The Capn's Simple Hydroponics Cook Off - Goal: 1lb Indoors - Journal

s1ing, that's a nice lookin rack - o - buds you have there.

50 tops or so? With the crystals going way out the leaves I bet this is a good strain for kief, eh?

How big is that screen? 4 x 4?

Give us your irrigation schedule too when you give us the next update... and a picture looking up under the screen.


I was thinking that too. I see some leaves but man do I see a lot of buds.

Nice job!
Comin along beautifully sling!
Thanks a lot Voodoo
Looking really good sling!
Love the setup.

gunna read back a bit.
Thanks Vick, means a lot
I was thinking that too. I see some leaves but man do I see a lot of buds.

Nice job!
Thanks Scar.
A little off topic but I had to cull some plants and was super pleased to see roots almost as nice as my mentors.
Thanks for the Recipe The Cap'n!:reading420magazine::morenutes::high-five::welldone::adore:
Yeah, definitely +REPs!
OK folks, here is what should be the third update? Not sure cause Im a little off due to the first few days to a week I had some quick fix issues with my Lights and timers so Im like a week behine the cap'n.
Here is a pic or two of the critical +by dinafem. One of the earliest plants i have grown to be this sticky this soon.

I have the plant on a 10pm on and 10am off light schedule, the irrigation comes on 6 times a night for 3 mins each time. It only takes 30-60 seconds for it to give lots of run off so I think another two mins is fine? Chime in fellow top feeders!
Its 10:30pm- 10:33 12:30-12:33 2:30-2:33 4:30-4:33 6:30-6:33 8:30-8:33
I am still running the Advanced N.'s 2 part bloom plus big bud and overdrive. I am also running GHs 3 part flora but am doing that on other plants, just wanted to keep this one on what it was already on, if that makes any sense.
If anyone can pick up on the tension there are lots of raids going on in my area and the local yocals got me stressing. Wonder how many of them make beer, wine or even hard booze? Whatever! I dont want to get started here. Sorry Cap!
Oh yeah 800 ppms is what Im shooting for this week and will bump it to 900 tomorrow.
I need to add another wall mount fan this week and possibly a thermostatically controlled fish tank heater, my room gets a little cold before lights on and by then the res. is the same as the ambient and I dont want that first 10:30 feeding to chilly? Another thing I need some advice on. Chime in boys! Speaking of boys wheres all the girls? Dont girls like to grow Big plants as well as small ones?

So thats what has been going on this week and I will be back next weekend for another update with pics, now im off to find Hiker to speak port a/c's and how best to seal them off
Looking really good sling plus reps chief.

Thanks shottafire, cant wait to show you something similar with a cut I have thats REALLY similar to your Bubba OG:)

So after crusing around trying to catch up on all my subscriptions I found jon705s and all I can say is Santa better bring me a mini washing machine for Christmas. I'll get busy finding my retarded bags that have the wrong micron sizes printed on them.
I want to make some wax bad, not sure if its the ear wax im looking for or if its just wax, guess I'll head back and ask jon.
You should post your tutorial of BHO production...if that sort of thing is allowed on the forums :nomo:

Man I wouldn't want anyone smoking or vapping anything from the way I know how to BHO. If I can learn and perfect a better, cleaner way I will. Jon705 has some killa info on ice wax, the pics look like what I call ear wax and its the bomb, prob my preferred method of ingestion.
I'll post some pics and ifo when I try jons way, looks A++ Fantastic IMHO
Thanks jon705
Looking really nice Sling!
reps on that scrog bro.

jon's post's on Ice wax are what have pushed me to try making some too.
Got my bags all in order, shopping for a washing machine too!
Going for an ice wax tester with all my OD Cotton Candy's in a week or so.
Cant wait to try it!
Awesome S1ingblade - Looks very very yummy! :yummy:
Thanks X!
Looking really nice Sling!
reps on that scrog bro.

jon's post's on Ice wax are what have pushed me to try making some too.
Got my bags all in order, shopping for a washing machine too!
Going for an ice wax tester with all my OD Cotton Candy's in a week or so.
Cant wait to try it!
Thanks alot Vick
Yeah please keep us posted on the ice wax journey. with no butane it seems like the way to go if you want a little more than keif/pollen, not that theres anything wrong with it but that ear wax looks so tasty I wanna try asap
I need to make sure in the next day or two to take a cut of this critical +. I loaded another room with the last of my soil plants and I forgot the critical + in soil is the only other one I have. I'm thinking this plant will be steady gear in my project.

The second pic is a good representation of the colas that are now starting to really take off. I know with as much topping as I've done on this plant that the tops will be smaller than if I never topped and it was a christmas tree shape with one top. I'm still very happy with the way it's growing and HOW sticky this plant is, it's been a while since I've seen a plant this resinous at this age in person.
I grew out a Hindu Kush ten years ago prob. longer but it was real similar, even just plucking fans will get ya all sticky.
The Smell? Forget about it! lol it smells very sweet and fruity. Maybe I will get lucky and it will smoke close to as good as the Morning Star did back in 2005 ish in San Francisco. If it tastes half as good as it smells Ill be satisfied BIG time.
Alright I hope you all enjoy and I hope theres someone out there thats ready to experience what I am now that I am growing Cap'n style!:high-five:
Thanks for the HOOK-UP Cap!


It's starting to be like a carpet full of BUDS, my magic carpet haha.
The trim will be saved for my 1st jon705 style ice wax. From what I'm hearing it's best to flash freeze the trim as soon as possible and then to use it soon after. First I gotta find the other 6 bags, dang it! Always something, Im thinking its way in the back of my storage lot
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