"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

All great projects start out bumpy. You are living in prototype city! If it was easy someone would be marketing it.

I'd say your partner is one to watch. Been in sales long enough to know that when a deal starts to go bad it stays bad until you do something different.

I'm expecting the tweaks, that's kind of fun really. And I've been thinking of marketing The Beast. Considering what they get for some of the hydro systems on the market this would be a pretty pricey unit. But I figure I need to get at least one good grow out of it, then I'll see what I can do.

As to the partner, it's time for us to have a good sit down. Unless something changes I will be dissolving this partnership. I'm not one to let things fester for a long time, got a problem, deal with it.

But I'm still trying to be positive, if he picks up his end of the agreement then things will be fine.

Okay, time to head up to Basalt to look for work. I have a couple old hang outs that have always been god for connections, this restaurant is one of them. Plus it's a good reason to get my butt away from the computer for a bit!

Later guys, and gals.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hope you don't mind, I just wanted state an idea of what more then likely happened with those cuttings. Sounds like they got air pockets in the stems. This does happen time to time to the best of us. When this does happen its cause after the clone was cut off the mother plant it was left out in the open air (even for just a minute) rather then being placed directly into either; water or rooting powder. Also if and when they were cut of the branch, chances are it might not have been done with a clean fresh razor. Dull blades equal cracked branches, which in turn allows air to flow inside the cutting. Then when we or the grower cloning dips the cutting into the rooting hormone or gel the air pocket gets stuck within the walls vascular cambium, giving you the results that you had happen. Just some info on the cutting situation. Sorry to hear your buddy let you down. I figure at the least this could help give you an idea of what happened or justify keeping your partner. But as you stated your all good, you got those couple extra babies. I know you got this one, just working out the kinks as we all have to. :ganjamon:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

ok stupid question for you salesman. Why can't you all just be honest and say this is the price, I am making blank on you and the company is making blank on you. No nonsense sales. Wouldn't that make consumers happy and you all still make your profit. You don't have to bargin in the supermarket. If there is a sale there is one period. Other products should be the same we shouldn't have to play a game. I get cheated all the time cause I hate the games.

Generally cost is kind of a trade secret. Price should always be stated inclusively. It's the competition that keeps the value fair.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

BOOTumALL I was in your location once or twice.:ganjamon:

Didn't much care for it!:smokin::smokin:

You recognize the setting?
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hope you don't mind, I just wanted state an idea of what more then likely happened with those cuttings. Sounds like they got air pockets in the stems. This does happen time to time to the best of us. When this does happen its cause after the clone was cut off the mother plant it was left out in the open air (even for just a minute) rather then being placed directly into either; water or rooting powder. Also if and when they were cut of the branch, chances are it might not have been done with a clean fresh razor. Dull blades equal cracked branches, which in turn allows air to flow inside the cutting. Then when we or the grower cloning dips the cutting into the rooting hormone or gel the air pocket gets stuck within the walls vascular cambium, giving you the results that you had happen. Just some info on the cutting situation. Sorry to hear your buddy let you down. I figure at the least this could help give you an idea of what happened or justify keeping your partner. But as you stated your all good, you got those couple extra babies. I know you got this one, just working out the kinks as we all have to. :ganjamon:

Hey Butcher, thanks for the input. I was just disappointed my buddy took the cuttings and didn't look for roots, I'd expect to see roots in a good clone. He tried telling me a story about how clones with roots cost more and some other stuff. These kids took him for a ride, that's all. But these are good strains at least, from what I've been told they should produce real nicely for me.

I just hope I can get these rooted fast enough, I don't want the plants to be too different in size. I have some with roots out of the net cup and some are just being placed in the rockwool today, I hope they catch up.

I hold myself to some pretty high standards and sometimes I expect too much from other people. Like they say, if you want it done right do it yourself, and if it's not right then there is only one person to blame. I should have dealt with the clones myself, then I would be more understanding.

I'll have to work on that one, we always have something about ourselves to work on, and I've got a long way to go before I reach perfection!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

ok stupid question for you salesman. Why can't you all just be honest and say this is the price, I am making blank on you and the company is making blank on you. No nonsense sales. Wouldn't that make consumers happy and you all still make your profit. You don't have to bargin in the supermarket. If there is a sale there is one period. Other products should be the same we shouldn't have to play a game. I get cheated all the time cause I hate the games.

Generally cost is kind of a trade secret. Price should always be stated inclusively. It's the competition that keeps the value fair.

Isn't that what they were doing with the Saturn cars? I mean this is the price, no dickering?
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hope you don't mind, I just wanted state an idea of what more then likely happened with those cuttings. Sounds like they got air pockets in the stems. This does happen time to time to the best of us. When this does happen its cause after the clone was cut off the mother plant it was left out in the open air (even for just a minute) rather then being placed directly into either; water or rooting powder. Also if and when they were cut of the branch, chances are it might not have been done with a clean fresh razor. Dull blades equal cracked branches, which in turn allows air to flow inside the cutting. Then when we or the grower cloning dips the cutting into the rooting hormone or gel the air pocket gets stuck within the walls vascular cambium, giving you the results that you had happen. Just some info on the cutting situation. Sorry to hear your buddy let you down. I figure at the least this could help give you an idea of what happened or justify keeping your partner. But as you stated your all good, you got those couple extra babies. I know you got this one, just working out the kinks as we all have to. :ganjamon:

If this happens, can you cut some off the bottom of the clone and start over?
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hey Butcher, thanks for the input. I was just disappointed my buddy took the cuttings and didn't look for roots, I'd expect to see roots in a good clone. He tried telling me a story about how clones with roots cost more and some other stuff. These kids took him for a ride, that's all. But these are good strains at least, from what I've been told they should produce real nicely for me.

I just hope I can get these rooted fast enough, I don't want the plants to be too different in size. I have some with roots out of the net cup and some are just being placed in the rockwool today, I hope they catch up.

I hold myself to some pretty high standards and sometimes I expect too much from other people. Like they say, if you want it done right do it yourself, and if it's not right then there is only one person to blame. I should have dealt with the clones myself, then I would be more understanding.

I'll have to work on that one, we always have something about ourselves to work on, and I've got a long way to go before I reach perfection!

Ya know Fry my, back is a sh*t sandwich... However when it came time to lift my new filter in place I did it... No less then 150 pounds of carbon it say's on the filter... If I dropped it on the Alein8 strain so be it... If my helper was to do that... He would have hell to pay! I hear ya bro on the do it yourself thing, as my body break's down from my disease it becomes harder and harder to do thing's myself... Time to burn one :peace::nicethread: Oh and my girl still need's a hair cut I saved some sweet low cut's for you and you will be getting the top... Mom and all she need's the cutting to keep her small...
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Ya know Fry my, back is a sh*t sandwich... However when it came time to lift my new filter in place I did it... No less then 150 pounds of carbon it say's on the filter... If I dropped it on the Alein8 strain so be it... If my helper was to do that... He would have hell to pay! I hear ya bro on the do it yourself thing, as my body break's down from my disease it becomes harder and harder to do thing's myself... Time to burn one :peace::nicethread: Oh and my girl still need's a hair cut I saved some sweet low cut's for you and you will be getting the top... Mom and all she need's the cutting to keep her small...

After I read your post I went out to check on the cuttings. The new ones from today look pretty poor right now, but hopefully tomorrow they'll perk up like the ones I did on Tuesday.

But I'm getting close to the end of this experiment, if they don't take good by Friday I'm taking a road trip. I'm not really into driving down there again so soon, but I don't want this thing to get too far behind.

That being said, there are several that are putting down good roots. I think once the get moving things will be good, but I was planning on good growth from day one. Oh well, you have to adjust your expectations as changes arise. I mean I really shouldn't be too disappointed, at least The Beast is working, just need to get it properly fed.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

That's a great problem to have brother, being spoiled because you are such a good grower!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I wouldn't let those clones start too far apart time wise. I'm only sensitive to that now because I stared one tank two weeks later than the other and it's been a somewhat futile attempt to force it to catch up. It could be that the Kali having a sativa lean is just not capable of fast veg growth. Well that and you can't fool mother nature!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I wouldn't let those clones start too far apart time wise. I'm only sensitive to that now because I stared one tank two weeks later than the other and it's been a somewhat futile attempt to force it to catch up. It could be that the Kali having a sativa lean is just not capable of fast veg growth. Well that and you can't fool mother nature!

That's my biggest fear, but so far I'm only talking a difference of days, not weeks. But if it spreads out too far I'd consider starting over from scratch, something I really don't want to do.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

If this happens, can you cut some off the bottom of the clone and start over?

Yeah you can. just dip and pray. Cause honestly you never know how high in the stem the air traveled.

And FPF your spot on, if you want things right, do them yourself. You got your game on point. I have the up most confidence that you have it covered.:ganjamon:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Yeah you can. just dip and pray. Cause honestly you never know how high in the stem the air traveled.

And FPF your spot on, if you want things right, do them yourself. You got your game on point. I have the up most confidence that you have it covered.:ganjamon:

Thanks for the vote of confidence Butcher. I'm sure it will work out fine, more than anything I'm a little nervous about getting it off the ground. I just have to be patient I guess.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I'd at least start a strong indica if it get a little late.

Don't mean to be a wet blanket but I have to know if I'm thinking right.

You know, at this point I'll probably just leave a couple holes open if that's all it is. Hell, it would more than likely let the adjacent plants get just that much more full.

There are only a couple that are really questionable any more, that is assuming the ones I'm starting now take, I don't have a very good track record with making clones and of course I've never tried like this.

Keep your fingers crossed!
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