Almost there. At this point I usually remove any fans that are done. Makes trimming easier. What do they smell like if you stick your nose in the buds?
Ok I will start plucking. She smells earthy but a bit sweet and a bit piney. A lot like oldschool blonde hash but a bit sweeter and a touch of pine. Very nice. Not overpowering. Almost light, but very nice. Very refined. It should be great smoke❤️.

She looks like she will be a breeze to trim.😊
No, Matt said this strain just rips it's leave apart late in flower. It does it right on cue, you can see the different degrees in the 3 different ages of clones. They are all still over 12 in brix with fuzzy calcium lines, so they are healthy, just finishing with a vengance. The ugliest still have some leaf matter that can be consumed before the buds get hit, and I think they only have 2-3 days left til the trichs are ripe, so they are fine.

Next grow on the last two I'm gonna try to force her to push farther. See if we can swell some calyxes. Get a few more tufts of pistils, make more sugars.

I don't know if it will work, but by the time the last 2 are done I will have a great RV stash😎.

So I have about 37 days until I sprout more seeds.The soil will be really cooked by then.
Yes, I was being facetious:) mine look like the zombie apocalypse by the time I typically harvest but I am almost never worried. I did get bit by mildew a couple times in the past so I’m extra vigilant when it comes to that. FYI, I did brix reading again and it’s still at 13 and fuzzy and out of curiosity I also took reading from older growth that is just staring to yellow and it was at 9 and fuzzy. Cheers
Yes, I was being facetious:) mine look like the zombie apocalypse by the time I typically harvest but I am almost never worried. I did get bit by mildew a couple times in the past so I’m extra vigilant when it comes to that. FYI, I did brix reading again and it’s still at 13 and fuzzy and out of curiosity I also took reading from older growth that is just staring to yellow and it was at 9 and fuzzy. Cheers
Nice, you're solidly above 12👍. More P will up the brix throughout the entire plant and push that 13 to a 15 or 16 quite easily, and it doesn't take much.

Maybe on your next run of that soil add a bit more P to the global mix and see where it goes.

Azi likes composting flower heads for P so I tried it last year. I only made a small batch but it was in the mix that spiked the 3 old Purple Kush cuts to, if I recall, a 22, a 23, and the big ol' 26.

I was going to make another specialty batch this year but instead I am saving and freezing flower heads and when I get enough to fill an entire worm farm tray I do that and will keep that EWC aside for adding into my global rebuild mixes, and use regular EWC for top dressing.

My 1st tray of it is about 3 weeks away from being done, and it's 4.5 gallons, so next grow I will have enough to do a soil rebuild with it.

I need 10 gallons of it for 4 10gal pots each grow.
On the topic of worm farms, they are a fantastic place to sprout avocados. Far better than toothpicks and a glass of water.

When I fill a tray in the worm farm I put an avocado pit in each corner, pointy end up, half ways in, and water it with the sprayer to ensure good contact with the worm farm.

Then every 2 weeks when I add another tray I pop them out and place them into the corners of the next tray.

In 3-4 weeks they split. Once they crack they are rooting, so if you need to move them up to the next tray dig them out carefully with a spoon. Be careful the spoon doesn't crack the tap root. Then carefully replant them in the next tray above.

Watch closely and when the top pokes up like these, carefully fill a cup half way full with soil and then carefully scoop the avocado pit out and plant it in the cup and fill in the edges. Try to keep some fresh EWC attached to the roots if possible for innoculation.

Never go more than half deep on the seeds and keep them as moist as possible. I mist them every 3 or 4 days.

Once planted, dome them for a week to harden them off, pop the dome off, and Presto! an avocado tree. They are fast growers. A few inches a month easily.

If you use the nice big pits you get a 100% success rate in 8 weeks or less. Usually 4-6 weeks. Only runty little pits fail.





It isn't weed, but it's fun. I give them away all the time, people love them.

Most try the toothpicks and water at least once and have no success, so they love getting them already sprouted.
Hmmmmm. Causative or coincident? 🤔
I believe there is something to it. 22 was the highest I ever got before that and not very often. So to get all 3 that high something was different, and that was the only thing. I only had about 3 gallons of it so I tossed a gallon in each pot over and above the regular mix.

Here are all 3 sisters back outside. There is quite the color difference. The one in the tub is Rev's mix 50/50 with Gaia 2.0 and the 2 in the cubes are straight Gaia 2.0. All with Rev's calcium mix. All are untopped.


Rev's Mix.


and an overhead shot.


Gaia 2.0 Mix. Sorry about how it camoflauges into the little apple tree below.


And it's overhead shot.


The other Gaia 2.0 clone. Again, sorry for the camoflauging.


And it's overhead shot.


A Gaia 2.0 cola from indoors with huge preflower hairs.


No hairs on the Rev's mix outdoors. I'm a bit perplexed, but this strain just does whatever it wants and I just get to follow along apparently🤣.

They are all going to be fed veg topdressings right to harvest now. I want to try to slow the cannibalization. There's enough P in the pots to do them.

Tomorrow they get fish, veg food, and some Seasoil mulch.

Trichomes on the flowering ones are still mostly clear. I didn't brix anything in flower today.
How close to harvest are you on the ones your droughting?
Watching trichomes. I'm at end of week 9 on an 8-9 week strain so pretty soon.

And how are the fan leaves looking?
No longer have any. The repeated droughting cycles pretty much took care of those.
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