The Capn's Simple Hydroponics Cook Off - Goal: 1lb Indoors - Journal

Please correct me if I am wrong as I am still trying to learn all this before I continue growing but the enzymes work in conjunction with the bacteria converting nutrients decaying matter and sugars into more easily digested substances for the bacteria and plant to metabolise is that correct??
According to the A/N nutrient calculator ( I hope you don't mind me mentioning brands) their sensi-zyme product is used in conjunction with their bennies and even used singularly in later weeks of flower when bennies are no longer recommended.
Once again im only new to this but that is pretty much how I understand it.

Thats a question I have wondered about for sometime. Ill keep ya posted if I figure it out.
Im using up the last of my AN 2 part bloom, got tons of grow 2 part but Ill save it for my greenhouse plants this next Spring. Im running all GH flora Series on all plants other than a couple. The critical + is still on AN 2 part and I just switched her to Overdrive from Big Bud.

As for this "Cook-Off" I already feel like a winner cause The Cap'n has helped me get much closer to where I need to be, LOTS! I plan on continuing with the cubes, so much Cleaner, Simple as can be, Super Growth Rates and the speed of growth is also a No-Brainer.
Coco and Soil for me belong in the GreenHouse or outdoors, but thats ME, to each his own.
If I notice much a diff this week Ill post an early update if not Ill see ya'll next Sunday Morning.
Holy shit Capn, that is one dense canopy! It looks like the light only gets in 2-3" into it and black out below. Maybe a light, but thorough defoliation would help you out. Stealthgrow did a vigorous defol to his and his harvest is gonna be pretty damn big. Just a thought. Great grow teacher. Can't wait to follow in your footsteps. My WW/Skunk just broke ground today. Hope the THC Bomb is not far behind. The tea is all mixed up and bubbling away and squirted about 10-15ml of the tea on the WW/Skunk and a little less for the THC Bomb.
Nice blog capn! and thanks! do you think that the slime out break was possibly due to the enzymes breaking down foods that the bad bacteria could multiply on as well as the good and obviously the bad winning out on that occasion? possibly why enzymes and the addition of good bacteria go hand in hand?

>>>do you think that the slime out break was possibly due to the enzymes breaking down foods that the bad bacteria could multiply on as well as the good and obviously the bad winning out on that occasion

Yes, so we need to be careful, not to fuel the bad guys. And to clarify, what I said in the BLOG is that some *zyme products can trigger a slime outbreak. I don't recall if you said you had a slime outbreak, sorry if I missed that. It's important to understand, I'm not saying zyme will cause bad bacteria. What I'm saying is... if there are bad guys in the root zone... they are just waiting to be fed so they can multiply. *zyme products break down dead matter. I believe it is the process of the matter being broken down, that feeds the bad bacteria.

>>>possibly why enzymes and the addition of good bacteria go hand in hand

The don't go "hand in hand", but it is "possible" to use them together (even though I wouldn't use zyme with or without). zyme won't kill beneficial bacteria.

So there are a couple related points we can devise from what we know here.

1. Sweet products feed bacteria (good or bad). If you've read the blog post on heisenberg's tea, you see that we add molasses to the tea. This is because we know there are only "good guys" in the bucket, and we feed them to make them multiply. But we feed them outside the grow media (be it DWC, top feed, whatever). We could use any sugary product (molasses, sweet, nectar, cane sugar, floralicious, etc..) in the bucket to feed the good bacteria. But we add it sparingly, in theory it is all used up after 48 hours and we've bred an army of good guys. If we add a product like this directly to our grow medium, and there are bad bacteria in there, we could cause them to multiply, and then pythium could take over. If you want to use a sweet product to enhance bud flavor near the end of flower, do so only in the last two weeks, and separate system from your other plants, just in case bad bacteria does multiply.

2. Bad bacteria thrives in low oxygen environments, and can multiply from dead or dying matter in your reservoir or medium. Keep your grow area clean, don't let junk fall into your grow medium or reservoir and rot. Grow methods that include a medium like grow-cubes, rock wool, soil, coco... give the good bacteria a great place to "live". Drain to waste methods are less prone to pythium outbreaks, because we constantly flush out the system. In a DWC system, the water just sits there... it's like pouring a glass of milk, and sitting it in the counter. Would you drink it after a few days? Me either. This is why in DWC or aero, it is important to keep the water cooler. The cooler it is, the less funky it gets.

This might sound complicated for someone new to the concept. It was complicated for me, and at one point I grew using a chlorine product (dutch master zone) in order to avoid having to worry about GOOD OR BAD bacteria altogether. However, after side by side tests, the growth rates of plants when using beneficial bacteria, smash sterile environments.

This is a great subject I could talk about all night. If anyone has any more questions regarding this subject, please post them on the BLOG topic.
Fantastically comprehensive Capn! I cannot thank you enough for your input all over this forum I have read many of your threads and all of them are well written and comprehensive leaving little to ponder. You sir are a treasure of this site. I will continue my learnings on this subject and hopefully take full advantage of it in my next hydro grow. I could just blindly follow your directions and I'm sure I would have great success but I like the why's and what's. Oh Yeh + reps although it doesn't do you justice.
Fantastically comprehensive Capn! I cannot thank you enough for your input all over this forum I have read many of your threads and all of them are well written and comprehensive leaving little to ponder. You sir are a treasure of this site. I will continue my learnings on this subject and hopefully take full advantage of it in my next hydro grow. I could just blindly follow your directions and I'm sure I would have great success but I like the why's and what's. Oh Yeh + reps although it doesn't do you justice.

You're welcome voodoo. It is my pleasure to see people trying out the cubes.

>>>I could just blindly follow your directions and I'm sure I would have great success but I like the why's and what's.

You hit the nail on the head with this statement. When I wrote the simple hydroponics article, my goal was for anyone (new or experienced) to be able to take a "recipe" and produce the same results, with little to no risk. Sort of like when I make choco chip cookies. If I follow the recipe, I can make them perfectly. However, I don't know enough about baking, to determine what I can CHANGE in the recipe. I have no idea why the cookie recipe calls for salt. But I like salt a lot. If I double the amount, it wrecks the cookies!

If you want to be a real chef, you need to know WHY salt is added to the recipe. It takes a long time to get to that point, and I'm learning more every day.

I'm actually thinking about doing ANOTHER simple hydroponics thread... making it even EASIER to read and understand. I gave too many OPTIONS in the first one.

This "cook off" thread is a perfect example of someone following the recipe. Sling is following the recipe pretty much exactly and look at his results! However, s1ing has a huge advantage... he has MANY successful grows under his belt. He understands all the WHY questions. He's a real chef and knows what ingredients you can tweak. By the looks of things, he is already improving on the recipe.
Was pleased to see the nugs are packing on the weight now, was it from switching to overdrive? Maybe. Aint hurting anything that's for sure.
You be the judge.
I'm coming for you cap'n. :high-five:
Looks like a field of velcro covered footballs.
El Guappo!

Senor Dusty, may I have yerr watch whin jyou are dead?
Both of those screens are looking sweet! :thumb:

You're both winners already. :)

From what I'm hearing it's best to flash freeze the trim as soon as possible and then to use it soon after

My understanding is you can store frozen trim. Not indefinitely, but folks have kept it frozen for months without any reported effect. I'm new to bubble hash myself. Back in the 90's we threw all that away. :yikes:

I haven't tried any fresh frozen trim yet. I have a little in the freezer now, but I'm not planning any hash making sessions for awhile. We were hurting for freezer space in the kitchen, so I was struggling to freeze anything and stockpile homemade ice. We bought 2 freezers in the last month. One new, and we got a good deal on a smaller used one. I'm allowed to take over the small one if I like. I can put it in the basement too, but I'm not sure I want to give up the space for something I only use once a harvest. I'm excited to watch you work through your learning curve as well. I guess I gotta go catch up on Jon's journal too. :blalol:
We bought 2 freezers in the last month. One new, and we got a good deal on a smaller used one. I'm allowed to take over the small one if I like. I can put it in the basement too, but I'm not sure I want to give up the space for something I only use once a harvest. I'm excited to watch you work through your learning curve as well. I guess I gotta go catch up on Jon's journal too. :blalol:

You can also use it to cool a reservoir or convert it to a grow box if dismemberment was implied.
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