And the cool stuff....


Three feminized Table Mountain Sativa Company LC-18's, and 2 regular Miss Sticky's that TMSC comped me. Hopefully 1 is a female, I want 4 plants in the flower tent.

And the 2 programmers watching over their little cousins. The programmers are so sexxed up I had to check to make sure they were on 18/6. The preflowers on them are unreal, they know that flower season is only 17 days away.


Look at all the preflower pistils, these girls really want to get it on.



They brixed at 16.5 with really good calcium. Not bad for 100 watts of strip lights.
The outdoor plants, the BK Manifolder and the RVDV clone are loving the heat.

The BK brixed at 16 and a tad light on Calcium, so she got dolomite water, and the RVDV brixed a 21! and a tad light on calcium, so room for improvement in both.

The difference is the soil. The BK is in Gaia 2.0 and the Programmer is in Rev's mix that I accidentally double calciumed, so I cut it 50/50 with Gaia 2.0 that didn't have any calcium, so the end product is a 50/50 of Rev's mix and Gaia with good calcium in the mix. But it still needs more, however it's never been topdressed with EWC.

The double calciumed soil is the soil that originally tortured the programmer mother, and now that we are back in it, we get a 21 brix. It could be a coincidence. Interesting tho, 21 is pretty good.

Except for 1 brix of 26 in a very old strain of clone-only Purple Kush that my sweet little old lady friend has perpetuated since 1990, the best I have ever done is 22.

I've hit 22 a few times, but this plant still has 3 weeks of veg left so it may get over 22.

It's in a 25 gal tote so it should do ok, and be able to come inside if in can't ripen outside before Winter.

Tuesday shows the heat wave ending and we drop to 32C forever, so on Tuesday I will probably put the 2 programmers in the veg tent outside to finish veg and then flower. They are only in 7gal cube pots.

I'll get pic's tomorrow.
Thanks @Maritimer :thanks:

I didn't know about the differences between the two. So when you say end of life for a indica dominant strain is that the bitter end, like right into harvest? And would you go beyond the 50% droop to really stress it or is there some advantage to stopping at 50%?
Ahoy @Azimuth,
With Indica dominant strains coming in between 8-9 weeks of flower, I don't see the point of a rescue. To the bitter end as you say. The species survival response (DNA coded) varies somewhat on the specific strains but has one thing in common. When the GRN (genetic regulatory network) has reached a point where the lack of moisture triggers the DNA coded Species Survival Response (SSR). Once triggered, the plant will divert all available resources to the production of oil specifically intended to coat the florescence, as an attempt to protect her seed stock from dehydration. This is how she hopes to protect her species from extinction. We can thank our creator for that.

You all be good!
When the GRN (genetic regulatory network) has reached a point where the lack of moisture triggers the DNA coded Species Survival Response (SSR). Once triggered, the plant will divert all available resources to the production of oil specifically intended to coat the florescence, as an attempt to protect her seed stock from dehydration. This is how she hopes to protect her species from extinction.
So that sounds like the small rescue drinks I'm giving could help. The response has been triggered but now new resources in the form of water are given, and provide more building blocks to increase the oil production.
So I'm not sure if this is the start of a weird mutation but Gee has had plenty of odd balls so I'll post this here.

So my current grow in flower was a mother plant that I flowered. 2 weeks before I flipped her I took 6 clones, 3 clones made it and rooted. I planted all 3 in this small planter like you buy in a flat of flowers. Anyways one of the clones started looking stronger than the others and grew extremely fast and tall like it was flowering. So I put it in a 1 gallon pot, it's now throwing out single leaves and has grown like a banshee. Not sure if I should keep it or not lol just really odd. I attached a picture with the other small clone to show how small they were when it was take.

So I'm not sure if this is the start of a weird mutation but Gee has had plenty of odd balls so I'll post this here.

So my current grow in flower was a mother plant that I flowered. 2 weeks before I flipped her I took 6 clones, 3 clones made it and rooted. I planted all 3 in this small planter like you buy in a flat of flowers. Anyways one of the clones started looking stronger than the others and grew extremely fast and tall like it was flowering. So I put it in a 1 gallon pot, it's now throwing out single leaves and has grown like a banshee. Not sure if I should keep it or not lol just really odd. I attached a picture with the other small clone to show how small they were when it was take.

I would keep it just to see if it outgrows it. My revegger is finally growing 7 blade leaves. It took a couple months.
Interesting. Thats how a reveg plant looks. Any chance after you cut the clones they were left to root in the flower tent on a 12/12 cycle?
Lol nope, that tents on 20/4. It just grew like super fast and stretched like it's, I'm kinda hoping it's guna be a mutant.
It seems like this is the Year of the Mutant. They are popping up all over the place. Hopefully she stays non-mundane.

Gaia Green is a Canadian product. Are you in Canada, or is it available in other countries now?
I'm in the States and the Zon is where I found it originally but now my local grow store carries it for the same price.
I'm in the States and the Zon is where I found it originally but now my local grow store carries it for the same price.
Oh nice! They must have entered the US market. The main plant is only about 150 miles from where I live so it's always been available for years. I'm surprised it took so long to catch on. Legalization must have helped popularize it.
Days 66, 66, 52, and 49 of Flower.

Well these are officially the ugliest finishers I have ever grown. They won't stop until every leaf is gone and nothing I do will slow it. Calcium is still great and believe it or not, brix is still 16. The hard part is finding a leaf to brix.


Trichomes are still only partly cloudy but mostly clear with no amber at all.


Why do I get the feeling that they won't ripen until every single leaf is cannibalized.


The buds are still fine, but the sugar leaves are starting to self destruct now too.

Oh well, may as well keep riding it out now. It better be spectacular smoke lol.

Tomorrow the 2 programmers go outside, and possibly a seedling will be up.
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