"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Wow, hey everyone, I'm really going to have to watch my P's and Q's, it looks like everyone is watching!

Okay, heat update. I ran the vent from the lights out the ceiling of my garage, it's only venting to my attic which hopefully has plenty of ventilation. I think it does, I watched them build it and the detailing around energy conservation was pretty meticulous. Plus I'm a personal friend of their boss so they watched every step they took here. I think my house is one of the better built here. I'll run the duct to the soffit once my buddy can come over and work on it, probably this weekend.

Looking at temps, it was running about 98 deg in the garage prior to the new duct. While working on it I opened the door about a foot, hopefully no one notices! Luckily I also have a man door on the side so I can get pretty good cross ventilation. When I was done the temp was down to 76 deg, but of course everything in the room is still heated to the 90+ temp. I'll keep my eye on it (obviously!) but now after about 15 minutes the temp is sitting at 83, perfect! Today is pretty warm, 70 outside, and it's now about 3:00, the hottest part of the day. Of course when flowering I'll only run it at night and bring in cool outside night time air.

So, here are a couple more pics. Once I get everything installed I'll do a record set of pics. But here's a little more than you've seen before. I have some trouble getting pics as I don't want to open the garage door all the way any more!

one more profile shot of The Beast:

The duct fix:

The plumbing, the water on the ground isn't from leaks, I've got all those taken care of, it's from taking the lid off. You can see the water pouring back into the res, I'm going to put a short piece of pipe in the outlet dropping it below the res lid, that will minimize splashing:

The heart of the system, the pump, it pushes 2300 gph!

The ballasts, 3- 1000w switchable. I went with the magnetic, fewer problems with lamp compatibility practically indestructible and half the price. Notice the duct between two of the ballasts, that's the intake for my light ducting, I'm trying to pull some heat from here also, hoping to reduce the overall heat in the garage. This is a bit of a rats nest, I'll clean it all up once I'm done with the adjustments.

Looks like the duct may have been today's answer, the temp looks to be sitting at 84. This is before the room has time to cool off, I may be able to get it down another couple degrees. Next set will be to bring in fresh, cool outside air, right now I'm just counting on the leaks around the doors to supply fresh. If I would put a fan on it I think I can really drop the temps, especially when flowering and I'll only be running at night. Temps get down into the 40's all summer long here. I'm feeling pretty good right now.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

My man Fry really knows his design work. Damn I was just looking at it again. Kudos and I am jealous.

MY "problem" with Fry is that he is so darn handy! LOL! I can do kit forms and that's about it!

That's funny, an ex, not the brightest light on the tree, but if you saw her you'd know why I was dating her, once told me, (I swear I could see the light bulb go off), it took her the longest time to figure out what I did for a living, She said, "oh, you write instruction books on how to build those big fancy homes!" Yes, she was blonde.

I figure out how to build things, been doing so since I was very young. As a matter of fact some may remember I mentioned the desk I was building, here it is. When I need something I think first of building it.

The Desk:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Damn I bet you take your time and everything. Fry. Measuring tape and all. :adore:

I put one hell of a lot of time in on that desk, and I made it all out of 1x4 #2 pine and #1 Select Structural Hemlock Fir, framing materials. Several of the pieces took 80 passes through the saw, and 4 of them I had to do three times! A little too much smoking I'm afraid.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I put one hell of a lot of time in on that desk, and I made it all out of 1x4 #2 pine and #1 Select Structural Hemlock Fir, framing materials. Several of the pieces took 80 passes through the saw, and 4 of them I had to do three times! A little too much smoking I'm afraid.

See I knew it!!

HE IS NOT ONE OF US :ganjamon:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

"The Beast" kicks ass Fry! Sorry about the clones man... If you need them I have plants you can chop clones off of, you know that bro! :peace: :welldone:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay, one more pic for today. My partner came over to listen to me bitch about these crappy clones he picked up. We pulled 6 and there were no roots at all! Damn things were just cuttings. I did see a few roots while I was putting them into the pots yesterday. Today I checked out the pots and guess what, roots are showing already! One day in the system and stressed by very high temps and they have roots showing already! Here's a pic. Nothing special, but I've never seen roots out this fast before.


So, the clones. While we were looking at the ones we didn't think would make it my buddy pulls them right out of the pots, there was no evidence of roots at all. There appears to be a pretty poor ethic here in the dispensaries. I just wish my original guy would have been able to come through. We'll be taking them back and having a talk with those boys, I am not a happy customer.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

And, a little more info on the strains. I'm not certain of the genetics of any of these, they sound to be pretty mixed up already. I'm beginning to feel the only way to get good genetics is to grow from seed. We'll be starting some seed soon to grow for mother's for the next grow.

So, this grow, the Russian is actually a White Russian, cross between a White Widow and AK-47, sounds interesting. The Durbin Poison is not supposed to be crossed with anything, though I'll see how it grows. And the AK-Cherry Lime is a cross of an AK-47 and a Cherry Lime strain, what ever in the hell that is! They sound like pretty good strains, we'll see.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Count me in. I gotta see this.

Wow, hey everyone, I'm really going to have to watch my P's and Q's, it looks like everyone is watching!

The plumbing, the water on the ground isn't from leaks, I've got all those taken care of, it's from taking the lid off. You can see the water pouring back into the res, I'm going to put a short piece of pipe in the outlet dropping it below the res lid, that will minimize splashing:

Splashing isn't necessarily bad unless you're concerned about noise, or it's actually splashing out. It help increase the dissolved oxygen in the water, which is a good thing. :)

Build looks super-tight thou man. Big ups.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Count me in. I gotta see this.

Splashing isn't necessarily bad unless you're concerned about noise, or it's actually splashing out. It help increase the dissolved oxygen in the water, which is a good thing. :)

Build looks super-tight thou man. Big ups.

I'm just trying to keep things as clean as possible, the splashing is going all over the lid, I can see that all crusted up by the end of the grow from accumulated dissolves salts. I'll drop the tube just under the lid, it will still splash, just not on the top.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Been awhile since I visited the springs, the vapor caves, and the fairy caves... Don't make me drive up there and hand you a plant to cut clones off of... :surf: Meet ya halfway :thumb: with so sweet cuttings in water and dipped in gel...
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

WOW looks awesome man, Cant wait to follow the grow. What is your power bill going to look like?
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Been awhile since I visited the springs, the vapor caves, and the fairy caves... Don't make me drive up there and hand you a plant to cut clones off of... :surf: Meet ya halfway :thumb: with so sweet cuttings in water and dipped in gel...

Damn man, that is a sweet offer! My buddy picked up some cuttings from the guys that sold him the bogus clones. These kids are jerking his chain. I'm not very impressed shall we say.

My grower buddy does his clones right in the system, showed me one with roots after two days. With as mch water as is splashing around in there the pipes are just like a cloner. Give me a couple days with these. If they don't come around I'll be making a road trip to Mulevile!

Thanks again bro.
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