Azi if you keep giving it sugar water your brix will eventually crash as the plant won't be able to control the microbes with bribery to get them to mine P. Using it once gives the microbes a health boost of carbon to up their robustness, but too often and they won't cater to the plant because you are feeding them. Add some high P guano top dressing until your crumbles can do it, or use bone meal.
Great points, making me want to do more testing now. Gonna end up going crazy again trying all sorts of stuff thanks to you guys :)
Day 2 of Veg for the LC Girls.

and Day 1 for Miss Sticky.

One LC-18 and 1 Miss Sticky still haven't popped. If they don't by Wednesday then Wednesday morning I will plant a couple Durbans to grow with their cousins. I have to travel Wed-Sunday so they will be on their own.

It's been a long time since I've carved into a clone rootball, hopefully tomorrow I will have time to dissect the 2 RV's I chopped yesterday.
Third highest in the Rockies, 4th highest in the lower contiguous 48 states with Mt. Whitney being the highest in the Sierras. Super fun and challenging, air gets thin up there.
Ok, I knew it was high. over 14,000 I think, so I bet the air gets thin. I spent a day on Haleakala in Hawaii and a Day on Irazu in Costa Rice, both over 10,000 and 11,000 respectively, and you notice it. You slow down. I couldn't imagine what it was like actually hiking up there. Thats pretty cool😎👊
Azi if you keep giving it sugar water your brix will eventually crash as the plant won't be able to control the microbes with bribery to get them to mine P
Ok, let's not go crazy. Don't you think "crash" is a little overly dramatic? I mean I brixed yesterday at 10. So more like falling out of a window on the first floor. My 10 could go to what 8? 7? :laughtwo:

I'm just trying to get this plant to the finish line with a lesser bug issue. I have added the bone meal to my weekly top dressing but it'll be at least a couple of weeks before any of that breaks down enough to be useful and the plant is already half way through flower.
Ok, let's not go crazy. Don't you think "crash" is a little overly dramatic? I mean I brixed yesterday at 10. So more like falling out of a window on the first floor. My 10 could go to what 8? 7? :laughtwo:

I'm just trying to get this plant to the finish line with a lesser bug issue. I have added the bone meal to my weekly top dressing but it'll be at least a couple of weeks before any of that breaks down enough to be useful and the plant is already half way through flower.
Probably more like falling off a foot stool.. :)
Ok, let's not go crazy. Don't you think "crash" is a little overly dramatic? I mean I brixed yesterday at 10. So more like falling out of a window on the first floor. My 10 could go to what 8? 7? :laughtwo:

I'm just trying to get this plant to the finish line with a lesser bug issue. I have added the bone meal to my weekly top dressing but it'll be at least a couple of weeks before any of that breaks down enough to be useful and the plant is already half way through flower.
Start with a tea then. Use molasses but at a heavier rate, more like a feed.

Go 1 tbsp per gallon of water, add in a full solo of EWC, some kelp or something like that, and some crushed up bone meal. Maybe 2 tablespoons, or if you have some high P guano try that. Any high P mineral that is powdered.

Brew the molasses and other ammendments for 24 hours in a warm room and then toss in the EWC for another 18-24 hours and see what that does.

If you can get it in when they are only half-way dried down so it homogenizes easily throughout the pot thats even better.

Toss some powdered High P crumble in too if you like. That way you get a one time sugar boost and a huge influx of new microbes.

Most will die as the pot restabilizes the population but the corpses will be filled with P from living in the tea.

Thats pretty much the tea I give every grow right at flip. I use more minerals than just that, I add some glacial rock dust and a smidge of SRP.

You know that O2 is good because you are watering properly, Ca is good as per the refractometer, and you have microbes, so it's carbon or P.

Put both in with molasses and a P source, and if you have kelp it's always a good additive. See what happens.

If you are just trying to reach the finish line at any cost, a weekly tea is far better than just sugar water. It's the fastest way to get P in. One good tea could do it.

The only down side to tea feeds is that you may get tip burn if it's too strong.

I would start with that knowing that calcium is already good.

Wash in a top dressing with it.
Azi if you recycle this soil, it will innoculate the next cooking with microbes that are lazy if you turn them into sugar bitches. Long term you are better to chase real brix. It's a cycle.
Does that make Azi a sugar daddy?
Start with a tea then. Use molasses but at a heavier rate, more like a feed.

Go 1 tbsp per gallon of water, add in a full solo of EWC, some kelp or something like that, and some crushed up bone meal. Maybe 2 tablespoons, or if you have some high P guano try that. Any high P mineral that is powdered.

Brew the molasses and other ammendments for 24 hours in a warm room nd then toss in the EWC for another 18-24 hours and see what that does.

If you can get it in when they are only half-way dried down so it homogenizes easily throughout the pot thats even better.

Toss some powdered High P crumble in too if you like. That way you get a one time sugar boost and a huge influx of new microbes.

Most will die as the pot restabilizes the population but the corpses will be filled with P from living in the tea.

Thats pretty much the tea I give every grow right at flip. I use more minerals than just that, I add some glacial rock dust and a smidge of SRP.

You know that O2 is good because you are watering properly, Ca is good as per the refractometer, and you have microbes, so it's carbon or P.

Put both in with molasses and a P source, and if you have kelp it's always a good additive. See what happens.

If you are just trying to reach the finish line at any cost, a weekly tea is far better than just sugar water. It's the fastest way to get P in. One good tea could do it.

The only down side to tea feeds is that you may get tip burn if it's too strong.

I would start with that knowing that calcium is already good.

Wash in a top dressing with it.

Alright I'll give that a try. I'll have to rig up a smaller tea brewing set-up as my current one is a 5 gallon bucket air lift system and I'd only need 1L for that plant.

I think I've got the pieces to do it with a pump, an air stone and a smaller container. Having that smaller version would probably get me to make teas more frequently which would likely be a good thing. I'll go have a reread of The Rev's tea section.

I've got bone meal, flower crumble, my Fruit & Flower JLF, seaweed JLF, worm castings. You say "any high P mineral that is powdered", do you think my JLF's will work as part of the mix? They've already been processed by microbes in their making, but there should be some pretty good nutrients in them, but maybe I'm back to pre-processed is not as good in this application. :hmmmm:

The only down side to tea feeds is that you may get tip burn if it's too strong.

Yeah, that won't be a problem. Azi's grows are not a beauty contest.
Alright I'll give that a try. I'll have to rig up a smaller tea brewing set-up as my current one is a 5 gallon bucket air lift system and I'd only need 1L for that plant.
If you make 5 gals then you can boost brix on your input plants with the rest😊
I think I've got the pieces to do it with a pump, an air stone and a smaller container. Having that smaller version would probably get me to make teas more frequently which would likely be a good thing. I'll go have a reread of The Rev's tea section.

I've got bone meal, flower crumble, my Fruit & Flower JLF, seaweed JLF, worm castings. You say "any high P mineral that is powdered", do you think my JLF's will work as part of the mix? They've already been processed by microbes in their making, but there should be some pretty good nutrients in them, but maybe I'm back to pre-processed is not as good in this application. :hmmmm:
To be honest I'm not sure, but no harm in putting them in, just make sure you also include some unprocessed so the microbes from the EWC have food in the tea.

Yeah, that won't be a problem. Azi's grows are not a beauty contest.
We wouldn't know........
My 5 gallon set-up has to be done in the basement which is a much different environment, especially temperature-wise, but I could fit a 1G pitcher right in the flowering box if I move some things around and figure out a way to hang the pump. And, the higher temps should give me microbes adapted to that environment.

The 5G version is a bit of a production to set up/take down and clean which may be why it doesn't get used as much as it should so maybe having a smaller version would get me to make teas more often. This will give me the push to give it a go.
My 5 gallon set-up has to be done in the basement which is a much different environment, especially temperature-wise, but I could fit a 1G pitcher right in the flowering box if I move some things around and figure out a way to hang the pump. And, the higher temps should give me microbes adapted to that environment.

The 5G version is a bit of a production to set up/take down and clean which may be why it doesn't get used as much as it should so maybe having a smaller version would get me to make teas more often. This will give me the push to give it a go.
I have to admit, I wouldn't mind a small brewer too for the very reason you just stated. Clean-up is a bugger on a big brew.
A few days ago I made up an extract of Great White looking to see if I could get a boost in brix by recharging the mycos. No joy, so today I hit it with some molasses water.

I'm now convinced that that soil won't allow for high brix on its own and either @Gee64 or @Keffka mentioned that if you give it sugar water more than once in flower the microbes get lazy and you have to keep giving it.

So, that's what I'm going to do; give it molasses water regularly.

Remind me the dilutions and max frequency again? I'm thinking 1/2 teaspoon/L every 7-10 days. Do I remember that correctly?

And also, anyone heard from Keffka recently? Seems it's been a while since we've heard from him on here.
I usually do 2 tbsp per 5gal so however that works out, and as for Keff I'm not sure what he's up to. I pm'ed him but no response. I hope he's OK. He may be on holidays, it's that time of year.
Marmots and Tarmagon are good sights packing! Those places are nice that house them!
We have marmots all over the place here. They live in all the local parks along the rivers. They are great fun. You take a bag of baby carrots or green peas out and the whole clan comes running for handouts. My grand kids love it. Yellow bellied marmots are the kind around here. Chubby little buggers.
We have marmots all over the place here. They live in all the local parks along the rivers. They are great fun. You take a bag of baby carrots or green peas out and the whole clan comes running for handouts. My grand kids love it. Yellow bellied marmots are the kind around here. Chubby little buggers.
They are cuties. I found them generally how you described but there were a few times I was on the trail and they felt threatened! Close winding rocky places. You don't want that at all! Fierce fatties they are when they're thinking you're too close! I forget exactly where. Most likely the Banff area or north of there. Whistlers!
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