Could just be my sight but looks like you may have larvae on those leaves, any signs of pest to you up close?
Can you zoom in more on the centers near first 1/4 of leaves close to pistils forming, seeing some white specs can’t make out….
Good eye but the white specs are Sheetrock dust. Shame on me…:bongrip:
Good eye but the white specs are Sheetrock dust. Shame on me…:bongrip:
This one looked like it might have legs to me :) gotta watch out for walking gypsum too lol

I'm no droughting expert but isn't the whole point to drought?
Well, not really. The point is the increase in cannabinoids that get generated in response to a stressor, no water in this case. But some growers drive a nail through the stem, or girdle the trunk, water with ice water, whatever.

Success when droughting is measured, not directly but, by LWA (Leaf Wilt Angle) that is 50% of the starting angle for a particular, targeted leaf. Typical droughting durations to achieve this LWA change is a week to 10 days, I typically would go 11.

So my thinking is that 3 days might not be enough time to get a satisfactory physical response in the buds, and so far I haven't seen the typical trichome change that I usually get, so I'm assuming it is a factor of both dryness and time at that dryness.

So, if I'm getting major droopage this early it seems like giving it another cycle or two might be in my interest. And just going further at this point might be unrecoverable.

Don't wuss out, you ARE a chronic overwaterer 🤣🤣🤣.
AM NOT !!! 😠

If they are in senesence they don't need their fans anymore, so don't worry if you over-drought a bit.

Are they naturally yellowing yet?
No, actually they look pretty good. I am just starting to loose some leaves. Best looking plant I've had at this point.

I've often wondered if you sprayed the leaves as a rescue but left the roots dry would that help the droughting?

Hmmmm, if we only knew someone who was currently droughting....🤔
Oh yeah, great idea.

Let's spray unnecessary water all over my buds to try to solve another completely unrelated issue :rolleyes:

No sale here Gee. Peddle that crappy idea somewhere else.

Well, not really. The point is the increase in cannabinoids that get generated in response to a stressor, no water in this case. But some growers drive a nail through the stem, or girdle the trunk, water with ice water, whatever.

Success when droughting is measured, not directly but, by LWA (Leaf Wilt Angle) that is 50% of the starting angle for a particular, targeted leaf. Typical droughting durations to achieve this LWA change is a week to 10 days, I typically would go 11.

So my thinking is that 3 days might not be enough time to get a satisfactory physical response in the buds, and so far I haven't seen the typical trichome change that I usually get, so I'm assuming it is a factor of both dryness and time at that dryness.

So, if I'm getting major droopage this early it seems like giving it another cycle or two might be in my interest. And just going further at this point might be unrecoverable.

AM NOT !!! 😠

No, actually they look pretty good. I am just starting to loose some leaves. Best looking plant I've had at this point.

Oh yeah, great idea.

Let's spray unnecessary water all over my buds to try to solve another completely unrelated issue :rolleyes:
I never said you, but you know.if your volunteering🤣🤣🤣🤣
No sale here Gee. Peddle that crappy idea somewhere else.

I've only ever droughted right into chopping them down and I don't do it anymore as it gets too strong, but it works and yeah, they look like hell all dead looking.

If you go @Maritimer 's route, which is likely more effective, you don't really want them dead do you?

His way is to water them back up and grow another week or 2 isn't it?

I do know doing it the way I had always done it gives you massive trichs. Like 4 or 5 glands per stalk. It's insanely potent. No bueno. It makes you sweat🤣
If you go @Maritimer 's route, which is likely more effective, you don't really want them dead do you?
I do somewhere in between. After droughting I like to rehydrate them as best I can and then bud wash them. I think they wash better if not dried up but that could just be Placebo effect (I think it works better, therefore it does).

@Azimuth after droughting can you check your brix for me please?

I'm curious to see if it has any effect on brix.
I will if there's enough left over to get a reading. I struggle with normal leaves so it's a big hurdle. Lol.
@Lerugged I need some guidance here. On Day 35-ish the 1st 2 clones started eating their leaves. Now on the 2nd 2 at day 44 they are eating their leaves. Does this strain just do that? I have been top dressing and calcium is good. Brix are up which tells me there aren't deficiencies. Is RVDV just a strain that eats her leaves as she grows? If not, got any suggestions?



They are both doing this. I have tried running them wetter and drier and I can't stop it. It looks like they are finishing, not a deficiency, but they still have at least 3 weeks to go, probably 4.
Day 58, 58, 44, and 41.



Today the swelling of the calyxes started. I was wondering if it would ever happen. The older 2 are chunking up😊. They are also pumping out more white tufts again at a faster rate. What a weird strain. It's both the ugliest and coolest flowering plant. The leaves look like total crap but the buds are amazing. I need to grow it again but in my soil so I can really see how it acts. On that note, both my tubs of cooking soil PH'd at 6.4 today so they are ready whenever I am.

The younger 2 are deep into their 1st reddening now.





Finally some calyxes pushing thru the hairs😊



I guess if they finish at 9 weeks, which is 63 days, then the younger 2 are only 19 and 22 days away from harvest so senescence certainly could be starting.

They look like they are finishing. I think the last couple grows just have me paranoid🤣.

That would mean the older 2 could be ready in 5 days. I will have to scope the trichs every day now, even if they keep pushing more hairs.

I hope they go for weeks still tho🤣

I want more hairs, I want all the hairs!🤣
They eat their leaves. I've never been able to keep one green until harvest. Mid flower they just chow down. Often there are very few fans if any left at harvest.
They should chunk up so maybe another week to 10 days.
Oh thank god!! I thought it was me🤣 Sweet! She is chunking now. It started yesterday and it is happening fast.

The buds are swelling hard. They are of fairly good size now but if they chunk up like Ikky did or even close to that, they will be huge. When you squeeze them they are solid now. They just need more weight.

This strain seems very predictable once you know it. The younger 2 are following the older 2's timeline exactly.

There is no bullying her, she does her thing and there isn't much you can do to stop her.

Knowing that now , she actually grew really well in a small pot.

It's funny how she can go from the most gorgeous looking plant to a haggard leaf tattered beast, but her buds never get effected at all. They are still perfect🥰

She seems to push all that calcium right thru and it builds up on her leaves, almost looking like thrips damage. She sure does love her calcium. I have to give her a steady flow to keep her brix up, but she demands it so she gets it.

She is unlike any strain I have ever grown. She keeps me nervous every day. Damn Redheads. Evil Beauties. I can't wait for harvest to strip all the ugly leaves off and have a good look at her.

Does LC-18 and/or Wild Lady act like this?

Ikky was a charm to grow, she never asked a thing of me and she grew really well in soil only half the strength that RV is in.

I'm wondering what to expect as the mix I have cooking is very strong nutrient-wise. Well balanced with a good amount of calcium, just very full if she's an eater. It is a mix specially tweaked for sativas in smaller pots.

I think RV would love it but if it's too strong for LC or WL I could always whip up another batch of the soil I grew Ikky in.

Also, after I grow some LC-18 I am thinking of growing some Malawi and Miss Sticky reg's that you comped me. I need to start that mix cooking in the next month or so, do they eat a lot like RVDV, or are they more like Ikky?

The Malawi looks like it would eat a lot. Miss Sticky tho, I have no idea.
I don't see it as much in wild lady. LC-18 will fade. Miss Sticky does stay green until fade.
I think the cooking soil will be fine. Maybe mix in a quarter old soil and then use the quarter of good stuff as a top dressing if needed? I grow mine with compost, castings, old soil and Perlite as a base with a little bone meal and rock dust. I don't get too involved and let nature do its thing. I'll take steps to save a plant that really struggling but otherwise I get a soil of a certain fluffy texture and drop a seed in it and water and forget. Outside they just do their thing. I know that doesn't help you too much. Mr O grew a LC-18 last year so he could help you with an indoor soil mix.
I don't see it as much in wild lady. LC-18 will fade. Miss Sticky does stay green until fade.
I think the cooking soil will be fine. Maybe mix in a quarter old soil and then use the quarter of good stuff as a top dressing if needed? I grow mine with compost, castings, old soil and Perlite as a base with a little bone meal and rock dust. I don't get too involved and let nature do its thing. I'll take steps to save a plant that really struggling but otherwise I get a soil of a certain fluffy texture and drop a seed in it and water and forget. Outside they just do their thing. I know that doesn't help you too much. Mr O grew a LC-18 last year so he could help you with an indoor soil mix.
Ok, I like adding used soil. I'll go that route. Thanks👊
Day 59, 59, 45, and 41.


The white flushes are slowing on the older ones now and calyxes are really pushing thru the hairs as they chunk up, and they are chunking up fast now. The do still have quite a few new white tufts, but it's slowing down. The trichs are still all clear and brix is still 14 even with the self cannibalization happening. The calcium line is perfectly fuzzy.




You can see the green calyxes coming thru and coated in frost.


The younger 2 are still all hairs and the leaves are starting to fade.

Very pretty strain.
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