Those are some attractive looking buds and look really easy to trim! :yummy:

I took some Brix readings and I know that the fuzzy line above 12 is a good thing. The purple lemonade line is really fuzzy and well above the 12 mark, pretty awesome for how rough this plant was. The Tropicana Cookies is a much more solid line and at 12% mark. They got a Dolomite water mixed to 50ppm with fish ferts today.




Beautiful, slender but chunky red sativa buds!
Carmen they are gorgeous! 🥰😍

My terrible photography skills don't do them much justice. They are exactly as you described them, beautiful slender but chunky red sativa buds.

They have a nice sweet smell. A little piney, a little lemony, a little earthy, and sweet. I can't wait to try them. 😊
Those are some attractive looking buds and look really easy to trim! :yummy:

I took some Brix readings and I know that the fuzzy line above 12 is a good thing. The purple lemonade line is really fuzzy and well above the 12 mark, pretty awesome for how rough this plant was. The Tropicana Cookies is a much more solid line and at 12% mark. They got a Dolomite water mixed to 50ppm with fish ferts today.




Wow very nice G! Well done! 👍👊

Your calcium looks great. You really gotta love the ease of Gaia. The soil microbes seem to do really well with it too. You have them in a great place for a stellar finish!🥰❤️👊

How did you manage to get pictures? I have a really tough time getting pictures thru the lens. Once in awhile I manage. Most of the time I can't get the camera lens to line up with the eye piece. I've tried zooming in, zooming out, different lighting, not much seems to work for me.
Carmen they are gorgeous! 🥰😍

My terrible photography skills don't do them much justice. They are exactly as you described them, beautiful slender but chunky red sativa buds.

They have a nice sweet smell. A little piney, a little lemony, a little earthy, and sweet. I can't wait to try them. 😊
Always earthy for Africans
Wow very nice G! Well done! 👍👊

Your calcium looks great. You really gotta love the ease of Gaia. The soil microbes seem to do really well with it too. You have them in a great place for a stellar finish!🥰❤️👊
It really is an easy way to feed the plant. I'm going to keep up with the fish ferts as well.
How did you manage to get pictures? I have a really tough time getting pictures thru the lens. Once in awhile I manage. Most of the time I can't get the camera lens to line up with the eye piece. I've tried zooming in, zooming out, different lighting, not much seems to work for me.
I just put the eye piece up to my phone camera, on 2x zoom, and try tilting the refractometer around until I get it to show. It isn't super easy but it's easier than squeezing out leaf juice 😂.

Ps. I found that Dolomite water smell you were referring too 🤢, really wakes up the senses.
It really is an easy way to feed the plant. I'm going to keep up with the fish ferts as well.
Myco loves the fish👍
I just put the eye piece up to my phone camera, on 2x zoom, and try tilting the refractometer around until I get it to show. It isn't super easy but it's easier than squeezing out leaf juice 😂.
Lol not much is harder than squeezing juice from a leaf🤣
Ps. I found that Dolomite water smell you were referring too 🤢, really wakes up the senses.
Isn't it an eye opener!🤣
Good Morning @Gidorah. You must have been road tripping again. Hows the ladies making out?
You right, spent a week in Colorado backpacking near Leadville in the Collegiate Mountains. Made it up Mount Harvard!
Ladies are doing great. Will take some pics later today. No preflowers yet, not sure when they flip here down in San Diego, should be soon I would think.
Wow!! That's a good hike. A leg burner. The views must have been incredible😍

Get any good pics?

I haven't hiked in a few years now but the wife and I hiked the West Coast Trail on the outer edge of Vancouver Island about 10 years ago. That was a hard yet extremely beautiful hike.

I'd like to do it again but with brand new high tech ultra light gear. 65 pounds was too much to carry for a week.
You right, spent a week in Colorado backpacking near Leadville in the Collegiate Mountains. Made it up Mount Harvard!
Ladies are doing great. Will take some pics later today. No preflowers yet, not sure when they flip here down in San Diego, should be soon I would think.
IKLWA is well over 7ft now

Wild Lady and the gang are doing great. All have staggered nodes and are ready for flip.

Good to see your TMSC plants Gee so I know what to look for. Any trimming pointers? I'm in your camp, would prefer big colas and no to little larf
Wow!! That's a good hike. A leg burner. The views must have been incredible😍

Get any good pics?

I haven't hiked in a few years now but the wife and I hiked the West Coast Trail on the outer edge of Vancouver Island about 10 years ago. That was a hard yet extremely beautiful hike.

I'd like to do it again but with brand new high tech ultra light gear. 65 pounds was too much to carry for a week.
You my friend are a beast with a 65lb bag. Mine loaded with 5 days of food was just under 40lbs. Lightweight gear is a godsend, buy once, cry once.
You my friend are a beast with a 65lb bag. Mine loaded with 5 days of food was just under 40lbs. Lightweight gear is a godsend, buy once, cry once.
Wow! Now thats a panorama! If I recall that mountain is something like the 6th highest peak in The Rockies, or something like that isn't it?
A few days ago I made up an extract of Great White looking to see if I could get a boost in brix by recharging the mycos. No joy, so today I hit it with some molasses water.

I'm now convinced that that soil won't allow for high brix on its own and either @Gee64 or @Keffka mentioned that if you give it sugar water more than once in flower the microbes get lazy and you have to keep giving it.

So, that's what I'm going to do; give it molasses water regularly.

Remind me the dilutions and max frequency again? I'm thinking 1/2 teaspoon/L every 7-10 days. Do I remember that correctly?

And also, anyone heard from Keffka recently? Seems it's been a while since we've heard from him on here.
IKLWA is well over 7ft now

Wild Lady and the gang are doing great. All have staggered nodes and are ready for flip.

Good to see your TMSC plants Gee so I know what to look for. Any trimming pointers? I'm in your camp, would prefer big colas and no to little larf
Geez your Iklwa is a monster. Thats very cool. Mine was extremely branchy within. Tons of larfy side branching.

To grow it again I would heavily prune them out and keep it only to the mains. Even with all the side branching the main colas were nice and nuggy.

It's a really nice weed. Great buzz. I wish I had of grown a couple of them.
I typically use 3 - 4 tbsp per 5 ga of rain water for molasses, and I only use it every 2 weeks typically, except for when I start foliar when it gets it no more than once a week in middle of week to offset from other feedings. Less applied more often than the opposite is best in my opinion.
A few days ago I made up an extract of Great White looking to see if I could get a boost in brix by recharging the mycos. No joy, so today I hit it with some molasses water.

I'm now convinced that that soil won't allow for high brix on its own and either @Gee64 or @Keffka mentioned that if you give it sugar water more than once in flower the microbes get lazy and you have to keep giving it.

So, that's what I'm going to do; give it molasses water regularly.

Remind me the dilutions and max frequency again? I'm thinking 1/2 teaspoon/L every 7-10 days. Do I remember that correctly?

And also, anyone heard from Keffka recently? Seems it's been a while since we've heard from him on here.
Azi if you keep giving it sugar water your brix will eventually crash as the plant won't be able to control the microbes with bribery to get them to mine P. Using it once gives the microbes a health boost of carbon to up their robustness, but too often and they won't cater to the plant because you are feeding them. Add some high P guano top dressing until your crumbles can do it, or use bone meal.
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