The Capn's Simple Hydroponics Cook Off - Goal: 1lb Indoors - Journal

I'm here and sub'd. Now going back to page 1 to get fully caught up.

It will be an extremely informative and educational read. I was lucky enough to grab a seat when this journal was much shorter. Capn and S1ing are both great people and generously help other growers, publicly and privately.
Well it's Sunday so it's update time.

I've got the plants solution up to 1000 ppms now, still on AN 2 part bloom.
Cant believe there just a little over 1/2 way done. This Critical+ is said by the breeders to be an indica? Im not so sure of its lineage but i am SURE its faster than my other plants.
Im hoping for 4 more weeks but Im not sure, 3 weeks and then Ill go by the glands.
The Cap'n ought to be chiming in soon and updating his. I'm hoping cause I'm sure his plant looks SWEET!
Has anyone seen JLT? Haven't heard anything from him in a good while, hope he's still doing his thing and not "The Mans"
Allright I hope all ya'll have a nice Sunday, I'm home with the wife and the kiddos so Im good!
That's a whole lotta bud, eeeooowww, that's a whole lotta bud, eeeooowww, That's a whole lotta bud, eeeooowww, that's a whole lotta bud, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooooooowwwwwwww

Zeppelin parody

Great bud porn s1ing! 3-4 weeks left is an awfully long time for such a matured plant. I think you'll hit a pound easy and still have a couple ounces to cook with, as this is a cookoff and all. Great progress bro!
Very exciting to think of another 4 weeks to go with this baby..
Those colas are going to be as thick as your scrog holes.
Think you reach the goal of a pound from that plant? Looks great to me.
Thanks Craw
That's a whole lotta bud, eeeooowww, that's a whole lotta bud, eeeooowww, That's a whole lotta bud, eeeooowww, that's a whole lotta bud, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooooooowwwwwwww

Zeppelin parody

Great bud porn s1ing! 3-4 weeks left is an awfully long time for such a matured plant. I think you'll hit a pound easy and still have a couple ounces to cook with, as this is a cookoff and all. Great progress bro!
Great tune and thanks Sky
Very exciting to think of another 4 weeks to go with this baby..
Those colas are going to be as thick as your scrog holes.
would be awesome, im really pleased so far.
Great update, and your plant looks like it's thriving perfectly. Well done. :bravo:

Thanks Gov, its been more than ten years since ive done anything other than soil or soiless so I am very pleased with cap's. methods.

The Capn is IN with an update.

My upper scrog is a little too high and isn't really functioning as it should. I need to move it down. I also need to pull a few more fan leaves out, as it is a jungle in there. It's difficult to find fan leaves that DON'T have sugar on them.

I'm running my usual recipe, and PH is very stable at 5.8 to 6.0. The water uptake has slowed down a bit, so I'm only irrigating twice a day now. The plant is very healthy. No dehydrated tips, no signs of any deficiencies, very green. The buds are incredibly sticky.

4ml/gal cal mag
4ml/gal flora blend
1ml/gal dutch master silica
2 parts grow
3 parts micro
5 parts bloom
Reservoir temperature: 69-72

My pictures are not as impressive as sling's, as this plant grows much differently. It is not your typical "cola" plant. It makes much smaller dense buds, but plenty of them. When I look under the plant I can see many branches 20+ inches long with buds all the way. From the lower screen and 6 -8" above it, there are hundreds of buds everywhere.

Who will come out with a heavier harvest? Good question, AG! Sling's is looking so sweet, and it will only get better. I have "bud envy". By the looks of it, I think sling will reach a pound. This is the 5th orange I've grown, and I think I'll get very close, or reach the 1lb goal. If I don't, my name aint "TheCapn"!

I'll see you guys in a few weeks with some pre-harvest pictures. In the meantime, check out my BLOG if you haven't already. I'm posting new tips weekly. Check out my poor man's air pot experiment. If you haven't tried the grow-cubes yet, I don't know what you're waiting for. It's so easy and the results are amazing.

Speaking of orange, I gotta run. Grodan girl is waiting for me. She just hit some of the Capn's personal stash. :)

would it be counter productive to just take the top one off? Or would it be better like you SAID to just lower it?
Thanks for the help the cap'n I couldn't of and I wouldn't of done this without you.

Grodan Girls looks like someone put her away WET!
Maybe shes really the wet betty girl haha
See ya on the BLOGS CAP!
Great update Sling! As always it is looking great in here. I wonder who is going to come out with a heavier harvest tby the end of this thing ;)
Thanks AG, I gotta go check out your journal today
Damn! That is one nice scrog there s1ing. That's what I was going for but fell just short of the mark. Nice work! Next grow ill be making full use of bennies and zymes, should hopefully get me somewhere closer to the standard this beauty!
I would recommend the bennies but not the enzymes, counter productive as far as I know, might PM the capn or hit him up in his bogs, heres his blog about teas

See ya there!
I can see what you're talking about Capn, when you say you don't like growing the OA. I feel the plant really needs lower canopy light penetration to really get the most of those small dense buds. If not for HID, or supplement lighting, then this wouldn't be a plant to grow for me.

But enough of that, she is looking good...AND LOL at that pic :rofl: It may be a close one between you guys, as though Sling has very dense cola's, you have a lot more dense interior-growth...We will see ;)
>>>would it be counter productive to just take the top one off? Or would it be better like you SAID to just lower it?

If I take it off, those tall lanky branches fall down. There are some shorter branches that would benefit from being held up, so I'll work on that this week.

>>>Thanks for the help the cap'n I couldn't of and I wouldn't of done this without you.

Nah, I just steered you in another direction and hoped for the best. ha ha ha. So I know it is a little soon to tell, but do you think you will go back to dirt or coco, after using the cubes?

>>>Grodan Girls looks like someone put her away WET!

That's how she looks after hitting the orange.

>>I can see what you're talking about Capn, when you say you don't like growing the OA. I feel the plant really needs lower canopy light penetration to really get the most of those small dense buds.

You're right. It is definitely a plant that benefits from being scrogged if grown indoors. There is simply not enough room indoors to get the most out of this plant... well, not the way I grow anyway. I suppose it would be different if you put it into flower when it's small. She's not the most impressive looking on the vine but I really really enjoy the smoke. And in the bag it's beautiful. I've been temped to cut off those tall branches off so they don't shade anything but I can't bring myself to do it!

Now that most vegetative growth is done, I'll lower the top scrog a bit, and pull off any fan leaves that are blatantly shading buds. She will plump up in the next 3-4 weeks.
Please correct me if I am wrong as I am still trying to learn all this before I continue growing but the enzymes work in conjunction with the bacteria converting nutrients decaying matter and sugars into more easily digested substances for the bacteria and plant to metabolise is that correct??
According to the A/N nutrient calculator ( I hope you don't mind me mentioning brands) their sensi-zyme product is used in conjunction with their bennies and even used singularly in later weeks of flower when bennies are no longer recommended.
Once again im only new to this but that is pretty much how I understand it.
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