The Capn's Simple Hydroponics Cook Off - Goal: 1lb Indoors - Journal

No particular harvest date. I'm growing orange which has been taking 70 days. goal is one pound. It's a go!

One note.. I'll be running GH instead of DM on this one, so it will be interesting to see if there is a significant difference between the two.
Can't wait to see your results. HGHB on YouTube uses Flora for Veg and Flora Nova Bloom only for flower and he reports more than a pound every plant/grow in RDWC. Hope you hit those numbers!
Are you guys shooting for a specific harvest date? Or just final weight? Flowering begins in 1 week, is that still a go for both of yas?

I am trying my absolute best, honest. LOL but will figure out something probably have a good two afternoons of ventalation and equipment hanging, ought to be down tho the wire and I still have to get a screen going. I will figure something out, would never let all ya'll down esp. my buddy The Capn :)
So I will be using Advanced Nutrients 2 Part Sensi Line with some additives. Voodoo ran out and I will be using the aqua shield instead.
Can't wait to see your results. HGHB on YouTube uses Flora for Veg and Flora Nova Bloom only for flower and he reports more than a pound every plant/grow in RDWC. Hope you hit those numbers!

hey sky was that HGHB your referring to the same grow and show as hygrohybrid? If so that dudes getting his cap style grow on for sure!

OK so here goes another solo work trip say three days where I will attempt to get the rest of the vent. system up and tested, my screens built, plants transplanted (not the entries) rooms cleaned and loaded all by Sunday. Luckily after this 3 day I can have a day off at home and Sat and Sunday will be available and should give me enough time to get a soild entry where it needs to be.

Remember Sunday is Flip day #1 right cap?
Like when I was a kid "Same bat time same bat channel" Same plant time same plant channel. I think I will do my best to have a weekly update with photos each Sunday until there weights and pics along with a smoke report (didn't forget about ya buckshot:) are in and this journal is completed. Say ten weeks after this Sunday should be close.

There is a surprise in store for all but if I told ya now it wouldn't be a......?

:geek:Left to attend to plants needs!....... :rofl:
yes, hygrohybrid. i'm a big fan of his work and am working towards modeling my technique after his. i don't yet have all his toys, but one or two a week till i get what i need to build that killer rdwc setup under my 400. not that i wish to be included in the cookoff, but i am flipping my 7 on the 15th with u guys. well the 16th cuz i'm gonna black out for 30 hours, then 12/12. i will try to mimic both your styles, so if possible, comment on what ur gonna do, but if not, that's cool too. can't wait to see who has the biggest of cakes, Cap'n or s1ing.
Hygro and I train and SCROG our plants about the same, but his big plants are all DWC, where this is rockwool. I've watched many of his vids.

DWC is a high yielder and fast growing method. But listen to me now and believe me later. A lot can go wrong with DWC. If you keep up with his vids you will see back in May he was starting a new series for recirculating DWC. He was completely geeked about the grow, and then a few weeks later he stopped posting videos of it. He says he was "busy with work", but even now he never shows any harvest vids or bud vids from it. I suspect he got root disease when the temps went up in the root. If you notice in his most recent video he explains what went wrong on has last grow.... to the point where he says he's not even going to attempt to flower in the summer any more. In the video you can see he did harvest the plants, but the stalks are not much bigger than when he went to flower. I'm not knocking him at all. He is an amazing grower. I'm just cautioning on the hazards of DWC. He attempted RDWC with no chiller. The water pump running 24/7 heats up the water. Can't do it. This also brings up another point... sometimes we change something we think is a small change that will improve our grow. For example, going from DWC to RDWC. In this case, we don't realize the water pump will heat the water and could cause a disaster.

If you think you want to try DWC, do this experiment first. Put a bucket of water in your flower room (with lights on) and let it sit 24 hours with an air stone in it. Then, check the temperature of the water. If it's over 72F, I wouldn't attempt DWC. If you want to try RDWC, then put a water pump, and the air pump in for 24 hours and check the temp. The water will be "room temperature" or warmer. The air pump produces heat and pumps it into your bucket. The water pump warms the water. If you want to argue that you'll use beneficial bacteria or sterile, then that's fine.... but still a gamble.

I post pictures of a lot of big plants, but if you've followed my articles, you'll see I also have a lot going on "behind the scenes". I'm always doing "tests" of different growing styles, different products and such. In another thread, I did a little "test" in DWC where I switch from beneficial bacteria, to Dutch Master Zone. Within 48 hours my roots turned dark brown. I cut off the brown roots, went back to beneficials, and the plants recovered fine. Had I left them in the ZONE, I'm 100% sure they would be dead by now. When I added the ZONE, it killed the beneficials and gave the always present bad guys a way in to my roots.

I have a chiller. But I still won't go back to DWC or aero as my primary growing method. With top feed or ebb and flow in rockwool, I can average one pounders month after month. Why do I need a chiller and air pumps in my basement sucking up electricity and making noise? I don't. Notice I said, "back to DWC or AERO". I've done them both with success, and both with failure. In rockwool, I only have success.

I've said it before and I'll say it again! Assuming you are a perfect grower, BIG yield is 10% grow method, 90% veg time. If you want more yield, veg another 2 weeks and I promise, you will DOUBLE your final yield. Check out the size of both mine and hygro's plants when we go to flower. They are huge, and that's why we can pull a lb per plant (and the fact we've been doing it awhile). Here is a perfect example of a mistake I made recently. I put this plant into flower about 10 days too soon. This will be a 10-11oz plant. Had I waited another 10 days, it would be a pound. (I know this because I've been growing this strain for over a year, perpetually, one plant per month). That's a 6oz loss. If I were doing this for a living, my boss would fire me over this! ha ha No matter how good of grower you are, no matter what grow method you use, you can't "push" a plant to produce more than it's size is capable of.


Again, I want to make sure my readers are clear... I choose rockwool as a growing medium because it is easy, quiet, inexpensive, and it is forgiving. It is not likely to get root disease, I don't have to worry about water temps (within reason), I don't need loud expensive air pumps and a chiller running, and best of all, I'm averaging a pound per 4x4 area under a 600W lamp, in a single plant.

Anyway, feel free to PM me with any comments or questions about the DWC thing. For now, we will get back to our subject of the "cook off". s1ing is going to hit one "out of the park" on this grow. My plant is getting nice size and is on track to go to 12/12 Sunday. We'll see you in 4 days.
Can't wait to see your results. HGHB on YouTube uses Flora for Veg and Flora Nova Bloom only for flower and he reports more than a pound every plant/grow in RDWC. Hope you hit those numbers!

Sky, HH only started using RDWC and flora nova in his MOST RECENT grow that he basically abandoned. I would think twice about modeling your grow after that. If you want to do DWC, model your grow after his previous DWC series, where he uses the 3 part GH nutes and NOT RDWC. Like I said in the previous post however, prove to yourself that you can keep water temps under 72, before attempting DWC. Unless you have a chiller....
Capn, allow me to chime in for just a sec.

While I totally agree on your assessment of chillers being needed in RDWC, I wouldn't push folks away from it so firmly. Personally I think RDWC is far superior to DWC because of the added simplicity with nutrient mixes and the chiller. I do DWC in veg in a too small closet because RDWC isn't viable there and I don't have the space. I also chill the water in the DWC via ice jugs placed in a bath surrounding each DWC bucket. If I had the room, I'd have a 3rd tent & chiller and I would veg-flower each grow in the same tent. As it is now I rotate from veg closet into flower tent after each harvest. I've been very successful with RDWC. And YES I solidly agree, no chiller is just an invitation to failure. I found out about water temps in my Nevada desert during my first DWC grow. Added a chiller and went RDWC and haven't turned back except to improve it.

I absolutely love your methods. Especially your veg and the adjustable scrog. It goes along with some of what I already do and improves on it imho. I am trying to figure out how I can improve my veg space, it's the weakest part of my grow. I just don't want to have to keep buying seeds and with only two tents, I can't clone & veg properly without really stretching out my harvest times and I'm trying to get a rotation of 2, possibly 3 strains going.

I may yet figure it out. I will say this, I'm learning stuff from you too!
If you think you want to try DWC, do this experiment first. Put a bucket of water in your flower room (with lights on) and let it sit 24 hours with an air stone in it. Then, check the temperature of the water. If it's over 72F, I wouldn't attempt DWC. If you want to try RDWC, then put a water pump, and the air pump in for 24 hours and check the temp. The water will be "room temperature" or warmer. The air pump produces heat and pumps it into your bucket. The water pump warms the water. If you want to argue that you'll use beneficial bacteria or sterile, then that's fine.... but still a gamble.

+reps for one of the golden nuggets of advice to be found here at :420:

Capn, allow me to chime in for just a sec.

While I totally agree on your assessment of chillers being needed in RDWC, I wouldn't push folks away from it so firmly. Personally I think RDWC is far superior to DWC because of the added simplicity with nutrient mixes and the chiller. I do DWC in veg in a too small closet because RDWC isn't viable there and I don't have the space. I also chill the water in the DWC via ice jugs placed in a bath surrounding each DWC bucket. If I had the room, I'd have a 3rd tent & chiller and I would veg-flower each grow in the same tent. As it is now I rotate from veg closet into flower tent after each harvest. I've been very successful with RDWC. And YES I solidly agree, no chiller is just an invitation to failure. I found out about water temps in my Nevada desert during my first DWC grow. Added a chiller and went RDWC and haven't turned back except to improve it.

I absolutely love your methods. Especially your veg and the adjustable scrog. It goes along with some of what I already do and improves on it imho. I am trying to figure out how I can improve my veg space, it's the weakest part of my grow. I just don't want to have to keep buying seeds and with only two tents, I can't clone & veg properly without really stretching out my harvest times and I'm trying to get a rotation of 2, possibly 3 strains going.

I may yet figure it out. I will say this, I'm learning stuff from you too!

Hey bassman! 2600 posts and you're still cooling your res with ice jugs. Now that's DEDICATION! I don't mean to push people away from DWC, I really just want to caution, and point out that near DWC weights can be had with less risky or laborious methods.

That said, I've been lurking in your journal and that KK is a beauty. I actually got a few of those seeds recently, but I probably wont crack them for a few months. I've read that is supposed to be around 20% THC, yeah?

I hear you on the veg stuff. I haven't kept mother plants in a long time for the same reasons. Now, when I put a plant into flower, I take 2 clones from it, and keep whatever one does better. Then it goes into flower in 2 months!

Thanks for the compliments and same to you too. Very nice stuff you're doing. And btw, I've been experimenting with the defol stuff. I haven't come to any conclusions of my own yet, but I'll keep you posted.
Wouldnt be my first one lol.
So the better room as i call it is getting closer and hopefully by Sunday it will be on twelve hours at a time.
Cant wait to see how the Bubba OG and the Pineapple Skunk will perform in cook off 2.0?
I've got 15 cookies plants which are two diff phenos and still am not sure how there going to play out maybe half of them can hang out with the entry plant but not sure where I'd fit them two months later, maybe four not eight, no way even with the new veg room. Who knew I'd consider running two Veg rooms lol
I wonder what's God's record harvest weight with this plant he invented?
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