She made few leaves and kept them the whole grow. A pleasure of a plant! This was a quad grow held down as a false manifold. She's still on the tray every day!


The white flushes are slowing on the older ones now and calyxes are really pushing thru the hairs as they chunk up, and they are chunking up fast now. The do still have quite a few new white tufts, but it's slowing down. The trichs are still all clear and brix is still 14 even with the self cannibalization happening.
Those flushes have been beautiful to watch! Like bursts of fireworks! I lost track of who this plant is?
Yes, wait on the myco until the plant needs watering. There will be some kind of instruction on the myco package for a drench, such as 1 tbsp per litre of water, or whatever they state as an amount.

Then only pour in as much as you would normally water. Pour it in in small amounts letting each small pouring completely soak in before pouring in more, and it's very important to mix it vigorously before each small pour, or else the majority of it comes out in the last pour and just sits on the surface.

The idea is to keep it mixed so every pour pushes the last pour deeper in, so you really want it mixed evenly for each pour.

This is a good learning experience. By reading up on K I learned that a K def will cause the plant to replace K with calcium internally, as they are both strong cations, but with K playing a major role in water uptake, water uptake is curbed, causing calcium replacement to not occur properly, thus a K def will lead to a faux calcium def too, even if calcium is abundant in the soil.

So thank you for that Carmen, it's good knowledge to have. If you suspect a K def and see signs of an over watered plant that isn't overwatered, and a cal def is starting, it is assurance that it's a K def👍👊

You can probably lose the heating pad now too.
Wow, that's so interesting. Thanks for doing the reading Gee. Tomorrow is water day so I'll do the myco. Should I be doing Kelp with the myco?
Wow, that's so interesting. Thanks for doing the reading Gee. Tomorrow is water day so I'll do the myco. Should I be doing Kelp with the myco?
I love kelp, I get it in at pretty much any chance, but when I add myco as a drench I do it by itself.

You only need to get it in tho, so if you add all your myco to one liter of water, but you were planning on using 2 liters for the full watering, you could make the 2nd liter out of kelp. Then pour the kelp in first, so when you add the myco rinse slowly, closer to the center where the root mass is thickest, it will stay on the roots where you want it.
Day 62, 62, 48, and 45.


So here's wherecthings sit, and I think I finally have a plan😎.

I brixed a 62 day plant and it was 15 and fuzxy, even in full cannibalization mode, and I brixed the youngest plant and it was 16 and fuzzy. Then I did a trichome check and today almost every crystal clear drop of resin now has a slightest of cloudiness, so I would guess they will move fast now. The older 2 are still pushing out white tufts, but the tufts are smaller and fewer.


The younger 2.


The older 2.


And the plan.

The tought of maintaining mother plants makes me want to puke, and there is something I would like to try on RVDV to see if I can stop the self consumption.


And these 2 are perfectly shaped so in a few days when the older 2 meet their demise, these 2 are going into the flower tent and then I will be done with RVDV until I grow her from seed again.


2 weeks later the younger 2 will be chopped as well and these 2 can have the whole tent.

I can't stop them from eating themselves which tells me they demand nitrogen regardlass of being in flower, so I am going to trust the pots to have enough minerals in them, but starting now they will get top dressed with Gaia 4-4-4 veg mix and ewc. I'm going to crank up organic matter all thru flower and see where it goes.

I'm not going to top them, just delarf and see how those mains do. I'll cater to the apex colas. So we have about 70 more days of RVDV, but I will start my next grow in the veg tent 5 weeks before flower is done. Then finish veg in the flower tent.

I really don't want to lose this pheno, but after flowering 2 more I'll have well over a pound of it. I won't need more of it for years.
Let me guess, not worried about deficiencies yet?!?!?
Let me guess, not worried about deficiencies yet?!?!?
No, Matt said this strain just rips it's leave apart late in flower. It does it right on cue, you can see the different degrees in the 3 different ages of clones. They are all still over 12 in brix with fuzzy calcium lines, so they are healthy, just finishing with a vengance. The ugliest still have some leaf matter that can be consumed before the buds get hit, and I think they only have 2-3 days left til the trichs are ripe, so they are fine.

Next grow on the last two I'm gonna try to force her to push farther. See if we can swell some calyxes. Get a few more tufts of pistils, make more sugars.

I don't know if it will work, but by the time the last 2 are done I will have a great RV stash😎.

So I have about 37 days until I sprout more seeds.The soil will be really cooked by then.
So my Brix after Dolo water 2 days ago, is fuzzy but lower than it was before watering, maybe a hair less than 12. Would another 50ppm Dolo maintenance dose be a good idea than hopefully move to biweekly?
If the line is fuzzy then calcium is pretty good. Any chance there is stormy weather in your area right now. That can drop brix a couple points.
Haven't checked brix.

At 4 days I hit the targeted LWA but looking at the trichs with a scope showed not much change to the stalks and heads so I gave it a half watering to bring it back a bit and now it's on its second droughting round. I'm now starting to see some elongation of the stalks so it seems like time plays a roll, at least visually.

It had been drinking 1L every other day so it got 1/2 L which brought it back more than I expected. Two days later it was droopy but still had a little turgor pressure evident so I let it go another day and I'm sure it will be fully wilted when lights come on today so I'll give it another half watering and watch the trichomes. Water is rain water plus a weak dose of dolo water, 35-40 ppm.

It's the end of week 8 for an 8-9 week strain (counted from first flush of pistils) so I think I'll do another couple of rounds of half waterings over the next week before harvest and see if that jacks the droughting response.

Since I have a bugger of a time getting drops out if a fully hydrated leaf, I'd imagine it'd be even harder in their semi dry state now, but if they look OK after I fully rehydrate I'll give it a try.
So I think I have come up with a better plan than the one I had yesterday.

Instead of tossing the 2 programmers into the flower tent this week, I will let them veg a bit longer until the current heat wave subsides.

They say 5 more days of 100+ degrees and then some rain and only about 90 degrees after that, so....

Aug 7th is our region's 1st day of flower so about July 25th I will toss them outside to flower. That will free up the tents for an LC-18 grow. 3 weeks away so I may plant seeds tomorrow. 😎

Days 63, 63, 49 and 46 of Flower.





I have some reds coming in. Most strains that I have had with a red/burgandy color in senesence have been very nice. As sativa as it gets. Hopefully these are no different😎


The programmers shaped out really nice with no pruning. Outdoors is the only way to get even light to all the tops. I could prune out the center colas on each and have a very flat canopy, but I want some apex primes😍.


In 7gal pots I will need to feed heavy.

I never said you, but you know.if your volunteering🤣🤣🤣🤣

I've only ever droughted right into chopping them down and I don't do it anymore as it gets too strong, but it works and yeah, they look like hell all dead looking.

If you go @Maritimer 's route, which is likely more effective, you don't really want them dead do you?

His way is to water them back up and grow another week or 2 isn't it?

I do know doing it the way I had always done it gives you massive trichs. Like 4 or 5 glands per stalk. It's insanely potent. No bueno. It makes you sweat🤣
End of Life target always with Indica dominant.
Planned rescues always with Sativa dominant.
With Hybrids plan on EOL drought, but be prepared to rescue vigorous players.

EOL produces the most potent of medicines. The oils produced during a species survival response (End of Life drought) are most suitable for end-of-life patients. This is the medicine of my hospice love. When a brother or sister are passing from this life, the grower is encouraged to pursue the End-of-Life drought. Taken in capsulated form dosage control is a piece of cake. The eventual pairing with morphine doses effects the calm in expected rest.

Somebody needs to be there for me, so I try to teach as many folks as possible. Not trying to be morbid, but this is a medical cannabis conversation. Thanks for listening. :love:
End of Life target always with Indica dominant.
Planned rescues always with Sativa dominant.
With Hybrids plan on EOL drought, but be prepared to rescue vigorous players.

EOL produces the most potent of medicines. The oils produced during a species survival response (End of Life drought) are most suitable for end-of-life patients. This is the medicine of my hospice love. When a brother or sister are passing from this life, the grower is encouraged to pursue the End-of-Life drought. Taken in capsulated form dosage control is a piece of cake. The eventual pairing with morphine doses effects the calm in expected rest.

Somebody needs to be there for me, so I try to teach as many folks as possible. Not trying to be morbid, but this is a medical cannabis conversation. Thanks for listening. :love:
Thanks @Maritimer :thanks:

I didn't know about the differences between the two. So when you say end of life for a indica dominant strain is that the bitter end, like right into harvest? And would you go beyond the 50% droop to really stress it or is there some advantage to stopping at 50%?

My plant is indica dominant and I got to 50% in 4 days and just didn't see the morphology change in any appreciable way so I did another round and have started to see the elongation of the trichomes. It's on round three now with a half watering every 2-3 days and I plan on doing that the rest of this week into harvest next weekend.

I'm not end of life (at least that I know of) but stronger medicine might just mean less is needed per dose and stockpiles last longer.
End of Life target always with Indica dominant.
Planned rescues always with Sativa dominant.
With Hybrids plan on EOL drought, but be prepared to rescue vigorous players.

EOL produces the most potent of medicines. The oils produced during a species survival response (End of Life drought) are most suitable for end-of-life patients. This is the medicine of my hospice love. When a brother or sister are passing from this life, the grower is encouraged to pursue the End-of-Life drought. Taken in capsulated form dosage control is a piece of cake. The eventual pairing with morphine doses effects the calm in expected rest.

Somebody needs to be there for me, so I try to teach as many folks as possible. Not trying to be morbid, but this is a medical cannabis conversation. Thanks for listening. :love:
Thanks @Maritimer I didn't know that. That would explain why when I used to drought them right into harvest they were insanely strong. Way too strong for me. Now I know why🙏👊. I only did it to speed up the drying process but it was pretty evident from the finished product that something else was going on.
Day 64, 64, 50, and 47 of Flower.

Man alive are these things both cannabalistic and ugly. The buds however are completely unscathed. I scoped the trichomes on the two 64 day olds and half of them are half-ways milky, and the other half are still crystal clear. No amber at all, so another day or two for sure.


The older two.


Fall colors are coming in fast now.


The buds behind these ugly leaves are incredible.


The younger 2. They are following in their older sisters footsteps exactly.


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