The Capn's Simple Hydroponics Cook Off - Goal: 1lb Indoors - Journal

Guys check this out ........GROW!T AD113000 - CoCo Coir Croutons........ looks like a game changer im about to order some

Forget the Grodan, the future of growing is Cocodan!

Is this just the coco coir version of the rockwool 'croutons'?
those look interesting BID
>>>I just ordered some of the true game changer a few days ago. Its a part of the upcoming suprise so I won't say anything about it other than its supossed to be real legit.

Now you got me curious. Throw me hint or spliff or something Sling ;)
Yeah me to cause by then some of the work load will be completed. Sounds like soon you will have a jungle in there with all of those strains. How many do you plan on starting when you do start them. Be careful sometimes one can get really anxious and start them all and then later they'll have there hands full, esp. Beginning growers, but hey lots of knowledge and a little luck you might make t look easy.
I wouldn't start more than two different strains if I wanted multiple strains. Is this going to be your third grow? The new beans im asking about? Cause if its still your first few grows I'd start multiple seeds of the same strain if you want more than one plant, you could clone it later and then they will all be the same size and like the same food, environment etc... I will have to take a look at your journal sky, sorry I've been so busy i can't remember to check my own haha

they should be arriving shortly so it'll be difficult to not jump the gun on my next (2nd) grow. My plan is to sprout 1 and veg it for a little, then take cuttings, the 2 best of which will make it to flower in the heisenberg tea. I'm considering a side by side comparison of simple hydroponics as outlined by The Capn and R/DWC. Still mulling that over as the DWC would add to the cost to start. I closed my journal down due to a male after also failing at the hydro. I will begin another once the ball gets rolling. Might have a cool new design to silence a fan, but gotta do some testing once the fan arrives.
The idea of cloning of the one plant sounds really smart, good homework. When you say your going to flower in the heisenberg tea your talking about giving the plant some once or twice a week right? Or were you contemplating a bubbler bucket aka dwc in nothing but the heis. tea? Not saying it wouldn't work but it wouldn't be necessary.

So here is a pic of what the entry plant (Critical + by DinaFem) looked like this morning. She is starting to act like stretch is about over. if i had more scrogging experience I am sure the screen would look better, but I am trying my best and hoping each time I harvest the next screen will be better.
I think today makes a solid ten days of flip since I had about 5 days of lighting sched. problems.

Before I cleaned up her lowers oh baby lol


I know I missed a lil but I dont want to put her in repair mode so i will take some more off tomorrow evening. Those were some pics I took this morning of how she looks. Hope you liked em
those look interesting BID

Cant wait to see what BIDs up to

>>>I just ordered some of the true game changer a few days ago. Its a part of the upcoming suprise so I won't say anything about it other than its supossed to be real legit.

Now you got me curious. Throw me hint or spliff or something Sling ;)

Here catch!

Good to see ya Hiker
Damn S1ing, that looks like 3 full grown plants in 1!! How did you get it to split 3 ways instead of 2? Was that a FIM? And yeah, I was thinking of running a res with tea in it, is that a no no? Like I said, this is only based upon a thought. I don't want to completely abandon DWC, but the reality is that it might be too risky and costly right now, so will likely just do 2 simple hydro flowering sites to get producing and revisit DWC when I am more experienced and financially solvent.

Your entry is looking fantastic!
That plant looks wonderful Sl1ng :thumb:

Don't worry about your scroggin' skills, that screen looks great to me. :Namaste:
Damn S1ing, that looks like 3 full grown plants in 1!! How did you get it to split 3 ways instead of 2? Was that a FIM? And yeah, I was thinking of running a res with tea in it, is that a no no? Like I said, this is only based upon a thought. I don't want to completely abandon DWC, but the reality is that it might be too risky and costly right now, so will likely just do 2 simple hydro flowering sites to get producing and revisit DWC when I am more experienced and financially solvent.

Your entry is looking fantastic!
Thank You

Yeah sling that thing looks like a beaut.
reps brother. i got the nod from the wifey i think.
Thanks for the reps and the nice words, sounds great
That plant looks wonderful Sl1ng :thumb:

Don't worry about your scroggin' skills, that screen looks great to me. :Namaste:

Thanks Hiker.

Cant wait to show everyone my upcoming surprise, I think im itching more than sky haha
Damn S1ing, that looks like 3 full grown plants in 1!! How did you get it to split 3 ways instead of 2? Was that a FIM? And yeah, I was thinking of running a res with tea in it, is that a no no? Like I said, this is only based upon a thought. I don't want to completely abandon DWC, but the reality is that it might be too risky and costly right now, so will likely just do 2 simple hydro flowering sites to get producing and revisit DWC when I am more experienced and financially solvent.

Your entry is looking fantastic!

Hey sky, sorry i forgot to comment on your comments.
The tea sounds great and will be fine if a "live" res. is what your after (good thing) and you can always try DWC later or RDWC, my fav of the two. I think the cubes will be great for you being a new grower and will still work great when your more seasoned.
One of the great things about growing cannabis is there are so many ways they can be grown and lots of them will get the plant to thrive.
One of the things I love about the rockwool croutons is how clean they are re: run off and how the fungus gnats dont like it haha thats enough to get me to switch lol.
I am not sure all I have done is top and tie (LST) down and thats what she gave me. If I did something special to get it to tri pod like that I have no idea, sorry. If I figure it out later Ill get back to ya.
I gotta get over and see what your up to
Very nice s1ing. Yes I love the TRIPOD too. I guess it came that way from clone. Your set up is CLEAN man CLEAN. The plant looks healthy and the stars are starting to come out! (buds starting to form) I see much dankness in your future. 6 weeks to go!
This journal keeps getting off track and I'm about to de-rail it again. Hey, who doesn't like to see some bud porn?

Get out your napkin and lotion cuz these pictures are hardcore.

If you've read any of my previous stuff, you already know I've been growing TGA stuff for the last year; Ace of spades and orange. Here is something interesting with the Ace of spades. Ace is a cross between, "black cherry soda" (no longer available) and jack the ripper. On a side note, I'm not sure why subcool keeps naming his stuff ridiculous names, when he is trying to promote legalization... I guess he doesn't care about anyone taking him seriously... but anyway I can't knock him too bad, as he makes some really nice strains.

In this journal I'm growing Orange, and unfortunately it is not a very impressive plant, or neither of my seeds were nice specimens. The plant grows exceptionally fast, but buds are very small. ON the good side, the buds are plentiful, and the high is fantastic.

Anyway, back to the story about ACE. From the 5 ACE seeds I started a year ago, I got two phenos, one of which is very "black cherry soda-ish". I just harvested my last ACE today (two bottom pictures). The first pic is from several months ago. Enjoy! It goes to show; just because you have two seeds of the same strain, it doesn't mean they will produce the same in the end. PS, the BCS ACE is also the one that shows "cannabis chinensis".

1st pheno:

2nd pheno, bcs.
They look hairier than a tarantula! Question, would one get more uniform characteristics from a clone off the same mother?
They look hairier than a tarantula! Question, would one get more uniform characteristics from a clone off the same mother?

Yes, two clones from the same mother will look almost exactly the same. The bcs buds you see above were a clone from a clone from a clone... I've guessing 5 times. The buds always look like this. I don't have room for a mother plant, I just keep taking a clone from the one I'm getting ready to put into flower.

This is the last one. I didn't take a clone this time before putting this one into flower. :`( Oh well, time to move on.

I'm working on 3 new strains now. I don't have room for that either, but I'm managing. Like s1ing said before, it's a terrible idea to work on too many strains at a time!
I'm working on 3 new strains now.

Are you breeding, or just strains new to you? I assume the method of taking clones back to veg while flower mom is working well for you as you've went through that cycle 5 times. This was something I wondered about, so thanks for clearing that up for me. You da man Cap!
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