The Capn's Simple Hydroponics Cook Off - Goal: 1lb Indoors - Journal

Nice journal so far cant wait to see the results of your method and someone else using your method as this is the true test is if someone else can do it.
^^^ What he said!
So last night, I was doing my thing, Capn style... and had to share with you this picture. NO NO, I'm not talking about THAT kind of picture. ha ha ha.

This will be the next plant going into flower... in about a month. This plant was transplanted from 1gal to 2 gal only 2 weeks ago, now I put it in a 3.5 gal pot. And then will go into a 5.8 gal air pot and then flowered. I'm certain the fantastic root growth comes from using the beneficial tea I brew weekly. I never use h2o2, DM zone, or any chlorine type product.

And all I can say is... if you're not "doin' it Capn Style", I don't know what the F--K you're doin!!!!!! Aren't you tired of dirt everywhere? I turned this upside down with one hand, pulled the pot off with the other, then flipped it into the 3 gal pot, and the plant doesn't skip a beat. Notice the root penetration all the way up the pot.


I am glad I stuck with the choice of 'Live' Capn! I can't wait to start seeing pearl white growth like that! As I still only have AquaShield & Mycos, I should be expecting to get all the ingredients for a Hesienburg Tea as soon as I can!
I am glad I stuck with the choice of 'Live' Capn! I can't wait to start seeing pearl white growth like that! As I still only have AquaShield & Mycos, I should be expecting to get all the ingredients for a Hesienburg Tea as soon as I can!

Hey AG, your grow is looking great. All you need is the $13 bag of ancient forest and you are set! I'm sure your roots are looking good already.
Things that come too easily slip away at the same rate............your motives are pure!

great quote :thumb: +rep :)

So last night, I was doing my thing, Capn style... and had to share with you this picture. NO NO, I'm not talking about THAT kind of picture. ha ha ha.

This will be the next plant going into flower... in about a month. This plant was transplanted from 1gal to 2 gal only 2 weeks ago, now I put it in a 3.5 gal pot. And then will go into a 5.8 gal air pot and then flowered. I'm certain the fantastic root growth comes from using the beneficial tea I brew weekly. I never use h2o2, DM zone, or any chlorine type product.

And all I can say is... if you're not "doin' it Capn Style", I don't know what the F--K you're doin!!!!!! Aren't you tired of dirt everywhere? I turned this upside down with one hand, pulled the pot off with the other, then flipped it into the 3 gal pot, and the plant doesn't skip a beat. Notice the root penetration all the way up the pot.


That's some nice roots right there! It reminded me you asked to see the roots in my ebb&gro buckets. Shoot I forgot to take pics. It was harvested a few days ago, but I'll pull out the last one I did and take some pics for you.
man those are some awesome "Blast White!" roots you go there cap! So here is a Sunday update pic of whats happening with my entry plant (Critical Plus by Dinafem)
Had a few bugs to work out and three days later I walk in and the doors open, next day the timer failed. Anyways I think I could onsider today a good day 7 from flip.
700 ppms at 6.0

Next Sunday I will have much better pics to choose from. you can def. see the diff in the flowers compared to capn's. I know there diff strains but I had four or five days of messed up lighting and am behind a little bit.
I will do an extra update in the next day or two when I get back. I am sure I can get some better pics and will do so soon.
Same Grow time, Same Grow channel lol
Screen looks to be filling in nicely! Can't wait to share that feeling. +REPs
Screen looks to be filling in nicely! Can't wait to share that feeling. +REPs

Thanks Sky, you will soon enough. As you wait to get your equipment and or strains, whatever it is your needing to get started take care of the important stuff in life and learn as much as you can and soon enough you'll have the stuff your needing and or wanting and be well into your second run :)
Heres some reps for you to brother
Looking really nice so far Sling. And your only at day 7 from you flip so all that stretch should make up for lost time and fill up that screen nicely! Good vibes being sent your way ;)

Thanks AG, I will get a better pic soon and try to update it before next Sunday. I also want to apologize to anyone who has been patiently awaiting for my 2nd journal to show how the room is progressing. Life has thrown me a couple of curve balls and luckily the worst part is the time I have lost. I also want to tell everyone, there is still a surprise for all those that are watching and learning from this Journal. It will be ready to enjoy before this cook off is over.
It will be ready to enjoy before this cook off is over.

HA, this and your avatar just reminded me to watch the season finale of America's most loved chemistry teacher! :blunt: Sorry all for straying off topic!
Damn, I missed the Heisenberg show. Gotta download it.

S1ing, I just ordered some strains today. I think with the freebies included, there will be 6 different strains to work with so I should be kept plenty busy in the near future. So looking forward to that surprise, so I hope you don't keep it that way for too long as suspense kills me.
Damn, I missed the Heisenberg show. Gotta download it.

S1ing, I just ordered some strains today. I think with the freebies included, there will be 6 different strains to work with so I should be kept plenty busy in the near future. So looking forward to that surprise, so I hope you don't keep it that way for too long as suspense kills me.
Yeah me to cause by then some of the work load will be completed. Sounds like soon you will have a jungle in there with all of those strains. How many do you plan on starting when you do start them. Be careful sometimes one can get really anxious and start them all and then later they'll have there hands full, esp. Beginning growers, but hey lots of knowledge and a little luck you might make t look easy.
I wouldn't start more than two different strains if I wanted multiple strains. Is this going to be your third grow? The new beans im asking about? Cause if its still your first few grows I'd start multiple seeds of the same strain if you want more than one plant, you could clone it later and then they will all be the same size and like the same food, environment etc... I will have to take a look at your journal sky, sorry I've been so busy i can't remember to check my own haha
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