The Capn's Simple Hydroponics Cook Off - Goal: 1lb Indoors - Journal

Capn, as a matter of fact, I do need to save that 50 cents, because, see, I have been saving up for a really long time for this one newspaper and....

kidding. I hope that tickled you a little because what you said in your last post almost made me shit my pants.
1/2 teaspoon of the oil was so potent it ruined my entire day.

I added some more tape, but will tape up the rest in a few moments. However, I also have to ask, every time I water or feed, I have to remove the black pot to drain the clear one. Is there any chance I can damage the roots from the light exposure? I know I am going to eventually damage them from lift out and setting the pot back in for the watering/feedings. I'm a little pissed b/c no BS, I transplanted from a 1 gallon to this 3.5 and those roots were poking out at the very next feeding 3 days after the transplant. Thankfully I had already planned to use the clear jug, but damn, do I really need to TP again? I plan to flip to 12/12 in about a week or two and due to troubles on the home front, I will be moving the plant 2 hours drive away to the boonies. Can I TP to a 5 gallon bucket just before then? I expect that if I transplant to a bigger pot, I will end up harming the roots anyway then, so can't I just clip them some and redirect the rest to grow around in the pot like an ingrown hair?

Thanks for the help, both of you. +REPs to you both, Capn & s1ing
Yeah mang, I'm a lightweight! I was so bent. arg

If I were you I would simplify and just remove the clear pot now, and replace it with a little tray, just to catch the run off from watering. Any roots poking out now will "air prune" themselves.... meaning any part of the root not getting wet will die. And like you said, other roots will then catch up to it. I prefer this over cutting the roots back with scissors, leaving area for infection.

Keep up the good work with your plant. I want to try to steer this journal back on track, but feel free to start your own journal and you can post a link to it here. I'd like to see some pics of your plant too.
Sorry for hijacking the cook off. already had my own journal with hundreds of pics, just got caught on a tangent on yours.
Sorry for hijacking the cook off. already had my own journal with hundreds of pics, just got caught on a tangent on yours.

NO problem at all, I do it all the time ;-) ha ha. I did see your link in your sig but I thought that was done already for some reason. I'll stop by and check things out!
Hey Sky, I'm sure sling will chime in with some good advice but yes I would light block the entire thing or it might be time to upsize your pot again soon. I would NOT re-use that water. I wouldn't re-use any water unless the growing medium was soil-less. Even then, I prefer drain to waste in veg. Are you trying to save fifty cents? ha ha ha Spare no expense, my friend. Your yield will reflect it. It sounds like you are doing well if your roots are growing that quickly. S1ing just replied that he does reuse a little water but remember he is using sunshine mix #4, which is mostly coco and peat and perlite. Think about this... if your plant produces just 1/8th oz more, because you use fresh nutrients, it's not worth re-cycling.

S1ing, those beads look like fish eggs! Very neat.

Your entries for a cook off are huge. Very nice job. How often are you irrigating? Mine is slightly smaller. In another 11 days yours are going to be banshees. I can't wait to see this giant SCROG you are making. My Orange will really take off in first week of flower though.

When I do the dry ice shake, I break up the dry ice into golf ball size pieces, and yes I use that red 200u bag on ebay. Your 120 might be a little big but it looks like it worked fine. It looks a little green, but smoke that stuff and you'll see ;-) Be careful, it's potent.

Man im so sorry all, im only reusing the runoff out of the cubes, the runoff from the #4 mix goes bye bye, hope i didnt cause any problems?
its been challenging to say the least from recently moving, getting surgery, running my project and at the same time trying to get my "Better Room" up and running. Maybe that and being out of my element with these awesome cubes is the reason I've been loosing my hair? Lol jk but it is getting more grey lol.
I hope all yall will accept my sincere apology s and continue to come back, promise i will get something going by the 15th, cap i still haven't gotten my stuff for the screen, will soon. Friday night thru Saturday is set aside to chop, after that and a day with the fam ill be like a lil ant working like crazy. Man i cant wait till winter that is if things are done and i can get some down time, prob not huh?
Man i better get my act together or next summers trip to Disneyland wont even be able to happen
Allright back to work
I'm really liking that antlered look. I bet your screen is gonna be jam packed with monstrous colas! Can't wait to see that in real time!
well its off to the HVAC contractors supply house, looking for parts to get my vent. going. Would be nice to have a credit card (that someone else pays lol) that would have an unlimited balance and just spend a few days ordering away lol.
One day at a time or should I say one grow at a time.
Can anyone tell that s1ings getting frustrated? lol
Here is some pics: one of my getto a$$ setup to catch and reuse the solution (rockwool cubes only) one of the big split on the OG, a couple of the OG finishing this week in the tent

This one is a great way to get the smell of a whole jar of pvc glue to stop when its spilled on the carpet lol.
Things are looking great despite the geto a$$ construction. Question s1ing, did you shave the carpet?
Sling, dont worry about the split on the plant. Ive done it before. it should be fine. Tie it or tape it with painters / masking tape to immobilize it, and it will grow a big bump there and heal itself. I would put a little something over the split to shade it.
Sling, dont worry about the split on the plant. Ive done it before. it should be fine. Tie it or tape it with painters / masking tape to immobilize it, and it will grow a big bump there and heal itself. I would put a little something over the split to shade it.

Yes Sir, will do

YOU should tie it up tho like cap said, otherwise you can get issues, if buds get to big can rip farther if you dont stabalize

You too sir
S1ing, can I have this one??

That'd last me weeks.
S1ing, can I have this one??

That'd last me weeks.

"But Of Course"
Skybound your the 2nd person today who is going to force me to have a slice. Slice of Humble Pie that is lol.
The instant I walked into the tent on Tuesday Evening I knew something was off? Did someone get in and take some? No Big Dummy, your plants are wilting and want a drink. Lots of the branches that were lower on the plant had fallen thru the screen!
I haven't seen a plant that late in flower starting to wilt. I did push them a lil just to make sure they got a chance to get dry out at least once real good in the last week and I am trying this in an attempt to get as much resin developed as possible. Arjan from Greenhouse Seeds says they give there plants a few times of no watering as long as possible, cant remember exactly how they word it. I saw them showing some side by side videos of there strains kinda time lapse like. Anyways I also am trying this because without doing anything or trying anything I noticed few months ago that the smaller 3+ gal AirPots had plants that had better glandular development and I think the reason it was better than the 5+ Gal AirPots was the fact that it got a chance to dry out more often where the 5 gal ones stayed much wetter.
Anyways its good to know but for the rest of the year will be kinda irrelevant, my cubes get watered up to 6 times a day. Of course all my rock wool cubes plants are still in veg. Then again I can dry em out and start watering again when needed. Im pretty well medicated right now lol.
Its amazing how well the plants do right now can't wait to see them once they go to the show, like by good buddy says there on deck!
Oh its time to bake some ziti, gotta run
After 20 hours of trimming I got a days worth of work done on my soon to be "Better Room" flowering room. That and moved the veg. room now that the tent aka room a is done, down and out of the cabin. Soon like what a week from today I will flip the Cook Off entries. Things are getting there but I am still having to shuffle $hit around from room to room which is getting old but I am getting a lil closer to where I want to be each week.
Hey JLT how about a pic of your entry?
Are you guys shooting for a specific harvest date? Or just final weight? Flowering begins in 1 week, is that still a go for both of yas?
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