Cannabis Powder feedback
I feel I have properly tested the powder I made using the given recipe. I've been unable to smoke due to bronchitis so have been using only the powder. I have used it long enough now to be able to say it is not my imagination. It works and it works well, which has led me to conclude that this is a more economical way of consuming cannaoil than drops of straight cannaoil.

This must be because of the starch, which acts as a catalyst. The reason I don't mention the lecithin here is because I add the liquid lecithin to the oil first, before mixing it with the starch. However, the lecithin makes the cannabinoids more bioavailable.

A note about timing. I will monitor this, but what I have noticed is that I am very high after 45 minutes to an hour. I wonder if experimenting with maltodextrin might make a difference.

A note about blending the powder with another liquid. I have learnt to premix the powder by putting my heaped teaspoons into the bottom of a dry cup. To that I gently add just a little bit of cold water and make it into a smooth paste. I then pour the paste through a tea strainer, into the liquid.

My preference for consumption is to add it to a strong cup of milky tea, with or without sugar. I need to dose several times per day, but the high is good and long lasting.

I hope these anecdotes are helpful.
Cannabis Powder feedback
I feel I have properly tested the powder I made using the given recipe. I've been unable to smoke due to bronchitis so have been using only the powder. I have used it long enough now to be able to say it is not my imagination. It works and it works well, which has led me to conclude that this is a more economical way of consuming cannaoil than drops of straight cannaoil.

This must be because of the starch, which acts as a catalyst. The reason I don't mention the lecithin here is because I add the liquid lecithin to the oil first, before mixing it with the starch. However, the lecithin makes the cannabinoids more bioavailable.

A note about timing. I will monitor this, but what I have noticed is that I am very high after 45 minutes to an hour. I wonder if experimenting with maltodextrin might make a difference.

A note about blending the powder with another liquid. I have learnt to premix the powder by putting my heaped teaspoons into the bottom of a dry cup. To that I gently add just a little bit of cold water and make it into a smooth paste. I then pour the paste through a tea strainer, into the liquid.

My preference for consumption is to add it to a strong cup of milky tea, with or without sugar. I need to dose several times per day, but the high is good and long lasting.

I hope these anecdotes are helpful.
This was very helpful, Carmen. Thank you!

I took note of the mixing of the powder, making a paste or slurry first. That might help combat the residue I get when I use the tapioca starch mixture in liquids. I'm going to try it.

I think I need to note that when I say it starts working at 20-30 minutes on my current powder mixes, that means the high starts at that point. Full effects take approximately the same time as you, 45 minutes or so.
The very first powder I made was apparently stronger, that one was hitting to start within 10-15 minutes, and for some silly reason I later added some powdered weed into it after the mixing was done. That batch is gritty, but I'll get it used up.

I'm hooked on this now, I've been sprinkling or mixing into almost every meal. LOL

It works and it works well, which has led me to conclude that this is a more economical way of consuming cannaoil than drops of straight cannaoil.
How so, do you find yourself using less than you would of the straight cannaoil?
This was very helpful, Carmen. Thank you!
You're most welcome LCF.
I took note of the mixing of the powder, making a paste or slurry first. That might help combat the residue I get when I use the tapioca starch mixture in liquids. I'm going to try it.

I think I need to note that when I say it starts working at 20-30 minutes on my current powder mixes, that means the high starts at that point. Full effects take approximately the same time as you, 45 minutes or so.
The very first powder I made was apparently stronger, that one was hitting to start within 10-15 minutes, and for some silly reason I later added some powdered weed into it after the mixing was done. That batch is gritty, but I'll get it used up.

I'm hooked on this now, I've been sprinkling or mixing into almost every meal. LOL

Thanks! That's helpful too. I really want to get hold of Maltodextrin and try that next.
How so, do you find yourself using less than you would of the straight cannaoil?
Yes. How I would normally medicate is to add a spoon of oil to a cup of coffee, one whole spoon would be the dose.

With the powder, the recipe calls for how much was it? the oil? I used the stronger dose. Now when I medicate, I use two spoons of powder to one cup of tea. That's way less oil.

In fact I would love it if someone would math it so we could know what the ratios are.

Then I'd like to try explain the miracle scientifically :cheesygrinsmiley:
THC Powder Infused Pizza Pasta

Some of you have probably guessed by now that I am a pasta-holic. 😉

As the days get cooler and I find myself inside a lot now, the kitchen gets fully opened for biz. Last night I was cleaning the fridge out and realized I had almost a full jar of homemade pizza sauce to use up. So out came the cheeses (Shredded Mozzarella, Provolone, and Parmesan), olives (sliced), roasted garlic paste, pepperoni, fresh basil leaves, penne pasta, and some leftover breadsticks with garlic butter dip. And, don't forget the best part, a full tablespoon of THC Powder, or your preferred amount/type of infusion.

Mixed everything up except the cheeses and pasta in a pot, heated it through while the pasta was cooking. Added some of the parmesan to the liquid in the pot, some of the pepperoni cut into quarters, a handful of the sliced olives, and the THC Powder.

Then just tossed the pasta and sauce together, put it in a baking dish and top with pepperoni, a couple of sliced olives, and the cheeses. I baked it at 350 F. until the cheese was melted and slightly browned on top, which only took about 15 minutes.

I did add a little water to my sauce, so it would not be dry after baking. Consistency of spaghetti sauce.
You can use any pasta you like. I just happen to have a chit load of Penne pasta here.

I had a nice comfy couch lock for a couple of hours, went to bed and slept really well.
You're most welcome LCF.

Thanks! That's helpful too. I really want to get hold of Maltodextrin and try that next.

Yes. How I would normally medicate is to add a spoon of oil to a cup of coffee, one whole spoon would be the dose.

With the powder, the recipe calls for how much was it? the oil? I used the stronger dose. Now when I medicate, I use two spoons of powder to one cup of tea. That's way less oil.

In fact I would love it if someone would math it so we could know what the ratios are.

Then I'd like to try explain the miracle scientifically :cheesygrinsmiley:
That "scientifically" thing is my downfall. LOL I should have paid more attention in Science class, but I had a crush on the teacher and my grades suffered. :battingeyelashes:;)
That "scientifically" thing is my downfall. LOL I should have paid more attention in Science class, but I had a crush on the teacher and my grades suffered. :battingeyelashes:;)
Awww! Yeah lots can make the grades suffer in the teenage years....

Ok but don't you want to know how it is possible that less cannabis can make you as high? :cheesygrinsmiley: My inquiring mind won't stop. It's doing this all the time :dude-knocking:
In fact I would love it if someone would math it so we could know what the ratios are.

Then I'd like to try explain the miracle scientifically :cheesygrinsmiley:
I ran the numbers earlier in the thread but they didn't match what the original article suggested they would be.

It's easy enough to do if you have the inputs like weight of buds used, expected thc % of those buds, and the amount of oil they got infused into.

I use 1/8 teaspoon of oil of a 15% cbd strain for a 10ish mg dose for example.
what are your math calculations?
(Bud weight in milligrams) × (strain strength in percentage) × (extraction efficiency) ÷ (total number of doses) = milligrams per dose.

Into each tablespoon of coconut oil I infuse 2 grams of a 15% cbd strain and assume 85% efficiency, so....

2,000 × 0.15 × 0.85 = 255 mg of total cbd available.

255 mg ÷ 24 doses = 10.625 mg per 1/8 teaspoon (there are 3 teaspoons in each tablespoon and 8, one eighth teaspoons per teaspoon so 3 x 8 = 24 doses).

This is 4x stronger than I see typically recommended as most recipies suggest 1 gram per ounce or 2 tablespoons, but that seems to be related to making the calculation easier rather than a maximum potency issue.

I've looked high and low for the maximum amount of bud that can be absorbed into various oils with no luck, other than coconut oil seems to be a much better carrier than other oils like olive.

Most general herbalists suggest just covering their herbs in oil when they extract and I can comfortably get 3+ grams into each tablespoon of oil to fully cover the bud in oil. I don't know if I'm wasting herb because maybe the oil is saturated at the typical 1 gram per ounce, or maybe the standard oils are weaker than they need to be but I don't find the taste of the extracted oils particularly good so I gear my extracts to the potency I want at the minimal quantity used which for me is 1/8 teaspoon.

I do mostly CBD and CBG so I can't tell about potency without a lab test, but since I grow more than I need, if I waste some herb it's not a big deal.
I ran the numbers earlier in the thread but they didn't match what the original article suggested they would be.

It's easy enough to do if you have the inputs like weight of buds used, expected thc % of those buds, and the amount of oil they got infused into.

I use 1/8 teaspoon of oil of a 15% cbd strain for a 10ish mg dose for example.
what are your math calculations?
(Bud weight in milligrams) × (strain strength in percentage) × (extraction efficiency) ÷ (total number of doses) = milligrams per dose.

Into each tablespoon of coconut oil I infuse 2 grams of a 15% cbd strain and assume 85% efficiency, so....

2,000 × 0.15 × 0.85 = 255 mg of total cbd available.

255 mg ÷ 24 doses = 10.625 mg per 1/8 teaspoon (there are 3 teaspoons in each tablespoon and 8, one eighth teaspoons per teaspoon so 3 x 8 = 24 doses).

This is 4x stronger than I see typically recommended as most recipies suggest 1 gram per ounce or 2 tablespoons, but that seems to be related to making the calculation easier rather than a maximum potency issue.

I've looked high and low for the maximum amount of bud that can be absorbed into various oils with no luck, other than coconut oil seems to be a much better carrier than other oils like olive.

Most general herbalists suggest just covering their herbs in oil when they extract and I can comfortably get 3+ grams into each tablespoon of oil to fully cover the bud in oil. I don't know if I'm wasting herb because maybe the oil is saturated at the typical 1 gram per ounce, or maybe the standard oils are weaker than they need to be but I don't find the taste of the extracted oils particularly good so I gear my extracts to the potency I want at the minimal quantity used which for me is 1/8 teaspoon.

I do mostly CBD and CBG so I can't tell about potency without a lab test, but since I grow more than I need, if I waste some herb it's not a big deal.
Ok that is way more complicated than my measurement. My measurement is the amount of Milliliters of oil that is used per dose to achieve the same result.

I can't and don't care to have my stuff lab tested and I won't know how much thc is actually in the oil, so I look at how many milliliters of it I will use to achieve the same result.

I used these proportions to make the powder:

250g starch: 1tsp lecithin: 60ml cannabis oil / 12 tsp oil

and I take about 15 ml per dose. I need to math it to find out how many milliliters of oil I am using per dose. When I take the oil straight, I take a tsp of oil to achieve the desired result.

It is not thc we are measuring but milliliters of oil consumed.

Does this make sense?
250g starch: 1tsp lecithin: 60ml cannabis oil / 12 tsp oil
But how much bud is in the 60ml of oil? And what's the strength of the flower?

That's the info needed to determine what you're consuming in terms of cannabinoids. In my post above, the oil with 2 grams per tablespoon is much stronger than the one with only 1 gram per two tablespoons. All oil is not equal.

and I take about 15 ml per dose. I need to math it to find out how many milliliters of oil I am using per dose. When I take the oil straight, I take a tsp of oil to achieve the desired result.
The amount of the oil you're consuming is less important than the strength of that oil. Think of it in terms of capsules. Take two capsules of the same size, but one has 100mg of medicine while the other 250 mg of medicine. Same size, but definitely not equally potent.

It is not thc we are measuring but milliliters of oil consumed.

Does this make sense?
Well, it  is about measuring the thc contained in the milliliter of oil. You could put 1 gram of bud into a full liter of oil and that would be an extract, just not as strong as if you put say 10 or 50 grams of bud into that same liter.
My measurement is the amount of Milliliters of oil that is used per dose to achieve the same result
The real test for you would be to compare the same volume of oil, whatever the strength but the same for both. One sample would be straight oil into your coffee or whatever, the second would be the same amount of oil but first mixed with your powder before putting it into your coffee.

So, let's say it's a teaspoon of oil directly in your coffee compared to a teaspoon of oil mixed with however much powder and then all of that added to your coffee. Is one stronger than the other, or hits sooner, or whatever.
(Bud weight in milligrams) × (strain strength in percentage) × (extraction efficiency) ÷ (total number of doses) = milligrams per dose.

Into each tablespoon of coconut oil I infuse 2 grams of a 15% cbd strain and assume 85% efficiency, so....

2,000 × 0.15 × 0.85 = 255 mg of total cbd available.

255 mg ÷ 24 doses = 10.625 mg per 1/8 teaspoon (there are 3 teaspoons in each tablespoon and 8, one eighth teaspoons per teaspoon so 3 x 8 = 24 doses).

This is 4x stronger than I see typically recommended as most recipies suggest 1 gram per ounce or 2 tablespoons, but that seems to be related to making the calculation easier rather than a maximum potency issue.

I've looked high and low for the maximum amount of bud that can be absorbed into various oils with no luck, other than coconut oil seems to be a much better carrier than other oils like olive.

Most general herbalists suggest just covering their herbs in oil when they extract and I can comfortably get 3+ grams into each tablespoon of oil to fully cover the bud in oil. I don't know if I'm wasting herb because maybe the oil is saturated at the typical 1 gram per ounce, or maybe the standard oils are weaker than they need to be but I don't find the taste of the extracted oils particularly good so I gear my extracts to the potency I want at the minimal quantity used which for me is 1/8 teaspoon.

I do mostly CBD and CBG so I can't tell about potency without a lab test, but since I grow more than I need, if I waste some herb it's not a big deal.
scientific method require proof in existence lab results, no assumptions. laboratory methods, laboratory result every time. what are you using to concentrate sacred essence?
But how much bud is in the 60ml of oil? And what's the strength of the flower?

That's the info needed to determine what you're consuming in terms of cannabinoids. In my post above, the oil with 2 grams per tablespoon is much stronger than the one with only 1 gram per two tablespoons. All oil is not equal.

The amount of the oil you're consuming is less important than the strength of that oil. Think of it in terms of capsules. Take two capsules of the same size, but one has 100mg of medicine while the other 250 mg of medicine. Same size, but definitely not equally potent.

Well, it  is about measuring the thc contained in the milliliter of oil. You could put 1 gram of bud into a full liter of oil and that would be an extract, just not as strong as if you put say 10 or 50 grams of bud into that same liter.
I'm not interested in that though!

My interest is way simpler.

The claim seems to be that the powder is a replacement for combustion.

People talk about buzzing on small doses. There is no suggestion that you have to eat a cup of starch a day to get high.

I am comparing my oil to my same oil that is diluted in starch powder. I don't need to know the thc content for that!

I am saying that of this same oil, one teaspoon of undiluted oil is what it takes to get me high on average. That same oil is mixed into powder and I am saying that 3 tsp of the powder is effective. I want to know how much less oil I am using for an effective dose.

Then I want to know why less is more.
It doesn't make logical sense to me unless there is some magic in the starch that makes it more potent.

So maybe I am taking too much undiluted oil and I need a few drops rather than a whole tsp.

Am I making sense?
THC Powder Infused Pizza Pasta

Some of you have probably guessed by now that I am a pasta-holic. 😉

As the days get cooler and I find myself inside a lot now, the kitchen gets fully opened for biz. Last night I was cleaning the fridge out and realized I had almost a full jar of homemade pizza sauce to use up. So out came the cheeses (Shredded Mozzarella, Provolone, and Parmesan), olives (sliced), roasted garlic paste, pepperoni, fresh basil leaves, penne pasta, and some leftover breadsticks with garlic butter dip. And, don't forget the best part, a full tablespoon of THC Powder, or your preferred amount/type of infusion.

Mixed everything up except the cheeses and pasta in a pot, heated it through while the pasta was cooking. Added some of the parmesan to the liquid in the pot, some of the pepperoni cut into quarters, a handful of the sliced olives, and the THC Powder.

Then just tossed the pasta and sauce together, put it in a baking dish and top with pepperoni, a couple of sliced olives, and the cheeses. I baked it at 350 F. until the cheese was melted and slightly browned on top, which only took about 15 minutes.

I did add a little water to my sauce, so it would not be dry after baking. Consistency of spaghetti sauce.
You can use any pasta you like. I just happen to have a chit load of Penne pasta here.

I had a nice comfy couch lock for a couple of hours, went to bed and slept really well.
yum !
scientific method require proof in existence lab results, no assumptions. laboratory methods, laboratory result every time.
Sure, but not everyone can have their products tested.

what are you using to concentrate sacred essence?
I use the Instant Pot method described in SweetSue's thread.
I am comparing my oil to my same oil that is diluted in starch powder. I don't need to know the thc content for that!

I am saying that of this same oil, one teaspoon of undiluted oil is what it takes to get me high on average. That same oil is mixed into powder and I am saying that 3 tsp of the powder is effective. I want to know how much less oil I am using for an effective dose.
I get that, but how much powder are you dissolving your oil into? And do you need comparatively less oil for the same result?

What did you use for a recipe?
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