The Capn's Simple Hydroponics Cook Off - Goal: 1lb Indoors - Journal

Very nice capn. I am eager to see the orange girl go off. I have ran it before and liked it very much. Just popped a couple of them a couple weeks ago.

cheers everyone and sling nice room my friend.

Thanks shotty, couldnt of done it without alot of you. Its getting close but still not ready. Got the third grow station built and the portable 14000 btu air conditioning cleaned up and installed. It will have to do this coming fall and winter but before next spring i will have to have a mini split, big one. So next up is two 18 inch wall mounted fans but first they must be debunked, fricken barnacles on em from being out in the crappy shed. Check back by 4pm PST for further update, this MF er is making a sandwhich.
Flip day#1 is here! Step up, Gather around you are about ready to see something amazing folks! One of 420Magazine.coms greatest growers The Cap'n and I are going to show you what simple "Cap'n Style" Top Feed hydroponics can do. Yes we're going for a single plant in airPots with grodan grow cubes or what I always call croutons but you know I am a stoner so... Full 16 zip Pound is the goal.
So here she is folks after much blood, sweat and tears is my Critical + by dinafem, she's a first generation clone from the original seed mom.

I will have a screen up and running no later than this Wednsday evening, after ten pm of course. This single plant will occupy the whole four by four tray and a 1000 watt Super HPS. advanced nutrients 2 part sensi ph perfect with big bud and overdrive, not much else other than a weekly compost tea regimen. I want to keep this simple mainly cause i won't have to go out of pocket but also to show you don't have to spend a whole bunch of money to harvest a pound. My eight by eight tent with a thousie aka one thousand watt hid cheap build hps netted me 12 grams shy of a pound, that was nine plants but my point is my expenses running that tent were well under 100 bucks. So for under 200 bucks you to can harvest a pound, or less.
Or you could Read each and every article the cap'n has published here, watch us put his theory to the test and when your ready try it. For that same space and expenses you could grow two to four plants and get two pounds or more once your dialed in. Two pounds for 200 to 250 depending on your setup isn't bad in my eyes.

Everyone here knows Im turning on a new room today but out of mad respect to The Cap'n and to keep this simple and to the point i will keep the new room stuff out of this journal and PROMISE in a week i will have a new journal that will be all about the new room and its progress.
So lets all get ready to have alot of fun but lets give The Cap'n a big thanks for all he does here at 420mag it takes a lot of time out of ones life to produce the quality of information the cap'n does and i want to stop and just say :thanks: my friend
Updates on Sunday for me the cap'n said he will every two weeks.
Tell all your friends to sign up and to subscribe. Thanks again Cap'n
:thanks: Capn :bravo:
Hi guys! New grower here. I've been watching these grows, and have learned so much already. I've had such a hard time with my first grow. Had to trim just about all the roots on three plants three times. I live in the cali high desert and the high temps have made it a difficult time growing. I'll get subbed to this one, and see if I can learn something about growing. Great job so far guys.

Nice to have you here on the forums. If your res temps are above 72 and you have roots dangling in water in DWC or Aero, I would switch to a different style of growing. It is extremely difficult to avoid root disease in warm water with no growing medium. The best way to explain it... is... would you rather drink a glass of milk that has been in the refrigerator? Or one that has been sitting out for days? The one sitting out is growing some FUNK in it!

Check out my article, "live or sterile" for more information. You can save your plant by switching methods now. You could transplant it to coco, grow-cubes, or sunshine #4 or just plain miracle grow if you choose. Mediums like these are less prone to root disease, even when the temp is 75-80.
Capn, you are definitely right! I lost 5 of 6, and will likely lose the 6th too. Back to the drawing board.
It was a lesson in need of learning. I will not do hydro again till I know I can keep the res cool. I wonder how many more Capn lessons will come true in the weeks to come? anyways, thanks for the support, I'll spend more time in your literature when I get back from work tonight/tomorrow.

I am doing DWC at present. Since my layoff 10 Sept, I now have some time to see if I can keep the temps lower with ice packs. They are not dead yet, although they should be. Roots are in the water again, and seem to be doing better. My wife has recently been helping me with changing the ice packs. Against my better judgement, I put some aquashield in the res last night. I'll try to keep an eye out for slime and root rot. Going with GH nutes. I'm gonna keep going with this grow as is. If they give up the ghost, then I'll try a different method. Saw your use of the cubes and top feed sys, so I'll try that if these don't make it.

I've grown plenty of veg's and fruit in the back yard and have done really well that way, just got to get a handle on this new ( to me ) way to grow. That cat shaft is a bad mother ( shut yo mouth), so it's not in me to give up so easily. So, I'll keep an eye on you and s1lingblade and try to learn something.
After watching tube videos last year and seeing all these huge harvests i invested a few hundred bucks and built a four site rdwc based on under current methods. All was good till i started growing the plants that would run in it. Had four gal bucket pails and nice air stones and had em all linked up with a controller and guess what? I got "Slimeballed" I had the frozen bottles going in every three hours and i thought it was the nutes staining the roots at first "wishful thinking" got a chiller real cheap of of the list and still wasnt getting the blast white roots i am in the cubes. Two months later i was still failing and switched to soil. Wasnt getting the yields i was after and was blessed by finding the cap'n and his simple methods, since I've done much better and the only plants that make the burn barrel now are extra culls. The second most important thing the cap'n did was to reinforce the live method, beneficial bacteria and weekly compost tea.
Guys its all right in the Cap's articles, hes got them linked up in his signature to make it as easy for you all as he can. His infornmation is not only cutting edge but its professionally done, doesn't get much simpler guys and gals, if your into K.I.S.S. than hes got you taken care of.
Lets all show the cap'n all his hard work wasnt for nothing, come on! Grow some pounders, leave the quarter pounders for Mickey D's
It was a lesson in need of learning. I will not do hydro again till I know I can keep the res cool. I wonder how many more Capn lessons will come true in the weeks to come? anyways, thanks for the support, I'll spend more time in your literature when I get back from work tonight/tomorrow.

I hope his lesson of getting a full pound per plant comes true in the next 63 days lol.
I was able to see some of the roots from underneath the airpot and thru the holes and let me tell you. Blast White Roots Galore. Reminded me of a pot of pasta noodles when I looked underneath, I couldn't take a pic or should I say I didnt figure out a way to photograph them by myself. If you think about what needs to be done bad enough you can almost do anything by yourself. I'd give those ladys in India a run for there money, they use there heads to carry home the whatever, I use my head to hold all kinds of stuff.
Updates soon? Looking forward to see the first week's progress!

Also got a question. I went to the hydro store and asked about Grodan's. Aside from blocks, all they had was chunks, not cubes. For this type of grow, would that make much of a difference? Studies show chunks hold water for longer due to larger size and more surface area retention.
Hey Sky, I'll post a pic soon. My plant is really taking off. Sub branches are growing up thru the screen, and I've am pulling them down and spreading them out. Now the screen is pretty much full so I will just let them go now.

I don't care for the chunks as much. I have used them. They are not good for smaller pots, as there is too much space between the chunks. It is also harder to transplant from pot to pot with the chunks. That said, I'm sure you can use the chunks with no problems.
I had another idea about transplanting, but I think I'm gonna pass on the chunks and just get the cubes off the web. I hate when I go to the hydro store for something they don't have and they say, "but I can get it for ya". Buddy, so can I. I just go there to support local economy and convenience. At any rate, I'm looking forward to those pics brother! S1ing, where you at? Any updates coming our way?
Well its Sunday and that's update time for me, this pic is from Friday, the plant is in a 4by4 tray and the screen is basically the same size
other than installing the screen I setup its super simple res. basically a 27 gallon tote with a cheap water pump, airstones and a watering ring. OH yeah a digital timer set at the moment for 3 times a night (light cycle runs 10pm-10am) for 5 mins at a time

I am also running a little behind on my soon to be 2nd journal due to my vehicle taking a big dump on me and the day and a half it took me to get her back on the road. ASAP
Thanks shotty, couldnt of done it without alot of you. Its getting close but still not ready. Got the third grow station built and the portable 14000 btu air conditioning cleaned up and installed. It will have to do this coming fall and winter but before next spring i will have to have a mini split, big one. So next up is two 18 inch wall mounted fans but first they must be debunked, fricken barnacles on em from being out in the crappy shed. Check back by 4pm PST for further update, this MF er is making a sandwhich.

Very nice bro.....VERY!
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