Durban Poison - Day 33 of Flower.
Family Photo
32 tops on 8 beautiful African Gals
Gee thinking out loud:
The pots are all ready for another 10 days, hopefully they can hold up. Pretty soon I will go to hand watering and get off drippers. There is a lot of fertility in my top 2 inches of soil that needs to be massaged down and in. This is when calcium and magnesium can become lil' bitches.
Theres a lot of it in the multiple topdressings that the drippers wont push down as well as a careful gentle hand watering. As soon as they dry a bit they get a gentle and perfectly adequate top watering. Likely about 2 litres a day each.
Taking control back from the auto-water forces me to pay better attention and right now my main goal is to keep the soil in a state that if a problem arises, I can correct it quickly.
Normally you see yellowing down bottom or whatever, so you react, but its organics so it could take 10 days to see a real improvement. By keeping calcium and magnesium moving properly with hand watering, a deficiency needs to go through about 6 nodes of fan leaves, so 12 fans, before it gets into the colas.
By hand watering and keeping everything in check, I can cut that 10 day turnaround into 5, and 10-12 leaves per cola can buffer that.
If I am dilligent, I actually still have enough fans to get me through 2 deficiencies, as long as none are phosphorus.
Hope I make it