"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I'm avoiding thinking about that! lol. I'm thinking it'll Jack my bill about $250, you'll hear about it, I'm sure I'll be bitching about it when it hits.

Hahaha, Well hopefully it doesn't bend you over to hard.

I wish i could fast forward to 4 weeks to see how they will look ha.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

loving the set up. i hope all goes well, and ill be watching!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hahaha, Well hopefully it doesn't bend you over to hard.

I wish i could fast forward to 4 weeks to see how they will look ha.

I'm thinking of going 20/4 for veg just to save me what, 16%. Plus a little less heat in the middle of the day may be a good idea. I'll need to get everything rooted first, we'll see.

Those four weeks will go faster than you think.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay, quick report first thing this morning.

Temps are running okay, 83 right now. I'm not sure on the res temp, it was running very warm yesterday but I want to check it today, hoping it cooled off over night. If it hasn't cooled off enough I have a couple of strategies. First I'll simply refill with cold water. I'm thinking the water is heating in the tubes. I had the lights about a foot closer early, I'm hoping by moving the lights up this will reduce the heat gained in the tubes.

Though I don't think this will solve all the heat issue. I'm considering covering sections of the tubes with mylar to reflect away as much heat as possible, just wrap the top half of the tube. This will have the added effect of adding some low lighting to the bottom of the plants, at least early in the growth before the canopy fills in.

If those don't work I need to consider an active cooling strategy. I could buy a res chiller, I saw in another thread someone used a chiller to keep the res cool. They used a commercial product, it seems to me it cost in the neighborhood of $150. I know that would work. But then I got to thinking of a DIY scheme, yes DIY is pretty natural for me.

So, I'm thinking a Coleman cooler filled with ice and a little water. Then have a big coil of tubing in the water, this will be the heat transfer. Simply run a line from the res through the coil in the ice chest, that should do the trick. I've got a cooler, tubing is cheap, just need a pump to circ. the water. It should work pretty slick, exactly the way they cool beer coming out of a keg and through the tap. I'd just have to monitor the ice and remember to refill. That shouldn't be a problem.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Trying to keep these notes short, easier to read, so I'll post more.

Clones. Last night we replaced the 6 that died off before I got them in the tubes. They are just cuttings, but hopefully they will take in the system. I should be able to clone right in the tubes, my buddy does it that way.

And this morning 7 have roots a day and a half after putting them in the tubes. Pretty good progress in my eyes!

But in a way I almost hope a good number fail, I'm really wanting to get some of that Alien8 strain from Mule! That would be classic.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

That Alien8 strain looks pretty tasty from Mules post on the BH home. But whatever you grow, it will be awesome FPF.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Both places where all Deep Water Culture can come to live, love, and play!

You guy's are too much :cheesygrinsmiley: Muleville just got new residents and a copy of their orange card, so we just doubled the towns population. Fryville has "The Beast" for expansion of new residents, sadly Muleville was built too small twice. And we don't offer big cola's their own chair... :rofl:

Hey bro have you tried Mile high ice cream? Tasty stuff for sure no hemp taste at all! Comes with 2 servings for 10 bones... I was reading if you water cure your buds to make edibles with, it will have no hemp taste or very little... I'm thinking I want to get into making edibles, a friend a really good cook says she's into it. And I think the mark up on the end product might make more dough then just donating weed to the dispensary? And you don't need to use the best buds for it! Just a thought a we both expand and will have tons of left over plant matter :hmmmm: :peace: :nicethread:

And 3 of the new residents are Alien8 revegged from flower... So you will get some FRY! Thanks green!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

nice new thread FPF. Me likes. I hate to see the old one go, with over 2000 posts it was a gem, but this looks more fitting for Fryville. I hope you give that dispensory hell. I KNOW those guys know better than to be selling cuttins without roots. Thats one reason that I dont like dealing with disp's. It's not hard to root a cutting, and these guys are probably selling unrooted cuttings knowingly and with a smile. GRRR....the other reason is that yea, you never know what genetics you'll get from a disp. They seem likely to put a better name on them just for sales appeal. You take it home, and it's not anything like what you were promised. Don't get me wrong, there are good ones out there, but few and far between it seems. Good luck with that anyway.

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

nice new thread FPF. Me likes. I hate to see the old one go, with over 2000 posts it was a gem, but this looks more fitting for Fryville. I hope you give that dispensory hell. I KNOW those guys know better than to be selling cuttins without roots. Thats one reason that I dont like dealing with disp's. It's not hard to root a cutting, and these guys are probably selling unrooted cuttings knowingly and with a smile. GRRR....the other reason is that yea, you never know what genetics you'll get from a disp. They seem likely to put a better name on them just for sales appeal. You take it home, and it's not anything like what you were promised. Don't get me wrong, there are good ones out there, but few and far between it seems. Good luck with that anyway.


Yup, this is the last time I'm dealing with dispensaries for clones. I'm getting mothers together now so hopefully that will never be an issue again. But If mine fail I'll be online hitting my bros here on 420, I know people like yourself can keep me heading in the right direction.

Thanks for stopping by man!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Yo Fry step up to seeds my man you won't be sorry. Anyways

The White Russian indeed is a fine fine plant it is the cross of Ak-47 and WW as you mentioned and is a Serious seeds original. I cannot give you a smoke report as I have yet to try it but I do know the yields are huge and so are the colas.

The Cherry Lime/AK-47 must be some kind of local cross going on around there I have not heard of. But AK-47 is the Bomb kind of like Cheese or Trainwreck it crosses well with others.

Durban Poison is a fat sativa plant that is usually grown outdoors. It originated from Africa and is said to be very psychoactive high. I know for a fact it wants to get big and it will my man.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Yo Fry step up to seeds my man you won't be sorry. Anyways

The White Russian indeed is a fine fine plant it is the cross of Ak-47 and WW as you mentioned and is a Serious seeds original. I cannot give you a smoke report as I have yet to try it but I do know the yields are huge and so are the colas.

The Cherry Lime/AK-47 must be some kind of local cross going on around there I have not heard of. But AK-47 is the Bomb kind of like Cheese or Trainwreck it crosses well with others.

Durban Poison is a fat sativa plant that is usually grown outdoors. It originated from Africa and is said to be very psychoactive high. I know for a fact it wants to get big and it will my man.

We're starting our mothers from seeds, except for the Northern Lights from my first two grows. We're going to get Mazar and Bubblegum started asap. We need them to be ready to throw clones when this grow is done in three months.

Thanks for the info on the White Russian, I'm looking forward to watching those grow. I'm concerned about the Durbin Poison due to the size. But I'm finding my partner isn't one to listen very closely. He's about to drive me nuts right now. Oh well.

Later man.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

You guy's are too much :cheesygrinsmiley: Muleville just got new residents and a copy of their orange card, so we just doubled the towns population. Fryville has "The Beast" for expansion of new residents, sadly Muleville was built too small twice. And we don't offer big cola's their own chair... :rofl:
Hey bro have you tried Mile high ice cream? Tasty stuff for sure no hemp taste at all! Comes with 2 servings for 10 bones... I was reading if you water cure your buds to make edibles with, it will have no hemp taste or very little... I'm thinking I want to get into making edibles, a friend a really good cook says she's into it. And I think the mark up on the end product might make more dough then just donating weed to the dispensary? And you don't need to use the best buds for it! Just a thought a we both expand and will have tons of left over plant matter :hmmmm: :peace: :nicethread:
And 3 of the new residents are Alien8 revegged from flower... So you will get some FRY! Thanks green!

Cool Mule, I'll be looking forward to getting some of those babes!

As to the edibles, I've been thinking real hard about them lately. As you mention, I've got a ton of bud leaves. I'm still smoking the kief from the first harvest and have planty of that left too! So, I've got more than I know what to do with. It'll be time to dabble in edibles real soon
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Today's update:

As you know I've been battling heat the last few days. It was sitting at about 96 - 99 deg before I put in the external exhaust, That dropped the temps to about 86 deg. Looking pretty good, right? But the res temps were getting pretty high, I think the lights were heating up the water in the tubes.

So today I put a piece of mylar up at the one end, add to the reflectivity for the lights. Plus I added a piece of panda film over the tubes between the net pots to try to reflect some of the heat back toward the lights and hopefully keep from heating up the tubes/res too much.

Well, when I got home from the caves the temp was up to 90 deg, but the res temp felt noticeably cooler. It seems the plastic over the tubes helped with the heat. But was it just reflecting heat back into the grow space? I'm thinking of a heat removal device for my res, would it be easier to keep the water from heating up in the first place and remove the excess heat from the res, or let it go to the air and remove it via fan? A big science experiment here. Change one variable at a time, measure the result and see what the nest change brings about. Though I do intend to add a fresh air fan for my garage to add air from outside. I'll run it at night to bring in cold night air. Up here in the mountains it gets into the 40's pretty much all summer.

But I made a mistake, I also moved the NL and WWM mothers into my old veg closet and turned on the lights (440w of cfl) which only added to the heat in the garage. Thus I don't know that the reflective surfaces I added were the reason for the added heat or simply the additional lighting from the veg closet. I tend to think it was from the new lights and not the reflected heat from the tubes.

Regardless, I need to exhaust more heat or bring in more cool air. I'm a little too "relaxed" to really deal with that tonight, I do my best thinking when relaxed and in bed, I'll probably come up with a new solution tonight. So, that's what I saw today, let's see what tomorrow brings.

Here's a pic of the space with the mylar finished at the end and the panda film over the tubes between the net pots.

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

nice. I know how ya feel about the heat. My guess was that the tubes were infact transfering some of the heat into the water, and in turn slightly cooling the room too. I was over at Orangebloods page 'the comprehensive' a while back and he was working with a chiller of sorts. You might want to give him a shout. He has been messing with that thing for a while now, and it seems that it would be a wise investment for you.

just a thought. keep up the good work man.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

nice. I know how ya feel about the heat. My guess was that the tubes were infact transfering some of the heat into the water, and in turn slightly cooling the room too. I was over at Orangebloods page 'the comprehensive' a while back and he was working with a chiller of sorts. You might want to give him a shout. He has been messing with that thing for a while now, and it seems that it would be a wise investment for you.

just a thought. keep up the good work man.

My thoughts exactly about the tubes drawing heat to the res, therefore the reflective film.

Thanks for the tip about Orangeblood, his may be the thread I was thinking about. But yeah, I'm thinking I'll need a chiller before the summer is out. It's only in the 60's now, it'll get into the 90's and a lot of days in the 80's. I've got a lot of work to do.

But I do intend to be lights on at night during flower when it's coolest here.

I looked t my meter today, it's digital but it looked like it was spinning. I looked at my neighbors who were at work and it was at a stand still. I'm making some energy baron rich right now! Damn I'd give anything to be able to do this off the grid! The next big step in Indoor Marijuana cultivation, off the grid!!!
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